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You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question.

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Presentation on theme: "You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question.
Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

2 Click here for Final Jeopardy
500 Points!!!! 500 Points!!!!!!! Click here for Final Jeopardy

3 Plane Shapes Solid Shapes Fractions of a Whole Fractions of a Set
Word Problems And Vocabulary 100 Point 100 Point 100 Point 100 Point 100 Point 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 200 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 300 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 400 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points 500 Points

4 Plane Shapes 100 pts. What is this shape?

5 Pentagon

6 Plane Shapes 200 pts. What shape am I?

7 Trapezoid

8 If you put two squares together, you form this shape. What Shape am I?
Plane Shapes 300 pts. If you put two squares together, you form this shape. What Shape am I?

9 A rectangle

10 Plane Shapes 400 pts. This shape is incomplete. What would this be if all the lines were drawn?

11 Hexagon

12 Plane Shapes 500 pts. All these sides are the same length. What shape would they make if put together?

13 Square

14 Solid Shapes 100 pts. What shape am I?

15 Cone

16 Solid Shapes 200 pts. What shape am I?

17 Cube

18 A ball, a globe, and the moon are all examples of a _______
Solid Shapes 300 pts. A ball, a globe, and the moon are all examples of a _______

19 Sphere

20 Solid Shapes 400 pts. I have 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges. I am not a cube. I am a _______________

21 Rectangular Prism

22 Solid Shapes 500 pts. If you were to put these shapes together, what solid shape would be formed?

23 Cylinder

24 What fraction of the shape is shaded?
Fractions of a Whole What fraction of the shape is shaded?

25 Three-eighths

26 Fractions of a Whole 200 pts.
What is the fraction of the shape that is shaded?

27 Two-fourths

28 Fractions of a Whole 300 pts. What fraction of the circle has stars?

29 Three-fourths

30 Fractions of a Whole 400 pts. Which fraction is larger?
¼ or ½ ?

31 1/2

32 Fractions of a Whole 500 pts.
What is the fraction of each part of this whole worth?

33 Each part is worth ¼.

34 What fraction of the set is shaded?
Fractions of a Set 100 pts. What fraction of the set is shaded?

35 5/7

36 What fraction of the set is circled?
Fractions of a Set 200 pts. What fraction of the set is circled?

37 Four-sixths

38 What fraction of the set are stars?
Fractions of a Set 300 pts. What fraction of the set are stars?

39 4/8 are stars

40 What is the fraction of boys in the group?
Fractions of a Set 400 pts. What is the fraction of boys in the group?

41 2/4 are boys

42 What fraction of the hearts are NOT pink?
Fractions of a Set 500 pts. What fraction of the hearts are NOT pink?

43 8/12 are NOT pink

44 Vocabulary and Word Problems 100 pts.
Jocelyn ordered a pizza that had 8 slices. She ate 3. What fraction of the pizza was LEFT over?

45 5/8 of the pizza was left

46 Which shape is NOT a quadrilateral?
Vocabulary and Word Problems 200 pts. Which shape is NOT a quadrilateral?

47 The circle is NOT an example of a quadrilateral

48 A __________ is the flat surface of a 3D shape
Word Problems and Vocabulary 300 pts. A __________ is the flat surface of a 3D shape

49 A face is the flat surface of a 3D shape

50 Word Problems and Vocabulary 300 pts.
Silas saw 6 bugs. 2 of them were grasshoppers and 4 of them were lady bugs. What is the fraction of bugs that were lady bugs?

51 Four-sixths are lady bugs
(Four out of six)

52 Word Problems and Vocabulary 500 pts.
Which shape IS NOT partitioned in equal parts? A B C

53 A IS NOT partitioned into equal parts.

54 Final Jeopardy Make your wager

55 What other fraction can we use to describe the shaded portion of this shape besides 2/4?
Think…2/4 is the same as ….?


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