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Environmental Cleaning
David Woodard, MSc, CIC, CPHQ, CLS
Objectives Discuss the role of environmental cleaning and disinfection in the prevention of HAIs. Identify evidence-based methods and best practices for environmental cleaning in healthcare facilities. Discuss controversies and challenges for infection control managers and resources for effective management.
Outline of today’s presentation
Issues with terminology Why terminal room cleaning is important Addressing suboptimal cleaning practice Does enhanced cleaning make a difference? Conventional vs. enhanced environmental cleaning monitoring Where are we going with surface disinfectants and new technologies?
Is the Environment Important in HAI Acquisition ?
Aside from the fact that many healthcare experts since Florence Nightingale have said so, what is the evidence base for optimizing healthcare environmental hygiene? Instructor Note: Use this slide as a transition in to the presentation of the evidence for optimizing healthcare environmental hygiene.
Improved thoroughness of hygienic cleaning is a worthy goal given the billions of dollars involved…but will it impact transmission of HAPs ?
CMS cleaning expectations
Cleaning of Patient Care Equipment Privacy Curtains – Cleaning Schedule and Precaution Room Environmental services procedures Use of disinfectants and germicidal wipes (contact times) Laundry handling procedures Cleaning of blood spills Facilities; HVAC system, refrigeration, ice machines, scrub sinks, faucet aerators, eye wash
Surface Disinfection – CMS Citation
Exposure Time CMS surveyors (CA) have been paying closer attention to cleaning the environment, including a determination if hospitals are following manufacturers’ directions for disinfectant contact time Hospitals cited for using shorter contact time than manufacturers’ directions Appealed based on published peer-reviewed literature supporting shorter exposure times Appeal denied Background: These slides may seem out of context to the presenter and the audience, but they serve a valuable purpose to identify current and very practical challenges; namely, the conflict between product labeling, regulatory requirements and practical cleaning processes. This provides an overview of the recent California issues related to dwell time. The illogical issues surrounding the CMS decisions and the regulatory issues involving the California hospitals brought to everybody’s (CMS, EPA, SHEA, APIC, etc.) attention the need to have an objective evaluation of the basis for such rules. Note that this issue also arose in in Massachusetts. Key Points: How much time should the disinfectant be left on the surface? Joint Commission believes that it should be left on for several minutes. The problem arises from the differences in product labeling, which is often based on non-real world application and dwell times, and the actual practice in institutions. Instructor Notes: Reflect on a situation and requirements in your institution. Rutala W,2010 7
Disinfection cleaning – Implies the use of a low level disinfectant to decrease bio-burden
Environmental cleaning – (in Healthcare) – surface cleaning to reduce bio- burden Hygienic cleaning – New, more specific term – surface cleaning to reduce bio- burden (confusion with hand hygiene?)
Descending Order of Resistance of Microorganisms to Sterilization/Disinfection
Key points: The need to address a broad range of pathogens was mentioned and this slide depicts a wide spectrum of disinfection and sterilization need. For example, the most difficult organism that we deal with when addressing sterilization needs involves the prion responsible for CJD. This organism is resistant to traditional sterilization methods and, if done incorrectly, the wrong methods may actually “protect” the organism from the effects of sterilization. Therefore, specific measures are indicated. Information that demonstrates the order of resistance of microorganisms to sterilization and disinfection is included in the 2008 Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities. Biological indicators are the only process indicators that directly monitor the effectiveness of a given sterilization process. Spores used to monitor a sterilization process have demonstrated resistance to the sterilizing agent and are more resistant to sterilization than the bioburden found on medical devices. Bacillus atrophaeus spores are used to monitor ethylene oxyide gas and dry heat. Geobacillusstearothermophilus spores are used to monitor steam sterilization, hydrogen peroxide gas plasma and liquid paracetic acid sterilizers.
