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First Semester Study Guide

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1 First Semester Study Guide
Social Studies

2 Which level does the governor belong?
Community State Nation

3 Which level does the governor belong?
Community State Nation

4 Which level does the mayor belong?
Community State Nation

5 Which level does the mayor belong?
Community State Nation

6 Which level does the president belong?
Community State Nation

7 Which level does the president belong?
Community State Nation

8 A person who has witnessed a crime or has information about a legal case.
Duties Witness Jury

9 A person who has witnessed a crime or has information about a legal case.
Duties Witness Jury

10 A group of one’s peers who will determine is someone is guilty.
Duties Witness Jury

11 A group of one’s peers who will determine is someone is guilty.
Duties Witness Jury

12 People who represent interest groups.
Ambassadors Constituents Lobbyists

13 People who represent interest groups.
Ambassadors Constituents Lobbyists

14 Are powers shared by the federal and state government.
Concurrent Powers Reserved Powers Checks and balances

15 Are powers shared by the federal and state government.
Concurrent Powers Reserved Powers Checks and balances

16 Are powers that the constitution neither gives to congress not denied to the states.
Reserved powers Amendments Bill

17 Are powers that the constitution neither gives to congress not denied to the states.
Reserved powers Amendments Bill

18 The people a member of Congress represents.
Lobbyists Constituents Cabinet

19 The people a member of Congress represents.
Lobbyists Constituents Cabinet

20 Official representative to foreign government.
Federalism Concurrent powers Ambassadors

21 Official representative to foreign government.
Federalism Concurrent powers Ambassadors

22 A proposed law. Bill Reserved powers Constituents

23 A proposed law. Bill Reserved powers Constituents

24 The division of power between the states and the federal, or national government.
Federalism Lobbyists Ambassadors

25 The division of power between the states and the federal, or national government.
Federalism Lobbyists Ambassadors

26 To accuse of wrong-doing or misconduct.
Checks and balances Impeach Cabinet

27 To accuse of wrong-doing or misconduct.
Checks and balances Impeach Cabinet

28 Gives each branch of government ways to limit the powers of the other two.
Ambassadors Checks and balances Cabinet

29 Gives each branch of government ways to limit the powers of the other two.
Ambassadors Checks and balances Cabinet

30 A person with certain rights and duties under a government.
Alien Common good Citizen

31 A person with certain rights and duties under a government.
Alien Common good Citizen

32 Government run by laws rather than a government run by a person.
Naturalized Rule of Law Citizen

33 Government run by laws rather than a government run by a person.
Naturalized Rule of Law Citizen

34 Well-being of all members of society.
Alien Common good Naturalized citizen

35 Well-being of all members of society.
Alien Common good Naturalized citizen

36 Have the same rights and duties as a citizen by birth except for the right to be President or Vice President. Naturalized citizen Rule of law Citizen

37 Have the same rights and duties as a citizen by birth except for the right to be President or Vice President. Naturalized citizen Rule of law Citizen

