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IIHS Adrian Lund, President National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Meeting on Use of Alcohol Ignition Interlocks for Reducing Impaired Driving.

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Presentation on theme: "IIHS Adrian Lund, President National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Meeting on Use of Alcohol Ignition Interlocks for Reducing Impaired Driving."— Presentation transcript:

1 IIHS Adrian Lund, President National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Meeting on Use of Alcohol Ignition Interlocks for Reducing Impaired Driving Recidivism Alcohol Ignition Interlocks and the Prevention of Alcohol Impaired Driving Washington, DC August 22, 2007

2 IIHS 0.15 g/dL or more 0.08 g/dL or more 1982 Percent of fatally injured drivers with BACs at or above 0.08 g/dL and 0.15 g/dL, 1982-2005 859095200005

3 IIHS Percent of fatally injured drivers with BACs at or above 0.08 g/dL, 2005 By gender and age

4 IIHS The Contribution of Drinking Drivers to Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities

5 IIHS Relative risk of fatal crash involvement for passenger vehicle drivers, by BAC Zador et al., 2000 g/dL BAC

6 IIHS Potential lives saved in 2005 if all driver BACs reduced to zero By highest driver BAC highest driver BAC in crash (g/dL) 2005 deaths potential lives saved 0.02-0.04851 0.05-0.071,091 0.08-0.09988 0.10-0.143,220 0.15+8,737 total 0.02+14,887 455 821 843 2,988 8,345 13,452

7 IIHS Potential lives saved in 2005 if driver BACs reduced to different BAC maximums maximum BAC permittedlives saved zero13,452 0.05 g/dL11,100 0.08 g/dL8,916

8 IIHS What Role Does Recidivism Play?

9 IIHS Motor vehicle crash deaths in 2005 By DWI convictions in prior 3 years prior convictions

10 IIHS Motor vehicle crash deaths involving drivers with DWI convictions in prior 3 years By license status prior convictions

11 IIHS Effects of Alcohol Interlocks on Recidivism

12 IIHS Maryland alcohol interlock study, 1999 Population: Drivers with multiple alcohol-related traffic offenses now eligible for license reinstatement Study methods: Random assignment to interlock license restriction or to customary treatment program Duration of study: Interlock assignment for one year. Offenders monitored for 2 years to assess effects when interlock on and when off Interlock participation rate: about two-thirds of interlock group had interlock installed for some part of the study period

13 IIHS DUI re-arrest rate during first year of interlocks 64% reduction in alcohol traffic violations interlock group n = 698 controls n = 689

14 IIHS DUI re-arrest rate during second year follow-up No statistically significant difference interlock group n = 681 controls n = 643 (interlocks removed)

15 IIHS Potential lives saved in 2005 if BACs of drivers with prior DWI convictions within 3 years limited to specified maximums maximum BAC permittedlives saved zero1,104 0.05 g/dL944 0.08 g/dL777

16 IIHS Potential lives saved in 2005 if BACs of drivers with multiple prior DWI convictions within 3 years limited to specified maximums maximum BAC permittedlives saved zero158 0.05 g/dL138 0.08 g/dL115

17 IIHS Alcohol ignition interlocks for drivers convicted of DWI Pluses and minuses Pluses Reduces recidivism by nearly 2/3 Reductions might be higher if installation rates were greater Fatal crash reductions –600-800 if applied to first offenders –100 if multiple offenders Natural laboratory to test new technology that could be applied to general population –more than 8,000 deaths prevented if limit set at 0.08 g/dl Minuses ?

18 IIHS Minimum requirements of technologies that would be suitable for use in all vehicles Small Quick to use Accurate Reliable Repeatable Durable, robust No or low maintenance Virtually invisible to sober drivers Small Quick to use Accurate Reliable Repeatable Durable, robust No or low maintenance Virtually invisible to sober drivers

19 IIHS Technology exists but is not easy or unobtrusive Tissue spectroscopy

20 IIHS For more information:

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