Levels of Decontamination
Cleaning Removal of dirt, debris, material Manual or mechanical (detergents/enzymes) Critical component to all levels of disinfection Must precede disinfection and/or sterilization As soon as possible after item has been used Disinfection Removes most or all micro-organisms except spores Liquid chemicals or wet-pasteurization Success depends on prior cleaning, microbial burden, time Low-level disinfection Rapid (<10min), kills most bacteria, some viruses, some fungi High-level disinfection Longer (~20min), kills all pathogens except large spore burden Instructor Notes: We have talked about different types of items and their uses which determine their classification (non- critical, semicritical, critical) and the rationale behind the disinfection process. Let’s now work through these levels of organism removal. Key Points: In general, the term used for removal of microorganisms is decontamination. Decontamination removes pathogenic microorganisms from objects so they are safe to handle, use, or discard. Cleaning is the removal of visible soil (e.g., organic and inorganic material) from objects and surfaces and normally is accomplished manually or mechanically using water with detergents or enzymatic products. Thorough cleaning is essential before high-level disinfection and sterilization because inorganic and organic materials that remain on the surfaces of instruments interfere with the effectiveness of these processes. Cleaning should be done as soon as possible after the item has been used. Disinfection removes most microorganisms except spores. Disinfection uses liquid chemicals or wet- pasteurization. Pasteurization is exposure of the item to conditions of sterilization, usually heat, for a sufficient period of time. Wet pasteurization is exposure of the item to a pasteurization process involving a liquid such as hot water. The extent that the item was cleaned prior to disinfection often determines how successful the disinfection steps are. Within the domain of disinfection, there is low-level and high-level disinfection. Low-level is faster (usually taking less than 10 minutes) and kills most bacteria, some viruses, and some fungi. High-level disinfection takes longer, usually about 20 minutes, and kills most all pathogens except for some spores, especially when the spore bioburden is large. 10
How to Mechanical process Friction Detergent Carrier (water) Detailed
Make fats soluble or “isolate” Carrier (water) Detailed Use standard process Monitor activity Use only the very best products
Disinfecting A process that eliminates living pathogenic microorganisms on inanimate objects – Does not work on most virus Does not work on most spores Does not work on “prion”? May have other limits (high level vs. low level)
Dr. Earle Spaulding “You can clean without disinfecting, but you cannot disinfect without cleaning”
Spaulding Scheme: Types of Items
Non Critical Items Contact with intact skin Requires removal of common pathogens Patient rooms and their contents (e.g., surfaces, BP cuffs, stretchers) Semi-Critical Contact with non-intact skin or mucous membranes Requires removal of all micro-organisms, but small numbers of bacterial spores are permissible Endoscopes, intubation blades, ultrasound probes Critical Contact with sterile sites Requires removal of all micro-organisms and spores Surgical instruments, vascular catheters Key Points: Some of the most common questions you will likely address come from healthcare personnel who have questions about how to approach disinfection of commonly used items. Therefore, it is important to have a conceptual understanding to guide your recommendations. Make sure you are familiar with the Spaulding criteria. Critical items are those that have come into contact with sterile body sites and so confer a high risk for infection if they are contaminated with any microorganism. Thus, objects that enter sterile tissue or the vascular system must be sterile because any microbial contamination could transmit disease. Examples: surgical instruments, cardiac, vascular and urinary catheters, implants, and ultrasound probes used in sterile body cavities. Most of the items in this category should be purchased as sterile or be sterilized with steam if possible. Heat-sensitive objects can be treated with EtO, hydrogen peroxide gas plasma; or if other methods are unsuitable, by liquid chemical sterilants. Germicides categorized as chemical sterilants include >2.4% glutaraldehyde-based formulations, 0.95% glutaraldehyde with 1.64% phenol/phenate, 7.5% stabilized hydrogen peroxide, 7.35% hydrogen peroxide with 0.23% peracetic acid, 0.2% peracetic acid, and 0.08% peracetic acid with 1.0% hydrogen peroxide. Liquid chemical sterilants reliably produce sterility only if cleaning precedes treatment and if proper guidelines are followed regarding concentration, contact time, temperature, and pH. They require removal of all microorganisms and spores. Semicritical items are those that have contact with non-intact skin or mucous membranes. These items require removal of all microorganisms but stop short of sterilization. Examples: endoscopes, intubation blades, ultrasound probes. Non-critical items are those that come into contact with intact skin. The methods for cleaning and disinfection (remember that cleaning always precedes disinfection unless your cleaning agent combines both steps) should be those that address the removal of common pathogens. Whatever you are most likely to see in your facility. Examples: bed, tables, phone, cables, BP cuffs, stretchers, wheelchairs and other patient furniture. 14
Efficacy Number and location of organisms
Meticulous cleaning! Innate resistance of organisms Concentration and potency of disinfectants Concentration Exposure time Physical and chemical factors Temperature pH Relative humidity Water hardness Organic and inorganic matter Duration of exposure/contact time Biofilms Key Points: Efficacy of sterilization depends upon a number of factors: The level of contamination that is present. How many organisms are involved and where are they located. Cracks, crevices, hinges, channels all represent challenges to cleaning and disinfection. The type of organisms involved. For example, recall our discussion of prions. These organisms require additional time and attention in order to achieve sterilization.
