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Published byDominick Joseph Modified over 6 years ago
The LIFE program 13th Meeting of the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG), Brussels, 13/05/2014 Dørte PARDO LÓPEZ DG Environment, Unit E.3 European Commission
The LIFE program Legal background (structure and budgets; thematic priorities) Project types Project topics Project application process 07/11/2018
1. What is LIFE? The only EU financial instrument specifically targeting exclusively the environment and climate change Directly managed (Commission, EASME) Benefiaries include public authorities, businesses (in particular SMEs), NGOs, …. 07/11/2018
2. Where are we? No. 4.5 Common Strategic Framework with the obligation to ensure complementarity with LIFE (Annex I to Regulation 1083/ Common Provisions Regulation; applicable as of 01/01/2014) LIFE Regulation with project types and thematic priorities (Regulation 1293/2013; applicable as of 01/01/2014) LIFE Multiannual Work Programme for with project topics and framework regarding budget, project evaluation and selection, indicators (Implementing Decision 2014/203/EU; applicable as of 19/03/2014) 07/11/2018
3. Two sub-programmes: Environment and Climate Action
07/11/2018 3. Two sub-programmes: Environment and Climate Action 3.1 LIFE Sub-programme for Environment Three priority areas: Environment and Resource Efficiency (ENV) Nature and Biodiversity (NAT/BIO) Environmental Governance and Information (GIE) Thematic priorities for each of the priority areas Project topics under each thematic priority Sub-programme ENV: 75% of total; Nature&Biodiversity: 55% of the 81% of sub-pörogramme environment minus financial instruments, i.e. minus 30 mio. 07/11/2018
3.2 Sub-programme for Climate Action
07/11/2018 3.2 Sub-programme for Climate Action Three priority areas: Climate Change Mitigation (CCM) Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Climate Change Governance and Information (GIC) NO thematic priorities NO project topics, but "favoured themes" 07/11/2018
4. Thematic priority Marine (ENV)
Thematic priorities for Water, including the marine environment: activities for the implementation of the specific objectives for water set out in the Roadmap for a Resource-Efficient Europe and the 7th Environment Action Programme, in particular: (i) integrated approaches for the implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC; (ii) activities for the implementation of Directive 2007/60/EC; (iii) activities for the implementation of the programme of measures of Directive 2008/56/EC with a view to achieving good environmental status of marine waters; (iv) activities to ensure safe and efficient use of water resources, improving quantitative water management, preserving a high level of water quality and avoiding misuse and deterioration of water resources. 07/11/2018
5. Thematic priority Marine (NAT/BIO)
Thematic priorities for Nature: activities for the implementation of Directives 92/43/EEC and 2009/147/EC, in particular: (i) activities aimed at improving the conservation status of habitats and species, including marine habitats and species of Union interest; (ii) activities in support of the Natura 2000 network bio-geographical seminars; (iii) integrated approaches for the implementation of prioritised action frameworks. Thematic priorities for Biodiversity: activities for the implementation of the Union Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (Targets ). 07/11/2018
6. Project topics ENV: Marine and coastal management
1. Projects developing tools, technologies and practices to ensure the sustainability of economic activities related to the marine environment (reducing the pressure of economic activities on the marine environment; mainstream marine resource sustainability into maritime economic sectors). Projects are expected to include the development of related management plans. 2. Projects aiming at preventing and reducing marine litter or microbial contaminants (addressing also their sources). 07/11/2018
6. Project topics ENV: Marine and coastal management (cont.)
3. Projects promoting synergies between integrated coastal management and maritime spatial planning; demonstrating the added value of coordinating them in new marine contexts; or connecting them with the procedures for designating and managing Marine Protected Areas or Natura 2000 sites; supporting the concrete implementation of sea basin strategies. 07/11/2018
7. Project topics NAT/BIO: Marine
Projects addressing the marine component of the implementation of the Habitats and Birds Directives and related provisions under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, in particular where such projects focus on one or several of the following actions: completing and finalising national inventories for setting up the offshore marine Natura 2000 network of sites; restoration and management of marine Natura sites, including the preparation and implementation of site management plans; 07/11/2018
7. Project topics NAT/BIO: Marine (cont. )
c. actions addressing species-, habitat- or site-related conflicts between marine conservation and fishermen or other "marine users", as well as actions which combine conservation measures with a sustainable use of Natura sites; d. demonstrative or innovative approaches to assess or monitor the impact of human activities on critical marine habitats and species as a tool to guide active conservation measures . 07/11/2018
8. Project topics GEI: Marine
3. Projects aiming to initiate beach and sea clean-up schemes as a means to increase awareness of the impacts of marine litter, and thereby increasing awareness on issues related to the protection of the marine environment that are targeted by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. 07/11/2018
