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Trotwood-Madison City Schools

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1 Trotwood-Madison City Schools
21st Century After-School Programming

2 Trotwood-Madison City Schools
Trotwood is a progressive city located in Northwest Montgomery County. According to the 2010 census at least 83% of the city’s population graduated from high school. The median household income is $36, 21% of the population living below the poverty line Homeless population-170 students District enrollment-2500 students Identified by the ODE as a district at risk

3 Components of the Program
90 minutes of Reading and Math Instruction daily 60 Minutes of Enrichment/Youth Development Activities daily Hot Meals served daily with a focus on nutritional education Parent Engagement Events and Activities

4 Instructional Highlights
100 targeted students are provided with daily academic instruction Leveled Literacy and Compass Instruction daily according to NWEA/MAP Score Instruction and Assessment aligned to ODE Standards and TM Curriculum Certified teachers providing interventions Significant gains in reading and math scores among the students who participated in the program

5 Youth Development Highlights
Trotwood Library Partnership Community Role models encourage reading- Mayor Mary McDonald Ohio State University Expanded Food and Nutrition Program K-12 Art Gallery Dayton Dance Workshop Inc. Tinkr Tech

6 Parent Engagement “My child was on the list for retention but is no longer. The program is awesome!”

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