Important disinfecting thoughts
Proper dilution – more is not better! Employee safety Environmental safety Exposure limits (Permissible exposure level) Compatibility (gloves, basins, other products) [chlorine and ammonia]
Basic elements Cleaning Disinfecting Evaluation Follow-up Retraining
Cleaning Remove all visible soil Decrease the bioburden
Increase workers safety Do early to avoid dried on materials. Safe compounds NOT intended to disinfect or sterilize
Disinfecting A process that eliminates living pathogenic microorganisms on inanimate objects – Does not work on most virus Does not work on most spores Does not work on “prion”? May have other limits (high level vs. low level)
Different types (US) Phenolic – “gold standard” Quaternary ammonium
Smells “like a hospital” Toxicity Won’t kill spores Quaternary ammonium Specific pathogen approvals (read the label!) Affected by water hardness Affected by bioburden
Newer products Hydrogen peroxide Peracetic acid
Oxidizer (may harm some instruments) Reverts to hydrogen and oxygen (safe?) Explosive at concentration Peracetic acid Rapid action Works in presence of organic materials
Other products Aldehydes Gluteraldehyde
Good product, sporicidal; tuberculocidal; viricidal Characteristic unpleasant odor Environmental issues Toxicity Exposure levels Clean-up requirements
Other products Chloramine-T Alcohol Retains more chlorine
More bactericidal Alcohol Not sporicidal Flammable Incompatible with many items
Halogens Iodine (Iodophore) Chlorine
Good killer – usable in food preparation Inactivated by organic materials (blood) Stains Chlorine Corrosive Bleach!
All things wise and wonderful
Make a “cleaning matrix” showing: Who cleans post discharge e.g. EVS Who cleans when in use. How often “general use equipment” is cleaned Who cleans “general use equipment” Identification of cleaned items Rags, tags and bags.
Don’t forget the Rutala Equation
Effective Disinfection Cleaning Product + Practice
Does education work? We developed a new method using an invisible fluorescent marker to target standardized high-touch surfaces in hospital rooms. Evaluation of surface objects in 157 rooms in 3 hospitals revealed that 47% of targets had been cleaned. Educational interventions were implemented, leading to sustained improvement in cleaning of all objects and a 12-fold improvement in cleaning of surfaces previously cleaned <85% of the time (P .001).
Carling & Bartley AJIC 2010 (83) S41-S50.
Summary of five methods used in evaluating environmental hygiene
Nothing new under the sun
Fogging Aerosolization of disinfectant to kill pathogens on contact. Variety of chemicals used Formaldehyde (carcinogenic, odourous) Peracetic acid (PAA) (low 1.4 ppm concentration) Hydrogen Peroxide (explosive at concentration)
A fogging machine is useful to quickly disperse disinfectant into a room. The mist released by the machine rapidly saturates the air, causing the dangerous droplet nuclei to settle. An appropriate disinfectant used in the fogging machine will decontaminate potentially infectious droplet nuclei as they settle on floors and bench tops. The fogging machine should always be kept ready with an adequate volume of freshly-prepared disinfectant.” WHO information
Fogging limitations Penetration of disinfectant (particle size)
Removal of gross contamination (bioburden) Contact time (kill time) Toxicity to personnel Chemical damage to equipment Room preparation Fire alarms Air conditioning Which rooms to do
Fogging Advantages Penetration into nooks and crannies (no shadows)
Underneath and above Chemical choice No hazards to touch screens (PAA) No hazards to electrical equipment Time – minutes
UV light Effective kill of most organisms and spores Shadow
Necessity of multiple devices/room or multiple cycles per room (bathroom) Nooks and crannies – penetration vs. fog
All things great and small
Cleaning and disinfecting of patient care equipment – Who cleans the: Ventilator IV pole Rolling Stock (wheel chairs, suction machines) How do you know it clean?
