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Ms. Riscoe. Complete Student/Parent info sheet Turn in when you leave Be sure you receive a copy of our class syllabus.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Riscoe. Complete Student/Parent info sheet Turn in when you leave Be sure you receive a copy of our class syllabus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Riscoe

2 Complete Student/Parent info sheet Turn in when you leave Be sure you receive a copy of our class syllabus

3 Grew up in Overland Park Blue Valley Northwest High School ROCK CHALK- attended KU Student taught at Hocker Grove Middle School After graduating college, moved to Chicago!! Taught Seniors in HS while living in Chicago Taught at Hocker Grove Middle School for 2 years This is my 5 th year at Trailridge This will is my 7 th year in Shawnee Mission School District Received my Masters Degree from Avila University Currently in school at Emporia State University for Masters Degree in School Counseling Outside of School -running (ran 1 st half marathon, Hospital Hill, 3 years ago…trying to get motivated to do it again ) -sports (KU basketball, Chiefs) -being around family and friends -live in Prairie Village

4 Web Backpack (Trailridge Website) lesson plans and minimal worksheets posted My plan is 7th hour (2:11-2:56) 913-993-1026

5 If you would like to receive progress report updates, email me at and I will add you to my distribution list. I email progress reports out approximately every Friday by the end of the day.

6 English: I will NOT be checking out textbooks this year. However, if you would like a copy of the textbook for your son/daughter to have at home let me know. Communications: We do not have enough textbooks to check this book out. Each teacher has been given a class set. If you would like a copy of the textbook, let me know and I can see what I can do.

7 English 8 and Communications homework is given approximately 1-2 times per week. Some weeks there will be more (major writing assignments); some weeks there will be less. Work that is one day late will receive 80% credit. Assignments that are more than one day late will receive 50% credit.


9 Be on time Come with your materials Fill out your PLANNER Call home if you do not have your homework or it is incomplete! Absent Work (students responsibility) Check the ABSENT Planner Late work is accepted for 80% the first day late and 50% credit every day after that

10 *1 st Tardy Warning **2 nd Tardy Make a plan with student ***3 rd Tardy Detention; Parent Contact ****4 th Tardy Detention; Parent Contact; Minor Referral *****5 th Tardy Major Referral sent to office

11 Any Questions or Concerns? Thank you for your support. Please feel free to call or email with any issues that come up during the school year!!! Please check out your students work (bio poem and/or Wanted poster) hanging in the room or hallway bulletin board. Im looking forward to a GREAT year with your son/daughter!! Ms. Lori Riscoe

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