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Waste Management in Scotland September 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Waste Management in Scotland September 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Waste Management in Scotland September 2018
Charlie Devine – Head of Resource Management @zerowastescot

2 What's coming up About Zero Waste Scotland
What are we trying to achieve What are our Drivers for Change Some examples of our work Q & A Zero Waste Scotland body text slide.

3 About Zero Waste Scotland
We are Scotland’s Circular Economy Experts, recognised internationally for our contribution to delivering a Zero Waste future. Funded by the Scottish Government and European Regional Development Fund. Zero Waste Scotland is a not-for-profit private company, limited by guarantee, established in 2014. We employ around 100 staff, based in Stirling, and we receive funding from the Scottish Government to support its circular economy, resource efficiency and other low carbon policy priorities. Zero Waste Scotland has led the way in helping Scotland embrace the potential of a more circular economy. As part of a collective approach with the Scottish Government and other agencies, we helped Scotland to be named as one of the leading nations driving a circular economy in the annual Circulars Awards at the World Economic Forum in January 2017.

4 About Zero Waste Scotland
Our Mission We help reduce waste, increase energy efficiency and promote responsible water use – all as part of a journey towards a low-carbon, sustainable economy Zero Waste Scotland Corporate Overview slides – our mission

5 Drivers for Change Our programme is informed by the following Scottish Government policies and strategies; Climate Change (Scotland) Act (2009) Scotland’s Zero Waste Plan (2010) Waste (Scotland) Regulations (2012) Safeguarding Scotland’s Resources (2013) Towards a Litter-Free Scotland (2014) Government Economic Strategy (2015) Making Things Last: Scotland’s Circular Economy Strategy (2016) ERDF Operational Programme 2014 – 2020

6 The context of Waste in Scotland*
Household m tonnes Commercial & Industrial 3.59 m tonnes Construction m tonnes So taking all this into the context of waste arising in Scotland these are the main contributors to Scotland's waste issue that was recorded as 11.7 million tonnes in 2015. Recycling rates are 44.2% for Household Circa 55% for C&I and 86% for construction which has also seen its arisings rise with the increase in construction activities. The Scottish Government has set a few targets on the route to a target of 75% recycling for all wastes by 25 with an interim target of 60% for household by the end of 2020. * SEPA 2015 waste data

7 Our Performance Current household recycling rate: circa 45%
Scottish recycling target is 60% (household waste only) by 2020 and 70% (ALL Waste) by 2025: EU statutory recycling target is 50% by 2020. Landfill ban on biodegradable municipal waste from 1 January 2021. 46.6% of household waste was landfilled in A decrease from 49.3% the previous year when the figure had dropped below 50% for the first time.

8 Waste Management & Recycling aims
Increase Recycling Develop & Maintain the Recycle for Scotland brand Developing Community partnerships Waste prevention and shift behaviour change

9 Developing and implementing
the Recycling Charter Code of practice leading to; Consistency of collections Consistent messaging Simplicity of systems Maintaining the value of materials Presenting consistent materials to the market Brokerage options Collaboration


11 Highland Large rural urban authority Alternate weekly collection
Co-mingled recycling Food waste in urban conurbations Landfill disposal of residual waste

12 Shetland Multiple Island authority
EFW district heating disposal facility Committed to Alternate collections & Charter compliance Inc. plastics Early issues with markets


14 Orkney Multiple Island authority
Reliance on Shetland for residual waste disposal Alternate weekly collections and working towards Charter status Significant C& I waste arisings Looking for more local solutions

15 Western Isles Multiple Island authority
Combination of landfill and AD for organis Combination of alternate weekly collection inc plastics and split body to collect residual and organics Small MRF type facility on Lewis

16 Argyle & Bute Combination of mainland and Islands
Non urban areas served by PFI contractor with combination of MBT and landfill Recycling collection of co-mingled across the region

17 Landfill Ban of Biodegradable Household Waste
A ban on biodegradable municipal waste going to landfill from 1 January 2021 What does this mean? Mitigation? Planning for new infrastructure Materials Brokerage

18 And more; Deposit & return of beverage containers
Scoping study and report complete Consultation now live to determine system Wider debates around litter and environmental quality Extending the responsibility of producers Polluter pays principle / product stewardship On the back of wider EU work Pushing the boundaries of material design and logistics

19 The Blight of Litter & Fly Tipping
Revised Code of Practice on Litter & Refuse Litter Monitoring & Reporting Tackling the root causes Flymapper Clean up Scotland

20 Scottish Waste Industry Training Competence and Health & Safety
Charlie Devine Chair SWITCH Scottish Waste Industry Training Competence and Health & Safety

21 SWITCH Strategic Objectives
Resource Management Industry Is a safe and healthy place to work Actively supports education, training, learning and development Increases workforce capacity and competence Develops and shares good practice Creates an industry that is attractive as a career choice Creates clear career and learner pathways

22 Scottish Government was one of the first nations in the world to develop a circular economy strategy ‘Making Things Last’ This reaffirms some of the most ambitious waste reduction targets in the world as well as setting a direction for the circular economy as a business and innovation agenda. A collaborative approach across agencies is key to its delivery – enterprise, skills, ZWS, SEPA etc.


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