Sax H, Pittet D et al. JHI September 2007
Terminology - new Sax H, Pittet D et al. JHI September 2007
How Clean is the Clean Appearing Hospital Environment ?
Visually clean surfaces may be contaminated. 82% of sites visually clean 24% clean by ATP bioluminescence 30% clean using microbiological techniques Some “clean” surfaces had organism counts > 40 cfu/cm2
Increased acquisition risk from prior room occupant 6 studies as of January 2011
Carling PC, Bartley JM. Am J Infect Control 2010;38 S41-50.
Hospitals Environmental Hygiene Study Group 36 Hospital Results
Post Intervention
Group Benchmarking
Approaches to Programmatic Environmental Cleaning Monitoring
Conventional Program Subjective visual assessment Deficiency oriented Episodic evaluation Problem detection feedback Open definition of correctable interventions Enhanced Program Objective quantitative assessment Performance oriented Ongoing cyclic monitoring Objective performance feed back Goal oriented structured Process Improvement model
Approaches to Programmatic Environmental Cleaning Monitoring
Conventional Program Advantages An established model Enhanced Program Advantages Direct evaluation of practice Uses a standardized, consistent, objective and uniform system of monitoring Provides regular and ongoing performance and positive practice based feed back results to ES staff Facilitates the monitoring of many data points to optimize performance analysis Allows for objective remedial interventions Easily adaptable to existing PI modalities Compliance with JCAHO standards and CMS CoP Intrinsic internal benchmarking External benchmarking, reporting and recognition feasible
Approaches to Programmatic Environmental Cleaning Monitoring
Conventional Program Limitations Inability to evaluate actual practice Based only on negative outcome analysis Limited generalizability of findings Poor specificity and low sensitivity Subjectivity with a high potential for observer bias Poor programmatic specificity Potential for observer bias Only evaluates daily HP Limited ability to support JCAHO standard EC EP2 Limited ability to demonstrate compliance with CMS CoP Benchmarking not feasible Enhanced Program Limitations Requires a new program implementation Ongoing administrative support critical to success Potential resistance to objective monitoring and reporting While useful, the covert baseline evaluation may be difficult to implement effectively Monitoring tool considerations
Quaternary ammonium Advantages Disadvantages
Bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal against enveloped viri (HIV) Not sporicidal, generally not tuberculocidal, Generally not good against non-enveloped viri Good cleaning agent ** High water hardness issues Cotton may affect actions Affected by organics Surface compatible Rare cases of respiratory asthma EPA registered
Alcohols Advantages Disadvantages Microbicidal Fast Acting Easy
Good for small surfaces No toxic residue Not sporicidal Affected by organics No cleaning properties Not EPA registered Damages some materials Flammable Rapid evaporation Cannot be used on large surfaces
Iodophores Advantages Disadvantages
Bactericidal, mycobactericidal, viricidal Prolonged contact for fungi Not sporicidal Damage silicone Antiseptic vs. disinfectant
Chlorine Advantages Disadvantages Broad spectrum
5% can cause tissue damage No toxic residue Fast acting Inexpensive Corrosive to metals (>500 ppm) Inactivated by organics BLEACH! Unaffected by water hardness Low incidence of serious toxicity Reduces biofilms Stable Used in potable water EPA registered Toxic gases if mixed with ammonia Hazard is trihalomethane
Phenolic Advantages Disadvantages
Bactericidal, mycobactericidal, viricidal, fungicidal $ EPA REGISTERED Skin irritant Problem for infants Not sporicidal
Improved H2O2 Advantages Disadvantages 30-60 second bactericidal
5 min mycobacterial claim Safe (low EPA toxicity category) Benign No organic issues Surface compatible Non-corrosive Non-staining EPA REGISTERED $$$$
Evaluating Patient Zone Environmental Cleaning
Method Ease of Use Identifies Pathogens Useful for Individual Teaching Directly Evaluates Cleaning Published Use in Programmatic Improvement Covert Practice Low No Yes 1 Hospital Swab cultures High Not Studied Potentially Agar slide cultures Good Limited Fluorescent gel 49 Hospitals ATP system
Swab surface luciferace tagging of ATP Hand held luminometer
What is clean? Swab surface luciferace tagging of ATP Hand held luminometer
ATP Bioluminescence Testing in Healthcare Settings
Potential usefulness: Has been used as a surrogate for environmental culturing Evaluates cleanliness Can rapidly define how clean an object is…. but non-microbial ATP is also evaluated Standards to optimize predictive values are still being evaluated Can be used to do one-on-one education of ES staff
ATP Bioluminescence Testing in Healthcare Settings
Potential limitations: Secondary cleaning of the site is required to remove disinfectant induced signal decay or enhancement. Involvement of the ES staff is implicit since evaluation must be done within minutes of cleaning. Pre-intervention evaluation of disinfection cleaning is difficult without inducing a Hawthorne effect Results are individual ES staff / time specific. Many manufacturers of luminometers and ATP swabs makes interinstitutional standardization difficult
The challenge of using a cleanliness tool to evaluate cleaning
Sherlock O, O’Connell N, Creamer E, Humphries H. J Hosp Infect (2009)72;
http://www. cdc. gov/HAI/toolkits/Evaluating-Environmental-Cleaning
When in darkness so deep I move with an especially slow foot.
