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Faculty of Medical Sciences Post-Submission Scholarships

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1 Faculty of Medical Sciences Post-Submission Scholarships

2 Introductions Dr Richy Hetherington - Lecturer Researcher Development Prof John Kirby – Dean of Postgraduate Studies Prof Jonathan Higgins – Deputy Dean of Research Dr Gillian Pepper – Research Associate Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta - Lecturer in Chemical Engineering RH Firstly I would like to introduce the people who will speak to you today. I’m Richy Hetherington I work in the Graduate School my main focus is on the Development of research students. I have a particular interest in employability and enterprise an area I cover in the Mres. My work with industry partners and around internships has been key to the development of this scheme. Prof John Kirby is the Dean of PG studies I’m lucky enough to have John as my boss and he has supported me to look for the finances to provide this scheme. Prof Jonathan Higgins is here on behalf of the Dean of Research, I’m very pleased to have the support of the research office with these scholarships it wouldn’t be possible without their input. I’m also delighted to have with us Dr Gillian Pepper and Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta, who were both recipients of earlier versions of these scholarships hopefully to tell us the benefit that the scholarships have had on shaping their careers

3 Post Submission Scholarship Scheme
A maximum of 3 months additional stipend Enterprise Scholarship Intern Scholarship Academic Development Scholarship RH The scholarships are in three categories The enterprise scholarships were originally only for research students to investigate potential commercial enterprise stemming from their research work. However we have been able to broaden that to supporting ideas of how to make an impact with your research. So maybe there is a patient group that you could work with and help based on your work or maybe there is some commercial aspect you could investigate. The RES team or the Careers Enterprise team can help with this, and I would suggest seeking their advice as soon as you think you might put in an application in this area. The Engagement team maybe more appropriate if it is a social enterprise. Internships are a way to see how the skills you have picked up from academic research can be used in a new environment. It really ought to be outside of academic research but pretty much any other opportunity is good. The student will need to arrange this but I have good contacts if you have an area in mind but no contacts. The final strand is new. An opportunity for students to get a little bit of additional time after the submission of the thesis to complete significant research papers. We want Research students to be lead authors but sometimes it is just too much to cram in if you have to find work to keep paying your rent. Hopefully this can provide research groups a legitimate way to help their research students write up their work for papers.

4 How and why? JK PhD length is variable depending on the funding available. One of the most efficient things we can do is to maximise PhD outputs by extending a student stipend Funding has been identified to do this. We should be able to see benefits in terms of outputs from the research but also in terms of the researchers development Why: With a variety of funding models for research students available, there can be some disparity in the amount of time students are funding for and the levels of additional support they receive. Doctoral Training Partnerships have been fantastic for the students who are part of those cohorts but many studentships go back to a model more familiar to those of us who completed our PhD some time ago; three years of funding with the expectation a thesis would be submitted sometime soon after the funding has ended. It is possible to complete a PhD in three years but, collecting the data, analysing it and writing it up is a push and can limit the time to consider career options and making the broadest impact from the work. This scholarship aims to help address this issue for some research students at least. We are keen to see students maximise the potential that has arisen from their research work. The scheme does require students to complete within their four year deadline for submission and hopefully encourages them to do so. However, after submitting student status is retained until after the viva and the student’s name appears on the pass list. So we have the opportunity to continue to support students with stipend payments in that period.

5 Funding (ISSF) “enables universities in the UK and Ireland to invest in areas that are of mutual strategic importance to Wellcome” early-career researchers interdisciplinary research equality and diversity initiatives public engagement translational science initiatives inter-institutional initiatives JK Where is the money coming from ? Two sources Wellcome Trust strategic funds – which can be used to hit many of these target engagement / translation developing collaborative project but all with the development of PhD students are early career researchers in mind Funding: The funding for these scholarships has been provided by the Wellcome trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund and the Higher Education Funding Council for England’s Higher Education Innovation Fund. Money that these bodies are willing to allow the institutions to make their own choices on how the money is spent. Wellcome trust funding can support all three types of scholarship under the category of supporting early career researchers. HEfCE HEIF money can only be used to support internships and enterprise scholarships. Institutional Strategic Support Fund

6 Funding (HEIF) “To support and develop a broad range of knowledge-based interactions between universities and the wider world, which result in economic and social benefit to the UK.” JK We also have HEIF money. That can support internships and enterprise sholarships. HEfCE HEIF money can only be used to support internships and enterprise scholarships.

