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ACT Review Science Reasoning.

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1 ACT Review Science Reasoning

2 Approach to Test Readiness
Know the STRATEGIES Know the TEST Know the CONTENT

3 Know the CONTENT There are passages on biology, physical sciences, chemistry, and physics. Don’t Panic Science Reasoning skills rather than recall of scientific facts Scientific Method

4 Know the TEST 35 minutes to answer 40 questions
Questions are based on 7 passages: Data Representation Research Summaries Conflicting View Points (or Charts & Graphs) (or Experiments) (or Fighting Scientists)

5 Know the TEST 3 different types of questions:
Understanding “Look it up” Read and Understand Presented Data Analysis “Why” Analyze Data Draw general conclusions Generalization “What if” Analyze Data Draw conclusion Predict Outcome

6 Know the STRATEGIES General Test Taking Tips Scan the passages
(Use the margins for notes) Look at questions/ Identify Type/ Triage Process of Elimination Letter of the day Time management 2-3 minutes to read passages 35-41 seconds per question

7 Know the STRATEGIES – 3 Types
Data Representation Skip Introduction Identify variables Independent Dependent Units?? Charts/graphs/tables Manipulated, changed purposely Always found on the x-axis of graph Measured, affected variable Always found on the y-axis of graph

8 Know the STRATEGIES Data Representation
Bar graphs Easiest type to interpret What are the variables? How are they measured?

9 Know the STRATEGIES Data Representation Linear graphs
Positive Linear or Direct Relationship Increase in X-axis leads to an increase in y-axis

10 Know the STRATEGIES Data Representation Linear graphs
Negative Linear or Inverse Relationship Increase in X-axis leads to an decrease in y-axis

11 Know the STRATEGIES Data Representation Exponential graphs
Changes in Y are exponential And become greater the more X increases

12 Know the STRATEGIES Data Representation Scatter Diagrams
“Best Fit” Line Represents the average of all Data points

13 Know the STRATEGIES Data Representation Flat Lines
No relationship between the variables 2 elements on graph have NO effect on each other

14 Know the STRATEGIES Data Representation Interpolate vs. Extrapolate
To insert or introduce between other elements or parts. Extrapolate – To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information.

15 Know the STRATEGIES Data Representation Charts/ Tables # of half-lives
Remaining fraction 1 2 3 1/8 4 1/16

16 Know the STRATEGIES Data Representation Illustrations

17 Know the STRATEGIES – 3 Types
Research Summaries Scan Experiments/Charts Identify Objective –What is the purpose of the study? Usually found at the beginning or end of introduction Underline the objective/purpose Identify Method of Research- How? Independent & Dependent variables Controlled variables Take notes (Identify differences between experiments) Identify the results- What did they find out? Similarities/Differences Identify trends in data

18 Know the STRATEGIES – 3 Types
Conflicting Viewpoints Read Questions First Hypothesis 1, Hypothesis 2, or both Read one side at a time Read the one with the most questions first Underline main point Read the other side Underline Main point Underline Disagreements with the first Underline Agreements with the first Answer Compare and Contrast questions last

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