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Testing & Accountability Results North Forest Pines Elem, 2012-13.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing & Accountability Results North Forest Pines Elem, 2012-13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing & Accountability Results North Forest Pines Elem, 2012-13

2 New Standards and Assessments More rigorous curriculum More rigorous proficiency standards on new assessments New AMO targets to align with new assessments New accountability model w/ EVAAS growth

3 Historical AMO Status North Forest Pines Elem YearAMO Status 2011-1223/ 23 Target Met 2012-1335/37 Targets Met (Not Met: AIG and Economically Disadvantage in Science)

4 2012-13 EOG Math Percent Level III or Higher by Subgroup

5 Turn and talk How do our results compare to the district averages? What areas/subgroups appear to be doing better/worse than others? What are the main things we need to focus on this year?

6 2012-13 EOG Reading Percent Level III or Higher by Subgroup

7 Turn and talk How do our results compare to the district averages? What areas/subgroups appear to be doing better/worse than others? What are the main things we need to focus on this year?

8 2012-13 EOG Science Percent Level III or Higher by Subgroup

9 Turn and talk How do our results compare to the district averages? What areas/subgroups appear to be doing better/worse than others? What are the main things we need to focus on this year?

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