7 Our History with Internships
The internship scheme started as we prepared for our BBSRC DTP application and we piloted two schemes one provided MRes/PhD student internship opportunities during the summer the other was the post submission scheme. A couple of succeful examples were Andrew Baron went to Roche, this industrial experience helped his move into the biotech sector and he is now director of operations at Antibody Analytics Marc Flanagan was keen to work in industry he contacted QuantumDX – and they took the opportunity to give Marc a try they were happy to fund the stipend entirely and offered Marc a job straight after he completed the internship Internships: Prior to applying for our BBSRC DTP two Intern Scholarship were piloted, a post submission and summer scheme for MRes/PhD students. Both were successful with some MRes and PhD students getting good industrial experience. Some leading directly on to employment and some build skills that were critical to the future, Andrew Barron arranged an internship with Roche and now is Director of Operations at Antibody Analytics

8 BBSRC DTP internships “I feel like the skills I've gained during my PhD can be applied to a much broader career sector than I initially thought” RH The BBSRC DTP students are all required to complete an internship, this was a challenge at first but we seeing a real change in their perceptions as the years go by and Adam Cranshaw – one of the first cohort of DTP students is now employed At the Diamond Light Source Research Unit where his internship took place. Justina Briliute – Royal Society of Biology (Policy intern) had this to say about here internship experience with The Royal Society of Biology policy placement BBSRC DTP students are required to complete an internship initially we were an uncertain how this would go down but through time there have been some great successes. Adam Cranshaw a students based in ICaMB took an internship with Diamond Light Source a non for profit limited company that uses a particle accelerator to make light 10 billion times brighter than the sun, these beams of light can be used to investigate everything from historical objects virus structures. Adam is now a researcher down at Diamond Light. One of a few PIPS interns that have gone back to the internship host. Many others have gained career insights that will shape their futures.

9 Enterprise Scholarships
EPSRC (Environmental and Physical Sciences Research Council) Funding to support enterprise in researchers Six scholarships were awarded investigating RH The formal process for any ideas is through Research and Enterprise Team, the Business Opportunities form

10 Former Scholars Dr Gillian Pepper – Research Associate Intern Scholar (2014) Dr Sharon Velasquez Orta - Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Enterprise Scholar (2009) RH The formal process for any ideas is through Research and Enterprise Team, the Business Opportunities form

11 Research and Impact in FMS
JH Prof Jon Higgins What we achieve as a faculty owes a great deal to contribution of our research students with many key papers being first authored by PhD students. The faculty places a massive value on our research students. They contribute a significant proportion to our REF submission, this is through the papers they produce but much more than this, the vibrancy of our research culture is vital. It goes beyond this the

12 Research Culture JH So much of the positivity and enthusiasm in our research culture is generated by our research students, We don’t just need great papers we need engagement with the public and with patients. We need impact case studies. And we need employers outside of academia to see how important and valuable training as a researcher can be. Many of our research students will opt for careers outside of academia so it is important we facilitate research students learning how they can use the broad range of skills and attributes they have as wide a context as possible. The country and the world needs people who can analyse problems, use the evidence and come up with novel solutions. Research training provides these skills but also supports the development of attributes such as resilience and great team working and leadership. We need all our researchers to recognise these skills and attributes and use them.

13 Expectations Three months is not a long time!
Scholarships don’t support lab work Supervisors & Research Group must provide structures to support the scholarship Applicants must complete agreed milestones which may include a short report Training will not be provided applicants may need additional support RH There are no funds for consumables, so it seems quite unlikely that the scholarship alone will support further lab or scientific research work. Really the idea is to present the opportunity to do something with your research findings

14 Timescale Funding will be awarded on thesis submission
Staged funding will apply on completion of milestones Applications can be made at any time but more notice is better Notification will be given as quickly as possible RH This will be a rolling process of accepting applications until appropriate applicants are selected for all available scholarships. Then notification will be posted on the graduate school websites that no further applications are to be considered. Applications can be made at any time, we would hope to get at least of months notice before expectation of thesis submission and receiving the award. First scholarship payments will be made on thesis submission but others may be linked to completion of realistic milestones agreed at the interview. Applications can be made at any time. We’ll notify everyone as soon as we can with an outcome and feedback.

15 Applying Applications can be made by visiting the website at Applicants may be interviewed RH

16 Supporting Excellence
Decisions on Support Continual Monitoring We will look at every application, they will be judged independently with no specific framework we are looking for scholarships that can add as much value as possible. Primarily to the research students development and career options but also to what it could mean for the Faculty. There is very limited funds but the greater the number of strong and successful applications the more change we will have of increasing the funding for more scholarships. Supporting Excellence

17 Reporting Payments will be monthly
Milestone reports may be required A final report will be required to help gain support for future scholarships There may be a requirement for monitoring to make sure everything is happing as was agreed A final report will be asked for, it will really help.

18 Alternative Funding Options
Other funding options Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) BBSRC Enterprise Fellowships BBSRC Follow on Fund RH when you submit an application the panel might be able to suggest other routes which might be better (provide more money) that could be applied for first.

19 For any further information contact
Thank you For any further information contact

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