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Campus Libraries Facilities Master Plan

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1 Campus Libraries Facilities Master Plan
University of Wisconsin – Madison May 3, 2018

2 Vision Statement “The vision of the master plan is to strengthen the role of the campus libraries in the academic pursuits of the University by providing the needed spaces and services at strategic locations across the campus and in alignment with the Campus Master Plan.” “The future of the UW-Madison Campus Libraries requires a shift from serving as a repository for books to a series of campus hubs providing exemplary services to all of our campus stakeholders.” Departmental Model Hub Model

3 Planning Process 1. Define Project Drivers & Project Scope (Nov. 2016)
2. Existing Condition Analysis (January - March 2017) Review Previous and Concurrent Initiatives Strategic Plan and Framework Library Consolidation Report Print Management Program Libraries Campus Collections Plan Resource Management Redesign Project Develop Facility Condition Reports Understand the Campus Libraries System User and staff Interviews Complete Space Needs Analysis (March 2017) User Space Needs Strategic Partner Space Needs Public & Event Space Needs Collection Space Needs Staff Space Needs Service Delivery Model Campus Partnerships 2015 Campus Masterplan Update College of Engineering Masterplan College of Letters & Science Masterplan

4 Planning Process Rethinking Library Spaces – Visioning Sessions (March 2017) Peer Review, Benchmarking and National Trends Draft Recommendations – The Hub Model (April 2017) Draft Review and Campus Outreach / Input (April – November 2017) Revise Recommendations (December 2017) Final Review Process (January – March 2018) Campus Planning Committee Presentation (May 3, 2018)

5 Campus Outreach Summary
Site Tours—17 tour locations each lasting between 30 minutes to three hours Interviews—Six library leaders, five campus leaders Meetings/Workshops—Three library committee meetings, seven faculty members, ten graduate/professional students, 12 library staff, nine academic staff, one staff UX workshop, and four Thematic Visioning Workshops with library representatives from all libraries in scope Town Halls—16 undergraduates, 50+ library staff, two student community members, and two public patrons Surveys—250 faculty respondents Unit, Departmental Outreach—99 specific outreach efforts across campus through: s, in-person/department meetings, surveys, interviews, workshops, committee and workgroup meetings, and news / social media posts.

6 Existing Departmental Model
Currently 25 library locations and 19 departmental resource centers (44 total) The scope of the plan included 22 of the 44 campus libraries 782,600 ASF were included in the planning study Existing Libraries on Campus

7 Facilities Condition Assessments
Average Condition Grading by Library (A = Good, D = Poor) (* recommended for short term consolidation)

8 Hub Model Recommendation
The plan envisions a library system composed of four hub libraries (red dots) distributed across the campus to meet the needs of all students, with all locations providing consistent basic services and unique specialized services. 4 HUB LIBRARIES Memorial Hub Library Arts & Humanities Special Collections Archives College Hub Library Undergraduate Steenbock Hub Library STEM South Hub Library Flexible/L&S plan TBD 2 PROFESSIONAL LIBRARIES Ebling Library Law Library

9 Space Allocation – University Wide
The vision for the campus library system is to increase and improve spaces for people to collaborate, research, teach and learn. As spaces for patrons are given priority, spaces for collections and staff are reduced by half for a net space reduction on campus of 24%. Existing 782,600 asf Open access to 87% of current collection Proposed -- Reminder -- Discuss how the reduction in collections is an asset for libraries Instead of putting funding/efforts towards MAINTAINING space, we can increase funding/efforts towards the SERVICES and EXPERICENCES of our patrons Ensure audience understands the benefit of reduction Table 11: Space Use as Percentage of System Total HUB LIBRARIES PROFESSIONAL VISION Memorial College Steenbock South Hub Law Health Collections 100% 61% 1% 4% 6% 22% 7% User Space 100% 25% 26% 13% 22% 6% 8% Partner Space 100% 45% 21% 25% 10% 0% 0% Public Space 100% 52% 17% 18% 7% 2% 4% Staff Space 100% 49% 7% 8% 8% 15% 13% Seats - User 100% 25% 26% 13% 22% 6% 8% Seats - Partner 100% 45% 21% 25% 10% 0% 0% TOTAL SEATS 100% 28% 25% 15% 20% 5% 7% 8,400 total seats 7,500 user seats partner seat Open access to 25% of projected collection 594,700 asf

10 Space Allocation – By Program
Slide shows Actual and Proposed Square Footage

11 Justification Facility Conditions
5 of 15 libraries have received a Facilities Condition Index grading of C or less, indicating a need to upgrade, alter or improve the existing library space. Improved facility conditions allow for opportunities for enhanced technology Seat counts appear low due to improper seating options and lack of technology Expenditures Reduced maintenance and operational cost by limiting physical space Hub Concept Hub concept combines like collections offering basic services broadly across campus Provides increased library access to patrons (South Hub) Competitive Institution—New Model for an R1 research library Coordinated, collaborative collection development Stewardship and preservation of valuable assets Continued support for on-campus browsing of collections Cost effective balance of on-campus and off-campus shelving Spaces to support new modes of teaching, research and learning No library has a higher than a .05 gate to circulation ratio The average seat occupancy rate for the top three libraries is under 20%. There are peaks, typically

12 Suggested Phasing & Cost Estimates
PHASE 1: NEAR TERM 0-6 YEARS PHASE 2: SHORT TERM 7-12 YEARS PHASE 3: MID TERM YEARS PHASE 4: LONG TERM YEARS 2020 2022 2024 2028 2030 2034 2038 Renovate Physics Complete College Library Remodeling Build Verona 2 Preservation Storage Phase 1: 1953 Memorial Rebuild Phase 2: Memorial SC Corner Rebuild Remodel Steenbock Library Build 76K SF South Hub Library Shift Astronomy & Math Shift Art & Archives Shift Physics Shift Geology, MERIT & Wendt NOTE: All costs shown in 2017 dollars.

13 Where We Are Now Consensus approval by campus leadership (chancellor, provost, VCFA, etc.) Continue outreach to departments, units & staff Work with University Library Committee to gain consensus on the report (document areas for further discussion & review, unresolved issues, etc.). Respond to the University Committee’s request for review by shared governance. Vice Provost for Libraries presents Consultants’ final report to the Campus Planning Committee (May 3, 2018)

14 Next Steps Begin Implementation
Continue consolidation plans; fill Verona and Science Library Shelving Facility (SLSF), and plan for a preservation-quality shelving facility Move materials from Geography, Social Science, Social Work & Middleton (materials distributed to other libraries as appropriate) Renovation of the Physics Library in 2020 Merge Astronomy & Math Libraries into the current Physics Library space Complete remodeling at College Library Ongoing: Vice Provost for Libraries - Work with FP&M, ULC, faculty, and other campus stakeholders to develop an implementation plan.

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