8. Project topics GEI: Marine (cont.)
4. Awareness-raising on MSFD obligations and opportunities (other than marine litter, see point 3 above), targeting authorities and other stakeholders, in particular from within the fisheries and maritime sectors who can contribute to identifying cost effective solutions to be included in Marine Strategies and Programmes of Measures with a view to the achievement of ‘good environmental status’ in line with the 11 Descriptors set out in Annex I to the MSFD. 5. Projects where stakeholders and authorities collaborate transnationally across borders of national jurisdictions on implementing Sea Basin Strategies. 07/11/2018
9. Project types overview
Projects and funding types similar to LIFE+: "traditional projects" (pilot, demonstration, best practice, information projects), NGOs operating grants, technical assistance contracts new types: integrated projects, technical assistance projects, capacity building projects, preparatory projects, projects financed through financial instruments. 07/11/2018
8. What are "traditional Projects"?
Projects targeting project topics set in the multiannual WP. ENV: only innovation (pilot) and demonstration projects, NAT/BIO: also best practice projects; GEI/GIC: dissemination/information projects. Applications in one round with a full proposal. National budget allocations apply ( ) 07/11/2018
11. What are Integrated Projects?
Aim at implementation of plans, programmes or strategies required by EU environmental or climate legislation or pursuant to other acts or developed by MS authorities; In the areas of nature/biodiversity (focus on Natura 2000 – to implement Prioritised Action Frameworks), water (RBMP) with Marine complementary, waste, air, climate change mitigation and adaptation; Large scale, e.g., regional, multiregional, national; Mobilisation of other – EU, national, private - funds is required; Involvement of stakeholders Sustainability 07/11/2018
12. Integrated Projects Complementarity with other funds:
Geographical balance: 3 IPs per Member State over 7 years Complementarity with other funds: Specific section (4.5) in the Common Provisions Regulation regarding LIFE: Member States shall promote and, where appropriate […] ensure complementarity and coordination with LIFE, in particular with integrated projects […] through measures such as […] promoting the funding of activities through the European Structural and Investment Funds that complement IPs Reference in sectoral regulations, Partnership Agreements and in OPs/RDPs 07/11/2018
13. Integrated Projects (cont.)
Application/Selection: 2-step application procedure 1. Concept note: to be accompanied by a) a Financial Plan to demonstrate compliance with the obligation to mobilise funds and b) the plan or strategy (i.e. PAF) 2. The full proposal including full set of forms and a letter of intent from at least one other funding source 07/11/2018
10. The co-financing rates
Co-financing rate 60% (as of 2018: 55% for ENV), except for projects targeting priority habitats and species: 75% 07/11/2018
LIFE 2014-2020 - Budget Total budget of €3.5 billion
07/11/2018 LIFE Budget Total budget of €3.5 billion For projects funded by action grants and financial instruments: €2.8 billion (81% of total) Environment sub-programme €2.1 billion for projects Nature & Biodiversity including related governance and information €1.22 billion (more than 55% of sub- programme ENV minus financial instruments) Climate action sub-programme €0.69 billion for projects IPs budget: Max. €770 million for 7 years, of which about €604 million for Environment sub-programme Operating grants to environmental and climate NGOs €63 million Sub-programme ENV: 75% of total; Nature&Biodiversity: 55% of the 81% of sub-programme encironement minus financial instruments, i.e. minus 30 mio. (contribution to NCFF only during the first MAWP period) 07/11/2018
LIFE 2014 - Budget Total budget of € 404.6 million
07/11/2018 LIFE Budget Total budget of € million For projects funded by action grants and financial instruments: €324.6 million (81% of total) Environment sub-programme €245.4 million for projects (€165.4 for "traditional" projects) Nature & Biodiversity including related governance and information € million (55% of sub-programme ENV minus financial instruments) Climate action sub-programme €79.2 million for projects IP Budget: €61.5 million (all for Environment sub-programme) Operating grants to environmental and climate NGOs €9 million Sub-programme ENV: 75% of total; Nature&Biodiversity: 55% of the 81% of sub-pörogramme environment minus financial instruments, i.e. minus 30 mio. 07/11/2018
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