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Cooking High Protein Foods

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1 Cooking High Protein Foods
High protein foods = eggs, milk products, meat, poultry and fish. Damaged by high cooking temperatures or cooking too long Protein molecules tend to shrink and lose water. Too much heat will result in a dry, rubbery, tough product.

2 Principles of Storing and Cooking Eggs
2 factors cause the deterioration of eggs Loss of carbon dioxide through the eggshell causing the pH to change and the proteins to denature Water moving into the egg yolk will weaken the membrane surrounding the yolk Cooking High temperatures – firm to tough egg white Lower temperatures – softer and tender

3 Principles of Cooking Milk
2 problems Curdling: Can be avoided by combining acid with starch before milk is added. Scorching: protein clumps sink and burn to the pan. Prevent by constant stirring & lower temperatures.

4 Principles of Cooking Meat
Meats contain 3 categories of proteins: muscle fibers, connective tissue, myoglobin One goal of cooking meat = soften the connective tissue (collagen) to make meat tender

5 Maillard Reaction Reaction between protein and carbohydrates that causes food to brown when is food is cooked

6 Nutritional Contributions of Proteins
Support, Growth, and Repair: adults need a daily supply of protein to replace worn out cells. Fight Disease: antibodies are proteins designed to attack foreign substances that enter the body Maintain fluid and mineral balance in cells Maintain pH Balance of blood Control bodily functions as hormones and enzymes

7 Enzymes Are catalysts – speeds up chemical reactions without being affected by the process End in –ase. Ex) sucrase (acts on sucrose), maltase (acts on maltose) Ex) meat and tenderizer: Tenderizer will make the meat crumble

8 Enzymes Continued… Lock and key model
Substrate – the substance which the enzyme works on Active site – location where the substrate attaches to the enzyme

9 Enzymes and the Food Supply
Functions in Food Convert one food into another like milk into cheese. Extract food components from food systems Developing new foods and ingredients

10 Future Protein Needs Researchers know that there will be food shortages in the future, so food scientists are working to create several protein solutions One area of research is creating grains that have higher yields of proteins – Triticale & Amaranth

11 Health Concerns Most common food allergens are peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, soy, wheat, eggs, fish and shellfish Anaphylaxis – life-threatening allergic reaction where swelling closes air passages, suffocating the victim Food industry must have accurate ingredient labeling & also label when equipment is shared in the manufacturing process

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