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Nationalism Is the belief that people should be loyal to those with whom they share common history, customs, origins, and sometimes language or religion.

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Presentation on theme: "Nationalism Is the belief that people should be loyal to those with whom they share common history, customs, origins, and sometimes language or religion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nationalism Is the belief that people should be loyal to those with whom they share common history, customs, origins, and sometimes language or religion. Ex: The Jews in Israel or any country really


3 Nationalism in India In 1858 India was colonized by the British Empire because of its valuable resources and location. (trade with other countries) The people of India were NOT happy about this!


5 British India in 1800 British India in 1700

6 British Come to Stay By 1800s the British had taken over most of India. Had its own army, taxed the people, set up governments, and exported India’s raw materials back home to be made into finished goods.

7 The Upside of the Brits The British built new roads, railroads, telegraphs, schools, hospitals and brought new jobs to India.

8 Forget this Mess The Indians complaints were: Heavy taxes
Unfair government representation Had to buy expensive British finished goods Treated as 2nd class citizens

9 Early Movements Indian National Congress (1885) – attracted Hindus
Muslim League (1906) – attracted Muslims Both attracted enough followers to start rising up and fighting for their independence from British Rule.

10 Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi
The leader of the Indian National Congress supporting the non-violent civil disobedience against Britain. His goal was to show the injustice of British Colonial rule in India.

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12 Civil Disobedience Boycott – Refusal to buy a certain product
The Indians refused to buy British-made goods They refused to attend second-class (crappy) schools They also refused to pay unfair (high) taxes. This hurt the British economy which led them to fight/beat the Indians but the Indians never retaliated (non-violent)

13 Indian Independence Government of India Act (1935) – India had some control over their country but not enough Post WWII – Britain gave up its rule over India and it became Independent.

14 Muslims moved to East Pakistan and West Pakistan while India remained mostly Hindu.

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