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City States of Greece Quiz:

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1 City States of Greece Quiz:
How did geography impact the formation of Greek city states? How did geography impact the Greek economy? Which city state was the first to have direct democracy? Who could vote? Which city state gave women some rights? Explain the words “iron, hoplite, and phalanx” are related.

2 Achievements and Contributions of
Essential Question: What were the important contributions of Hellenistic Greece? Achievements and Contributions of ANCIENT GREECE

3 Spartans showed their strength during the Persian Wars
The Persians, under Darius, conquered the Ionia Greeks living on the coast of Anatolia (modern day Turkey). Athens sent soldiers to Ionia’s aid.

4 Spartans showed their strength during the Persian Wars: The Battle of Marathon
The Persian fleet sailed across the Aegean Sea. They landed on the plains of Marathon. The Persian troops were defeated by the Greek phalanx, and the Persians lost the Battle of Marathon. After the battle, a runner was chosen to run back to Athens to tell the city of the Persian defeat. When the Persians arrived in Athens, they were turned away.

5 Spartans showed their strength during the Persian Wars: The Battle of Thermopylae
Persia’s next king, Xerxes, never forgot the defeat and tried to crush Greece. The Persians easily marched down the Greek coast until the mountain pass at Thermopylae. At Thermopylae, 7000 Greeks blocked Xerxes’ army. The battle lasted 3 days before the Persians gained the upper hand Spartans held the pass while the other Greeks retreated.

6 Spartans showed their strength during the Persian Wars
Athens was evacuated and the decision was made to fight Xerxes at sea. Xerxes set fire to Athens, however Athens sank 1/3 of the Persian fleet. As you learned earlier in this chapter, there are no written records from the Dorian period. The epic poems of Homer recount stories, but are not accurate recordings of what took place. Herodotus, a Greek who lived in Athens for a time, pioneered the accurate reporting of events. His book on the Persian Wars is considered the first work of history. However, the greatest historian of the classical age was the Athenian Thucydides (thoo•SID•ih•DEEZ). He believed that certain types of events and political situations recur over time. Studying those events and situations, he felt, would aid in understanding the present. The approaches Thucydides used in his work still guide historians today. Athens emerged as the leader of an alliance of 140 city-states known as the Delian League and entered a Golden Age.

7 Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens
Pericles ruled Athens from BCE. He had three goals: 1) to strengthen Athenian democracy 2) to hold and strengthen the empire 3) to glorify Athens

8 GREEK EDUCATION The Greeks made contributions in many fields of learning; they developed many innovations that influenced education today (such as having primary and secondary levels) Increased the size of the navy, which protected Athens’s trade and empire Greece’s navy and location on the Mediterranean allowed for trade with other countries, which resulted in new products and diverse ideas

9 GREEK EDUCATION The Greeks took these achievements from other parts of the ancient world and built on them Because of the prosperity from trade, many Greeks could afford to support academies of education

Dramatic plays with actors and actresses in theaters were popular entertainment for the ancient Greeks; they were the first to develop comedies and tragedies Modern entertainment such as television shows, movies, and concerts have their roots here

Tragedies are serious dramas about common themes such as love, hate, war or betrayal. Comedies are filled with physical and crude humor. Comedies often made fun of customs, politics, important people, or ideas of the time. Tragedies have a gifted hero who has a tragic flaw that will led to their downfall. Tragic hero: House- his addictive personality led to his intelligence but also to his drug issues each season. Anikan Skywalker. Oedipus. Comedies: the fact that Athenians could listen to criticism about themselves showed the freedom and openness of public discussion that existed in Athens.

Open-air theaters were built in such a way that everyone attending the dramas in the audience could see and hear the action

An epic is a narrative poem celebrating heroic deeds There are no written records from the Dorian period. The epic poems of Homer recount stories, but are not accurate recordings of what took place. Herodotus, a Greek who lived in Athens for a time, pioneered the accurate reporting of events. His book on the Persian Wars is considered the first work of history. However, the greatest historian of the classical age was the Athenian Thucydides (thoo•SID•ih•DEEZ). He believed that certain types of events and political situations recur over time. Studying those events and situations, he felt, would aid in understanding the present. The approaches Thucydides used in his work still guide historians today. The poet Homer wrote the famous epics The Odyssey and The Iliad (which are read in Language Arts classes worldwide!)

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