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Hydrosphere All the water on earth

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Presentation on theme: "Hydrosphere All the water on earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydrosphere All the water on earth
Seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, and ice.

2 Biosphere regions of the world supporting life
All life on earth makes up the biosphere

3 Atmosphere The layers of gases surrounding the earth The Air
Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide The Air

4 Lithosphere The earth’s crust and solid mantle The Land
Covers 100% of the earth

5 Inside the Earth Crust – the outermost solid shell of the earth
Between 3-5 miles thick Broken up into different ‘plates’

6 Mantle Mantle – Largest layer of the earth; 1800 miles thick
Made of hot, thick, dense rock Flows like a thick liquid

7 Core Core – center of the earth (iron and nickel)
Intense pressure of gravity keeps the molten iron and nickel solid Outer core is liquid Inner Core is solid

8 Continental Shelf The underwater extension of the continent where the sea is relatively shallow compared with the open ocean

9 Continental Slope The slope between the outer edge of the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor

10 Topography study of surface shape and features of the earth
Highlights changes in elevation

11 Topographic Maps a type of map representing the topography of an area by using contour lines with set distances between them

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