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Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) Natural Resource Professional (NRP) Designation.

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Presentation on theme: "Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) Natural Resource Professional (NRP) Designation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) Natural Resource Professional (NRP) Designation

2 ABCFPs Vision We lead the way to diverse, healthy and sustainable forests in British Columbia ABCFPs Mission Our mission is to ensure British Columbia has qualified forest professionals and to support them in providing excellence in forest stewardship

3 Membership Profile

4 What the University Students are doing UBC 2008/2009 Enrollment Total Male Total Female Total Natural Resources Conservation 80138218 Forestry Science /FRM 6937106 Forestry /FOPR 29635 Forest Sciences 232043 Wood Processing 9811109 Total 299212511

5 The ABCFP model was originally designed around fibre management Forestry has been regulated since 1947. Mandate is set by the provincial government via the Foresters Act. Traditionally, weve used an inverted funnel for admissions (only let a narrow section of forestry through admissions – once in – the practice widens) #1 – What am I?

6 Inverted funnel enrollment model Work with schools to accredit their programs Work with individuals who dont come from accredited programs to ensure they take the upgrading required to become competent We ensure that members have a set core of skills and knowledge, and them let them practice in a wide area Applicants from Accredited Schools Applicants from Non- accredited Schools Silviculture Operations Various other practice areas

7 Theres a lot going on in the forests than was not contemplated when we were formed: Run of the river hydro projects Wind projects Mining exploration and extraction Oil and Gas exploration and extraction Bio Energy projects Non timber forest products Ecotourism, recreation Carbon capture and credits Water production and use, domestic range use Cultural activities First Nations are now more engaged and have their own forest tenures and interests

8 Some issues of concern: Govt expects to have shortages of professionals and is using the Resource Management Coordination Process to share resources between and among Ministries. UBC Forestry Operations has so few students it may disappear. If this happens only APEGBC members will do forest engineering work Carbon tracking and measurement could become an important focus Climate change may make water a more important commodity #2 – What am I?

9 What does our Act say? The Act defines the practice forestry as follows: -practice of professional forestry means, for fees or other remuneration, advising on, performing or directing works, services or undertakings which, because of their scope and implications respecting forests, forest lands, forest resources and forest ecosystems, require the specialized education, knowledge, training and experience of a registered member, an enrolled member or a special permit holder, and includes the following: -(a) planning, advising on, directing, approving methods for, supervising, engaging -in and reporting on the inventory, classification, valuation, appraisal, conservation, protection, management, enhancement, harvesting, silviculture and rehabilitation of forests, forest lands, forest resources and forest ecosystems;………

10 Options considered: 1.Carry on with current recruitment and accreditation of programs 2. Expand membership to include a broader range of student background options such as forestry conservation, environmental science, natural resource management and natural resource science students. 3. Begin discussions with other associations (biologists, agrologists, planners) to start a new association with one Act

11 Option 1: Carry on with current recruitment and accreditation processes. Continue to accredit programs and move towards skills assessments versus credential assessments Benefits: It works and the ABCFP is currently set up to handle that model Downside: Based on demographics the association may start to shrink and may slowly lose its importance and relevance

12 Option 2 : Expand membership to include forestry conservation, environmental and natural resource science students Change model of association from narrow admissions to wider admissions. Natural Resource Conservation Forestry Operations Forest Management Specialty Natural Resource Professionals RPF options RFT options Other Certificates

13 Option 2 continued Benefits: ABCFP membership will better reflect the current realities of natural resource management and remain relevant. Other professionals may see the benefits of joining our association (option 3) Downside: It will be disruptive and time consuming. Short term financial consequences? #3 – What am I?

14 Option 3: Begin discussions with other associations to start a new association Benefits: It brings everyone associated with natural resource management under one roof. Downside: This is controversial and could be stalled by a turf war. This big a step and will take time to accomplish.

15 Option 2 was selected as a pilot project: We have created a the designation of Natural Resource Professional (NRP). We have opened our registration process and recognized the competencies, and knowledge of graduates from 4 non-accredited conservation related programs. The NRP can practice a small portion of the RPF scope of practice as described in a Certificate of Accreditation issues by the ABCFP.

16 What are the requirements? You must be a graduate of one of these four programs: UBCs Natural Resource Conservation with a major in Science and Management Thompson Rivers Universitys Natural Resource Science UNBCs Outdoor Recreation and Conservation or Wildlife and Fisheries Following graduation, you must complete a two- year articling program and pass a registration exam. You will then be an Associate Member of the ABCFP and able to practice independently as a NRP under a Certificate of Accreditation. #4 – What am I?

17 What is the scope of practice? Members in the category are authorized to use the title Natural Resource Professional and the designation NRP as an Associate member of the ABCFP and to only engage independently in aspects of the practice of professional forestry (Section 1 of the Foresters Act) as identified and described in sections (a) to (d) below.

18 What is the scope of practice? (a) The following activities: Planning [for]: inventory, classification, conservation, and protection; Advising [on]: inventory, classification, conservation, protection, enhancement, harvesting, valuation and rehabilitation; Engaging [in]: inventory, classification, conservation, enhancement and protection; Reporting [on]: inventory, classification, conservation, protection and enhancement. (b) The preparation, review and amendment of professional documents;

19 What is the scope of practice? Subsections (c) to (d) are limited to activities relating to inventory, classification, conservation, protection and enhancement. (c) Assessing the impact of professional forestry activities to: (i) verify that those activities have been carried out as planned, directed or advised, (ii) confirm that the goals, objectives or commitments that relate to those activities have been met, or (iii) advise on corrective action as required to conserve, protect, rehabilitate or enhance the forests, forest lands, forest resource or forest ecosystems; [and/or].

20 What is the scope of practice? (d) Auditing, examining and verifying the results of activities involving the practice of professional forestry and the attainment of goals and objectives identified in or under professional documents. Specifically excluded from the scope of this Certificate of Accreditation are: planning for, engaging in or reporting on: valuation, appraisal, harvesting, or silviculture; assessing, estimating or analyzing the capability of forest lands to yield a flow of timber; planning, locating or approving of forest transportation systems; and planning or engaging in: site-level designs or prescriptions. #5 What am I?

21 What can an NRP do? Natural Resource Professionals (NRPs) may work for government, consulting companies, industry, Aboriginal groups and more. They work with Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs) and Registered Forest Technologists (RFTs) doing activities related to inventory, classification, conservation, protection and enhancement of forest ecosystems. Bonus beer for me?

22 Thank you Any questions?

23 Answers: 1.4 Roosevelt Elk - Cervus elaphus roosevelti 2.Sow grizzly with cub - Ursus arctos horribilis 3.Osprey - Pandion haliaetu 4.Lewis woodpecker - Melanerpes lewis 5.Western Columbine - Aquilegia formosa 6.Tasmanian Devil - Sarcophilus harrisii

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