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The Book Thief.

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Presentation on theme: "The Book Thief."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Book Thief

2 Read the poem and make note of: The topic The tone The theme
--Marshal Schacht

3 Turn and Talk to a Partner:
What was Germany like before Hitler’s rise to power? What was Germany like while Hitler was in power?

4 What connects Hans and rosa’s reaction about the flag to Mr
What connects Hans and rosa’s reaction about the flag to Mr. Steiner’s about the Jesse Owens Incident?

5 Nazi Party Members How is Alex Steiner different than Hans Junior?

6 Describe the Differences Between Hans and his son

7 Symbolism When people, places, and things represent ideas and qualities beyond their literal meaning

8 What might the argument between Hans and Hans Junior Symbolize?

9 Walk around the room and Vote at each station

10 What makes someone a coward?

11 Coward Why is it such an insult when Hans Junior calls his father a coward?

12 Homework Tonight: Complete the reading
Materials to study for the quiz on Thursday: Vocab list WWII Video fact sheet Propaganda notes Reading quizzes

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