38 Citizen of one country living in another.
Alien Common good Naturalized citizen

39 Citizen of one country living in another.
Alien Common good Naturalized citizen

40 A person chosen to make decisions for a group of people.
Representatives Witness Jury

41 A person chosen to make decisions for a group of people.
Representatives Witness Jury

42 Something that a person should do as a citizen.
Responsibilities Representatives Duties

43 Something that a person should do as a citizen.
Responsibilities Representatives Duties

44 Obeying laws and defending the nation are examples of this.
Responsibilities Representatives Duties

45 Obeying laws and defending the nation are examples of this.
Responsibilities Representatives Duties

46 Attending School Right Duty

47 Attending School Right Duty

48 Paying Taxes Right Duty

49 Paying Taxes Right Duty

50 To hold elected office Right Duty

51 To hold elected office Right Duty

52 Defending the nation Right Duty

53 Defending the nation Right Duty

54 Serving in a jury. Right Duty

55 Serving in a jury. Right Duty

56 To vote. Right Duty

57 To vote. Right Duty

58 Practice your own religion.
Right Duty

59 Practice your own religion.
Right Duty

60 To say what you want in speech or writing.
Right Duty

61 To say what you want in speech or writing.
Right Duty

62 To have a fair trial. Right Duty

63 To have a fair trial. Right Duty

64 Obeying the laws. Right Duty

65 Obeying the laws. Right Duty

66 Who is Southaven’s mayor?
Musselwhite Bryant Obama

67 Who is Southaven’s mayor?
Musselwhite Bryant Obama

68 Who is Mississippi’s governor?
Trump Musselwhite Bryant

69 Who is Mississippi’s governor?
Trump Musselwhite Bryant

70 Who is our nation’s president?
Trump Obama Bryant

71 Who is our nation’s president?
Trump Obama Bryant

72 Interprets the laws. Executive Judicial Legislative

73 Interprets the laws. Executive Judicial Legislative

74 Settles cases between 2 or more states.
Executive Judicial Legislative

75 Settles cases between 2 or more states.
Executive Judicial Legislative

76 Makes foreign policy. Executive Judicial Legislative

77 Makes foreign policy. Executive Judicial Legislative

78 Decides court cases. Executive Judicial Legislative

79 Decides court cases. Executive Judicial Legislative

80 Directs the military. Executive Judicial Legislative

81 Directs the military. Executive Judicial Legislative

82 Which is not a step of the naturalization process?
Examination Obeying the law Application Final Hearing

83 Which is not a step of the naturalization process?
Examination Obeying the law Application Final Hearing

84 Which is false about aliens?
Have the right to vote Are not allowed to hold office Are from another country

85 Which is false about aliens?
Have the right to vote Are not allowed to hold office Are from another country

86 Contributing to the common good means acting in ways that…
Make our nation a good place to live Teach us how to defend our nation Allow us to personally succeed

87 Contributing to the common good means acting in ways that…
Make our nation a good place to live Teach us how to defend our nation Allow us to personally succeed

88 Which is not a social role?
Student Family member Human being

89 Which is not a social role?
Student Family member Human being

90 A naturalized citizen cannot…
Become president Vote for president Vote for representatives

91 A naturalized citizen cannot…
Become president Vote for president Vote for representatives

92 Once you are a citizen, you can…
Have citizenship taken away Remain a citizen for life All of the above

93 Once you are a citizen, you can…
Have citizenship taken away Remain a citizen for life All of the above

94 This branch of government makes sure legal issues do not go unsettled.
Legislative Judicial Executive

95 This branch of government makes sure legal issues do not go unsettled.
Legislative Judicial Executive

96 How many articles are there in The Constitution?
6 5 7

97 How many articles are there in The Constitution?
6 5 7

98 Which of these are NOT a goal for our government?
To ensure domestic tranquility To form a perfect union To secure livelihood of all immigrants

99 Which of these are NOT a goal for our government?
To ensure domestic tranquility To form a perfect union To secure livelihood of all immigrants

100 Who knew that Americans would want to change The Constitution so they made it possible for changes to be made only by the will of the people? Continental Congress Founding Fathers Framers

101 Who knew that Americans would want to change The Constitution so they made it possible for changes to be made only by the will of the people? Continental Congress Founding Fathers Framers

102 This branch is made up of a lot on congressmen.
Legislative Judicial Executive

103 This branch is made up of a lot on congressmen.
Legislative Judicial Executive

104 Ratification means the same as…
Changes Approval Proposed

105 Ratification means the same as…
Changes Approval Proposed

106 Which belongs to the community?
mayor, superintendent, representatives Governor, cabinet, state spokesperson President, Vice President, Chief of Military

107 Which belongs to the community?
mayor, superintendent, representatives Governor, cabinet, state spokesperson President, Vice President, Chief of Military

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