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Act Now! Describe types of company goals.

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Presentation on theme: "Act Now! Describe types of company goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act Now! Describe types of company goals.
(Employee Actions and Company Goals) Describe types of company goals. Discuss employee actions that can help achieve company goals. Marketing LAP 2

2 Describe types of company goals.

3 Phil—example of employee taking action to help company achieve goals
CITYWIDE Recycling Services Phil New job with recycling company Company goal—add five new accounts each week. Phil’s goal—add one new account each week. Drafts brochure for target neighborhood Phil—example of employee taking action to help company achieve goals

4 hat kinds of goals have you set?
W Get room cleaned by Saturday? Finish homework by 7:00? Become class valedictorian? Save $3,000? College

5 G oals Statements that clearly describe tasks to be accomplished
Set by both individuals and organizations May be short-term or long-term May be general or specific

6 Why set goals? Could be one person or thousands of people
To measure progress— benchmarks for evaluating success To establish priorities and plans of action for those responsible for achieving them Could be one person or thousands of people Keeps the work team focused

7 Typical Company Goals Increase sales Project a certain image
Businesses at all stages want to do so. How much and over what period of time varies. Project a certain image

8 Typical Company Goals Support a cause
Improve profitability/ minimize costs Achieve stability For start-up businesses Can focus on growth after achieving stability

9 Typical Company Goals Expand Improve customer satisfaction
New product line Larger facility Merger or acquisition Improve customer satisfaction Develop new goods/services Increase efficiency/productivity

10 Discuss employee actions that can help achieve company goals.

11 Employee Actions, Company Goals
It’s important for companies to establish goals. Each company has a unique set of goals. No company can accomplish its goals without the dedication and hard work of its employees.

12 Employee Actions, Company Goals
Staying on task Not becoming distracted by personal business or low-priority work tasks Being fully “present” at work Staying organized Work area Electronic files Time

13 Employee Actions, Company Goals
Using supplies wisely Using the right equipment Observing safety standards Showing up—and showing up on time Planning vacation time wisely Being prompt Meeting deadlines

14 Specific Employee Actions
Having thorough product knowledge Can increase sales Can improve customer satisfaction Can spark ideas for: Product development Increased efficiency/ productivity

15 Having a thorough knowledge of operating procedures
Specific Employee Actions Having a thorough knowledge of operating procedures Especially important in manufacturing settings Contributes to safety on the job Keeps costs down and productivity up

16 Following up and resolving complaints/problems
Specific Employee Actions Following up and resolving complaints/problems Improves customer satisfaction Can increase sales May help company project preferred image to public Keeping promises to customers Applies to both advertising and personal interactions Increases customer satisfaction Can increase sales Can help company build good reputation

17 Keeping track of what’s selling
Specific Employee Actions Keeping track of what’s selling So the company will know what to produce more of Can increase efficiency Can increase sales Can help spot trends and generate ideas for product development Having what customers want, when they want it Can increase sales Can increase customer satisfaction May increase efficiency

18 Meeting the needs and wants of your target market
Specific Employee Actions Meeting the needs and wants of your target market Tailoring communications to the target market Advertising Public relations Personal selling

19 What are the goals of the business where you work?
What actions do you take to help achieve those goals? Keep track for a week and go over your list. Which actions were general? Which were specific? What new actions could you take?

20 Jamie What do you think? Manager
Knows the importance of achieving company goals Knows the importance of deadlines Takes on extra projects although work team is short-staffed Team will have to work nights and weekends to meet deadlines. What do you think? Is the temporary inconvenience okay? Or did Jamie make a mistake?

21 Acknowledgments Original Developers:
Sarah Bartlett Borich and Lelia Ventling, MarkED Version 1.0 MarkED Resource Center Copyright © 2008

22 Digital-based photography sources:
Liquid Library Various images used in this presentation are ©2004 Liquid Library. All rights reserved Screen Beans® A Bit Better Corp. 444 First St. Suite B, Los Altos CA 94922 All rights reserved Microsoft Clip Gallery Live Various clipart used in conjunction with PowerPoint 2005® Clip Art, Microsoft® All rights reserved One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA , USA

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