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Division of Computer Studies

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1 Division of Computer Studies
Physical Protection Division of Computer Studies 11/8/2018 Y K Choi

2 Objectives Identify the natural disasters that threaten computer systems Determine the damage assessment and reconstruction techniques (for example how to recover from lost data) Design and select the physical location of a computer server, computer room etc. (where is the best location for computer room?) Measure the air conditioning and power supply sources for computer center, servers and communication equipment (this will disrupt the service.) Describe the various access control mechanisms to prevent unauthorised entries (use password, key/lock) 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

3 Natural Disasters By definition, a natural disaster is defined as any event that is an act of God or the result of natural causes that are not avoidable. A computer server is more prone to earthquakes in Japan than in Hong Kong. If a computer server is located at Kam Tin, it was more prone to flooding during rainy season. Computer and communication equipment are sensitive to environmental and temperature conditions: that is too hot, humid, cold or inadequate power and software will affect the performance. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

4 Type of Natural Disasters in Hong Kong
Radiation Falling Objects Storms Floods Fire Earthquake 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

5 Earthquake? Or bomb explosive?
All equipment and human will be destroyed. There is nothing you can do. There is why you should not install ONLY one computer centre. (Might be one in Tokyo or the other in Hong Kong) 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

6 Radiation – Nuclear Power Generation Plant
There is a threat that the nuclear power plant might generate leakage. So far, it has not happened in Hong Kong. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

7 Radiation Monitoring Environmental Radiation Monitoring Programme (ERMP) This is linked to Hong Kong Observatory. This web site contains many information on radiation. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

8 Storms and Typhoon This is the typhoon York in 1999.
From Hong Kong Observatory In Telephone exchange centres, protection against power surge due to thunder storm is installed. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

9 Floods – computer becomes useless
2018/11/8 Y K Choi

10 Floods Floods are due to natural causes such as rainstorms, tides in Hong Kong. Say for example, you forget to close the window, while your servers are close to it. In areas prone to flooding, you should locate your computer equipment well above the ground level. It might happen in China, but is unusual in Hong Kong. Falling water: This is common in Hong Kong. If sprinkler systems are present in computer room, you should prepare plastic sheets so that you can cover all equipment in case there is a surge of water. You should change the sprinkler system to other types. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

11 Threats from Water Flooding may be caused by rain or pipes overflowing
Please note that once a computer is wet, it cannot function. If you were the manager, you should install water sensors below the raised floor. This sensor will alter the user. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

12 Fire Fire is extremely dangerous as it damages not just the equipment but also the human. Life is far important than equipment. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

13 Fire Fire can be more serious than flooding as it affects human lives (not barbecue) As the fire spread, there is no time to remove the computer equipment and data. A well-planned disaster recovery plan and fire drills (rehearsal) should be practiced. A windowless location with fire-resistant access doors and nonflammable walls can prevent fire spreading. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

14 Fire extinguisher
Fire extinguishers are divided into four categories, based on different types of fires. Each fire extinguisher also has a numerical rating that serves as a guide for the amount of fire the extinguisher can handle. The higher the number, the more fire-fighting power. For example, from Class A to D. Class A is for ordinary use (water), class B or C (carbon dioxide) while class D is for chemical plant. Class B is enough for computer room. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

15 Protecting against fire and Smoke
Use smoke detectors and check the function Place a fire extinguishers near the computer room/communication equipment room No smoking in computer areas Use CFCs (or carbon dioxide) fire extinguishers rather than water-based (class B or C) 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

16 Fire and Smoke Detectors
Fire detector detectors will sound loud, 85 decibel alarms to alert the user of smoke buildup. This could be due to a fire. The device is easily attached to walls or ceilings with batteries. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

17 Physical Facilities In the early days, protection was simple as all equipment was kept in a single room with lock. Today, with computers and servers becoming cheaper and smaller, protecting the environment is difficult. Physical security involves tangible measures that are instituted to protect the facility, equipment and information from theft, misuse and disclosure etc. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

18 Computer Room A typical computer room with smoke detector, water sprinkler and raised floor air conditioner 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

19 Physical Layout of a computer room:
Computer room before Computer room after Computer room during Computer room in operation 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

20 Selecting the Physical Location
The physical requirements for security can be met taking the following into account: (from Karen Forcht) Place the computers and servers from main building traffic areas such as far from corridors Avoid a location with outside walls and windows Impose secure door locks Install separate power sources and air conditioning systems (essential power in computer lab.) Install backup light – such as torch 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

21 CityU’s Computing Services Centre
Far from students 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

22 Air Conditioning Equipment
It should be independent of the rest building. It should be connected to the fire detection and extinguishing system. Additional smoke exhaust should be installed for emergency use. The alarm should allow sufficient time for a system halt (system halt means no service). 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

23 Access Controls It includes key-locks, card-key locks, etc
Digital Keypad Locks digital access control locks for any door retrofit any standard knob or lever programmable from the keypad Fingerprint (identify a finger) or photo identification The controls include mirrors to eliminate blind spots in these areas (check with CSC, you will find that it has CCTV and mirror) 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

24 Access Controls Digital lock, use password to open the door
Computer lock to safeguard the equipment Access card Finger print 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

25 Physical checklists – example of Division of Computer Studies
Security guard Closed circuit TV Fire extinguisher Access gate Access key lock Sprinkler system Central air-conditioner Essential power (the highest priority to provide power) Computer lock 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

26 Physical checklists – example of Computer Services Centre (CSC) (1)
Identification mechanisms - password Entrance control – with Cityu’s card Guard control – with a security guard Television surveillance – closed circuit TV Environmental alarms – alarm in the corridor Fire suppression system – fire extinguisher Fire communication – security office 8888 Emergency evacuation – fire exits Remote site backup – NO 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

27 Physical checklists – example of CSC (2)
Disaster recovery plan – Yes Locate computer facilities in low traffic areas – in TSC room Install power sources independent of other areas – essential power supply and uninterruptible power supply Make ceilings and walls watertight – check by yourself Prohibit smoking, easting and drinking in computer room – Yes Place breathing apparatus units around facility – NO, but there is a safety box 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

28 Web site on safety and health
There is a web site developed by CityU students to learn the knowledge on safety/security on computer server. 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

29 Summary Web site:
The protection of the computer and server room is the first step in securing the operation. Natural disaster such as flood, fire, earthquakes present a real threat Backup copies should be kept in a safe place Computer room should have separate air conditioning, power and electrical supply with fire detection To prevent unauthorised persons, access controls such as locks, password should be installed. Web site: 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

30 Next Week Contents Web Security Definition of Web security
Browser <- >Internet <-> Server Risks that affect the above three 2018/11/8 Y K Choi

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