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Climate vs. Weather What’s the difference?.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate vs. Weather What’s the difference?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate vs. Weather What’s the difference?

2 Climate Vs. Weather Climate Long-term weather patterns of an area
Current state of the troposphere Short term variations

3 Climatology The study of Earth’s climate and the factors that affect past, present, and future climatic changes

4 Normals Standard values for a location at a given time
Average values over a long period of time

5 What Causes Different Climates?
Topography Coastal regions and areas near water are warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer Latitude

6 Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn
Antarctic Circle 66.5° N 23.5° N 23.5° S 66.5° S

7 Polar Temperate Tropics Tropics Temperate Polar

8 Climate Regions Tropics Lots of direct solar radiation; warmer; wetter
Between Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer Temperate Between 23.5 and 66.5 North and South Mild temperatures that do not fluctuate Polar Cold temperatures, little precipitation

9 Koeppen Classification System
Classified based on temp. + precipitation Tropical Dry Mild Continental Polar

10 Climate Change

11 Long-Term Climatic Change
Climates change over extremely long periods of time Ice Ages – Periods of extensive glacial coverage Most recent ended 10,000 years ago Temps dropped 5°C

12 Short-Term Climatic Change
Caused by regular variations in daylight, temp, and weather patterns Examples: Seasons El Nino (Warm ocean current)

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