Remember: While surface cleaning in the patient zone is important, we really don’t know: How important which disinfectant is; How much better microfibre is than traditional cloth for surface cleaning; When to use bleach and when not to; When technological interventions should be considered
Fluorescent markers Advantages Disadvantages Inexpensive
Minimal equipment investment Improve practices Covert marking of systems NB: do not use oil-based or powder based products
Important disinfecting thoughts
Proper dilution – more is not better! Employee safety Environmental safety Exposure limits (Permissible exposure level) Compatibility (gloves, basins, other products) [chlorine and ammonia]
Musing Cleaning and disinfecting of patient care equipment –
Who cleans the: Ventilator IV pole Rolling Stock (wheel chairs, suction machines) How do you know it clean? How frequently should it be cleaned Should it be cleaned or disinfected
Cleaning/Disinfecting Strategies in Surgical Care Areas
Train and verify competency of staff End of the day terminal cleaning for Every OR, scrub room, and service room. -Lights and horizontal surfaces of equipment. -Anesthesia cart Guidelines: AORN, AAMI
EPA To effectively regulate pesticides, it has always been important that we understand how they are used
Sterilant EPA definition
A substance that destroys or eliminates all forms of microbial life in the inanimate environment, including all forms of vegetative bacteria, bacterial spores, fungi, fungal spores, and viruses (sic)”
What did Sir Thomas Sydenham have to say about evolving new technologies to replace or enhance healthcare environmental hygiene?
When in darkness so deep I move with an especially slow foot.
What did Sir Thomas Sydenham have to say about evolving new technologies to replace or enhance healthcare environmental hygiene? When in darkness so deep I move with an especially slow foot.
Syntax for cynics Fogging Vapor Mist 2003 CDC guidelines
Considerations for new products
Implementation and training plan Facility and room preparation Costs of equipment and consumables Costs of supervision and training Changes in existing protocols and processes Turn-around time Advertising
Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide
Advantages Disadvantages Efficacious against wide range of pathogens Role of environment is very small compared to other things Surfaces and equipment decontaminated Cannot be done daily or in occupied room Decrease incidence of disease Environment is easily recontaminated Little or no residue, minimal health concerns Not safe for use around people Uniform distribution (no shadows) Increase in time required for process Useful with complex equipment Need to control dispersal (HVAC) Broad spectrum Costs Not cleaning Physical variables (concentration, temperature, humidity) Unknown effects on equipment After: AJIC WA Rutula, DJ Weber 41 (2013) s36-41
Vaporized hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Gaseous phase Registered by the EPA as a sterilant H2O2 first registered in 1977 (antimicrobial pesticide) Indoor use only Hard and non-porous surfaces Generated by device specifically created to make a vapor
H2O2 vapor Circulated at programmed concentration Catalytic convertor
H2O2 > H2O + O2 (non-toxic) Vented outside, no degradation necessary PEL - <1 ppm NIOSH – immediate danger to life and health (IDHL) <1 ppm (TWA)
Danger Pesticide laws Application of agent in a manner inconsistent with labeling Monmouth-Ocean Hospital Corporation – ambulance fogging Sporicidin ® as well
Decontamination with H2O2
Disadvantages: Only done at terminal disinfection (i.e., not daily cleaning) All patients and staff must be removed from the room/area Capitol equipment costs are substantial Does not remove dust and stains which are important to patients/visitors Sensitive use parameters (e.g. dose delivered)
uV light Wave length specific Multi-factorial efficacy
Destroy DNA of host organisms ( nm) Multi-factorial efficacy Intensity Exposure time Lamp placement Air movement patterns
uV light Not a new concept Disinfection of stuff Radiation sensitivity
