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CHME-wide Safety Stand down

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1 CHME-wide Safety Stand down
May 15, 2018

2 Topics for Discussion Hazardous Waste Violations Lab Audit Results
Chemical Inventory Audit Results Fume Hood/Area Labeling ESP Working Alone

3 Hazardous waste violations May 9, 2018
Workstation #1 No Avery Lab on the container, no Hazardous indicators marked on the tracking for to include circling the Red contents hazard at the top of the  form.  Workstation #5 same problem on the tracking form  Workstation #4 Again hazardous indicator not circled. 

4 Hazardous Waste Violations May 9, 2018
Lab 292 There was a 5 gal container, filled with liquid waste, located in the secondary containment area under the fume hood. When EH&S went to lift it out the lid was not properly closed on the container and fell into David Schoep’s hand.  Luckily nothing split.  I am to instruct the group that it is “very” important that every time something is added to a container the individuals are to make sure the lid is secure at all times. When a container is found like this it is a violation. Empty containers and secondary containment bin under the fumehood of south west wall that were provided by EH&S really need to be placed with the others in the safety protection area, south end of the counter, so if someone else needs one they are there.   

5 Hazardous Waste Violations May 9, 2018
Lab 278 A 1 gal container had liquid in it but no Avery Lab and no tracking attached to it. This is a true violation.  There was a tracking form laying in the secondary containment bin but I was told not to place it on the container since I do not know for sure that it belongs to the liquid.  place the Avery Labels and tracking forms on each container of their waste. Keep all the pages on the waste tracking forms,  EH&S needs all copies, Please correct.

6 Hazardous Waste Violations April 12, 2018
As for your carboys that are sitting in you research area. EH&S told me that someone needs to make sure they are marked properly, some have no lids. Which is fineable. Some have chemical names on them.  Steven Moates said that someone really need to take the time and with a good rubbing remove chemical names on them if they are only going to be used for DI Water.  Again, empty ones will need to be placed in the shared location.  Do not write on the containers – eHS rinses and reuses them


8 EHS Noted Issues April 13, 2018 EHS noticed an open bucket sitting on the floor by Brewer group fumehood area. It has been there a while, there appears to be waste always in the open bucket. There are trash cans in Lab Steve Moates said that I cannot toss this bucket’s content when I do the trash pickup every Friday with the custodian,  since what may look like trash but may contain hazardous waste. The bucket is not properly marked if it is hazardous waste. 

9 EHS Noted Issues April 12, 2018 EH&S came and did a walk through.  It was recommend by EH&S that where there is a be accumulated no empty containers are to be in the same waste accumulation point.  All empty containers are to be located in one location, the area picked was the end of the counter of the Personal Protective Equipment Station, EH&S dropped of 6 1 gal for this area. I was told that researchers should only take them if they are filling them, again, no empty containers in the waste accumulation area.  I was told when and if a state inspector cones and sees a bunch of bottles in with the accumulated waste that they draw attention.    All EH&S wants to see in waste accumulation areas is a spill kit secondary bin and waste being accumulated.

10 EHS Noted Issues April 10, 2018 Steven Moates keeps finding the individuals are continuously placing empty waste containers in the same bin as their accumulating waste. If a state inspector would pay a visit, it immediately draws attention to the waste accumulation area.  Steven Moates said that it would be in the best interest of the department to have all the empties containers moved to the end of the Personal Protective Equipment Station. He placed a few empty bottles on the shelf of where he is talking about. 

11 EHS Noted Issues April 10, 2018 Today we had an EH&S walk through for any waste collections before the suspension on 4/12/2018.  In station #5 waste accumulation point was a bottle with a Hazardous Waste Form Attached, but it had no name on it.  They used the little sticker that is supposed to be placed on the bottle not used as tape to hang the tracking form.  Whoever the person is did not circle on the tracking form that is was Acid.  I made  the small corrections but have to find who the person is so that I can show them. 

12 EHS Noted Issues April 10, 2018 Steve from EH&S picked up the carboy  of radioactive liquid,  he picked up the one right behind it and it had liquid but no tracking forms on it. He said it needs one right away since it can be a violation if a state inspector were to stop by. I don’t know if you have more forms for the radioactive liquid they have red writing on them, so I made a call to David Schoep to have him send more. This carboy will need the  both the form in red writing and a tracking form.    He also wanted me to mention that to never store empty containers that will be used for hazard waste accumulation later in the same waste accumulations trays that have waste being generated in the area marked with the yellow waste accumulation point sign.  This can draw attention right away by a state inspector.

13 Lab Audit Results Unlabeled or improperly labeled
Containers Drawers Liquid vials/containers in drawers w/o secondary containment Chemical Inventory Issues Missing chemicals and gas cylinders Incorrect storage locations Missing from refrigerator and one flammable cabinet Secondary containment Researcher names not posted





18 Chemical Inventory Audit May 11, 2018
Hood/area Chemical inventory Extra chemicals & Gas cylinders - not on posted inventory Chemicals with incomplete or incorrect labeling Chemicals in wrong storage location Other locations Refrigerators without inventories – chemicals or samples JH292 WKS#10 Flammable cabinet (JH292) - no chemical inventory posted Gas cylinder inventory not posted – JH278

19 Refrigerator & bulk samples
Change to log sheet Log showing Owner, Description of samples, how many and date Allow to cross out entries when samples removed


21 ESP & SOP Review topics Fume hood/work Area specifications
All researcher names using that area shown Normal Operation Procedure – Allows us to specify what condition a hood may be left unattended with experiment in progress Waste must be disposed of in same room generated

22 Other topics Hood sash Need to be closed when not occupied
Ventilation in Jett Hall is very critical

23 Other topics hoods in middle of row – How to secure a gas cylinder
NO One may work Alone

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