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Sylvia Chelebieva.

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Presentation on theme: "Sylvia Chelebieva."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sylvia Chelebieva

2 Creepy Crawlies 1. They crawl and look creepy, they are small and sometimes scary. 2. Some have wings, some have dozens of legs, some are dangerous to humans… but they are all part of nature, as are we.

3 SPIDERS 1. They have 8 legs. 2. They can be different colours, but are mostly black. 3. Spiders can live in the house or in the garden, in webs. 4. Spiders like to eat flies which they catch in their webs.

4 SNAILS 1. Snails have no legs, but they have one foot. 2
SNAILS 1. Snails have no legs, but they have one foot. 2. Their shells have different spiral patterns. 3. They live inside a shell which they carry on their back. 4. They like to eat vegetables like lettuce and cabbage.

5 Worms 1. Earthworms have no legs. 2
Worms 1. Earthworms have no legs. 2. They are brown and have rings around them. 3. They live in the ground. 4. They eat soil which then goes back into the earth and makes it soft.

6 ANTS 1. Ants live together in huge colonies, headed by a queen or queens There are more than 12,000 known ant species in the world. 3. Ants can lift and carry 50 times their own weight. 4. Ants lived alongside the dinosaurs. 5. Ants eat all that a person eats - fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy, sugars, nuts, juice, etc.

7 BEETLES 1. Beetles use camouflage to protect themselves. 2
BEETLES 1. Beetles use camouflage to protect themselves. 2. They try to look like part of their habitat (the place where they live). 3. You can find them under stones and bits of wood, on trees and bushes… 4. Beetles eat fruits, leaves and wood.

8 Ladybirds 1. Ladybirds have 6 legs. 2
Ladybirds Ladybirds have legs. 2. Ladybirds live in gardens and parks in the summer. They hibernate in the winter. 3. They eat greenfly and other garden pests.

9 BEES 1. Bees collect nectar and convert it to honey
BEES 1. Bees collect nectar and convert it to honey. Nectar is a sweet fluid found in flowers. 2. A colony of bees consists of 20,000-60,000 bees and a queen. 4. In the wild, their hives are often located in the holes of trees near flowering plants. 5. Bees eat nectar from the flowers. During the winter they eat honey. 6. They are capable of giving painful stings.

10 Grasshoppers 1. They can jump and fly. They have ears and can hear. 2
Grasshoppers 1. They can jump and fly! They have ears and can hear! 2. Grasshoppers existed long before dinosaurs. 3. They eat leaves, plants in the garden – corn, wheat, etc.

11 Flies 1. Flies feed on garbage, spoiled meat and decaying matter. 2
Flies 1. Flies feed on garbage, spoiled meat and decaying matter. 2. There are more than 120,000 species of flies worldwide. 3. They carry bacterias and deseases.

12 Mosquitoes 1. Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals for blood; males feed on flower nectar. 2. Mosquitoes carry deseases and bacterias. 3. Mosquitoes remain inactive through the winter months.

13 Caterpillars 1. Many caterpillars have the same colours as the plants on which they feed. 2. They produce silk. 3. Caterpillars eat leaves of trees, plants with flowers and fruits.

14 Butterflies 1. A butterfly eats nectar from the flowers with its long tongue. 2. Butterflies were once caterpillars (for half their life).

15 Butterfly Life Cycle cocoon

16 8 legs has:

17 8 legs has:

18 Honey is produced by:

19 Honey is produced by:

20 They can carry 50 times their weight:

21 They can carry 50 times their weight:

22 They existed long before dinosaurs:

23 They existed long before dinosaurs:

24 They carry bacterias and deseases:

25 They carry bacterias and deseases:

26 Butterflies were once:

27 Butterflies were once:

28 They hibernate in the winter:

29 They hibernate in the winter:

30 They eat nectar from the flowers:

31 They eat nectar from the flowers:

32 They eat leaves:

33 They eat leaves:

34 They have no legs:

35 They have no legs:

36 More or less:

37 More or less:

38 More or less:

39 More or less:

40 More or less:

41 More or less:

42 More or less:

43 More or less:

44 More or less:

45 More or less:

46 More or less:

47 More or less:

48 Изготвил: Силвия Челебиева, гр.Бургас

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