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Review Messages over the internet are sent using binary

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1 Review Messages over the internet are sent using binary
Binary is the most efficient and least expensive way to send messages We used binary to represent decimal numbers (flippy do) To make larger decimal numbers, we just needed to add more bits. When we sent our binary message (ABAABA) we had to establish a communication protocol – Who sends message first, bitrate, how many bits? Etc. Review

2 Sending Numbers We saw in the video how binary messages are sent over the internet. Last class, we created a “Flippy do” and looked at how binary and decimal number systems function similarly as they go through the ordered symbols and create place values. We even looked briefly at how to translate binary to decimal. This lesson intends to connect the concept of binary to how images, video, text, and more are sent over the internet.

3 Today we will attempt to:
Calculate how many bits we will need to represent a number in binary. Create a communication protocol for sending coordinates on a Cartesian grid. Use the Internet Simulator to send the list of points in order to create a drawing for a fellow classmate. The number of bits (remember, a bit is one binary digit – a 1 or a 0) needed to represent a value in decimal is important to how we interpret the message.

4 Message: Goodafternoonclassiamveryexcit edaboutwhatwehavedoneasacl asssofarithinkthiswillbeanexcitingy earandwewilleachpasstheapexa mwithflyingcolorsifcolorsthatflyare amarkofexcellence. Obviously this message is not spaced correctly. Why do you think I may have included this slide?

5 Whaaaaaa? What is weird about this message? Was it easy to read?
More importantly, was the message received completely? Was it possible for any part of the message to have been lost? How do we fix it? This message is not easy to read – yes, it may not be too difficult for a few of you, but it certainly is not how we prefer to read our messages. The entire message is there – received, but could you imagine how a message (using binary) might not get read as intended? We of course, fix this by adding space, correct?

6 Message: Good afte rnoo ncla ssia mver yexc ited abou twha tweh aved onea sacl asss ofar ithi nkth iswi llbe annex citi ngye aran dwew ille achp asst heap exam with flyi ngco lors ifco lors that flya ream arko fexc elle nce Ok. I have added space every 4 letters. Does this message make sense now? – Still, no. So what challenges might you imagine us running into when we send binary messages?

7 Protocol In computer science, and when talking about transmitting information between computing devices: a protocol is a set of rules that tell us how to encode, communicate and exchange information. To send a binary message, what rules might you need? Protocol is a term derived from diplomacy. In order to not offend officials from other cultures / countries, diplomats and ambassadors need to have protocols where they know what to expect and how to communicate and greet one another.

8 Internet Simulator – part 2
We will attempt to send directions to recreate an image – using only binary (1’s and 0’s) Between you and your partner, come up with rules for how to communicate only binary What information will you need This internet simulator is different from the last one – explore!

9 Step 1: Log in to Step 2: Find a partner Step 3: Explore the new internet simulator Step 4: Create a simple shape to illustrate using coordinates sent via binary Step 5: Come up with a communication protocol and transmit message!

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