Operating rooms Microbiology hoods and laboratories Disinfection of stuff Air Water Radiation sensitivity
UV susceptibility S.Aureus S.Pyogenes E.Coli P.Aeruginosa S.Marcescens
Least susceptible Most Susceptible S.Aureus S.Pyogenes E.Coli P.Aeruginosa S.Marcescens M.Tuberculosis B.Anthracis B.Cereus A.Versicolor P.Chrysogenum S.chartarum Infection Control Today, November 2011: Pyrek, KM:
Decontamination with UVC
Disadvantages: Do not know if use decreases the incidence of HAIs Only done at terminal disinfection (i.e., not daily cleaning) All patients and staff must be removed from the room/area Capitol equipment costs are substantial Does not remove dust and stains which are important to patients/visitors Sensitive use parameters (e.g., UV dose delivered)
The future Antimicrobial “self disinfecting” surfaces
Air disinfection units Early identification of at risk patients Single rooms Source control Better staff education
Issues with disinfectants, detergents, cloths, etc.
What is the true role of bleach in disinfection cleaning? How effective will new green disinfectants be? When is it okay to use detergents? Where are we going with dwell time? Where does microfibre fit in? If effective killing with bleach takes many minutes, what is the clinical efficacy of bleach wipes? What is the correct amount of quat? Are disinfectants being mixed accurately? Background: This slide provides a summary of the state of the current confusion regarding how to maximize surface disinfection with respect to products used in such practices. Over the past few years we’ve really come to a much clearer understanding that we have very little practical clinical “evidence based” information to provide guidance to healthcare workers when it comes to these issues. Hopefully, studies which are now being started to be carried out which will evaluate both thoroughness of cleaning as well as various products and approaches will start to shed some light on the relative importance of product vs. practice in the real world of HAP transmission prevention. Key Points: We do not have the answer to any of these questions, but scientists are working to answer them in the next 5 years. 79
Considerations for bacteria
ICU room cleaning decreased MRSA transmission VRE carriers contaminated the room in spite of environmental cleaning VRE persists x 3 cleaning episodes Multi-faceted problem Data for other pathogens
Key References Dancer SJ. The role of the environmental cleaning in the control of hospital acquired infections. J Hosp Infect. 2009; 1-10. Carling PC, Bartley JM. evaluating hygienic cleaning in healthcare settings: What you don’t know can hurt your patients. Am J Infect Control 2010;38 S41-50. CDC/HICPAC. Guidelines for environmental infection control in health care facilities. MMWR 2003;52:No. RR-10. Cleaning.html. October 2010. Rutula WA, DJ Weber. Disinfectants used for environmental disinfection and new room decontamination techology. AJIC 2013; 41 S36-41
Attribution The core materials were prepared by the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) for use by the CMS to train state HAI coordinators.
Conclusions It is very likely that surfaces in the Patient Zone are highly relevant in the transmission of Healthcare Associated Pathogens. While optimizing hand hygiene and isolation practice is clearly important there is no reason why the effectiveness and thoroughness of environmental hygienic cleaning should not also be optimized, particularly since such an intervention can be essentially resource neutral.
Now is the time to carefully evaluate the role of product and technology in the clinical setting
Old assumptions and new claims of effectiveness of all tools, chemicals and technological interventions must: be quantitatively evaluated clinically while objectively analyzing the thoroughness of cleaning practice Key Points: It’s important that any evidence of effectiveness for new technologies (tools, chemicals, interventions): Be evaluated in a clinical environment Provide quantitative data on outcomes of relevance to clinical settings Include objective analysis of the thoroughness of cleaning practice 84
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