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Leave, Retirement and Unemployment Compensation Office

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1 Leave, Retirement and Unemployment Compensation Office

2 The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Highlights
12 weeks or 60 work days of unpaid, job-protected leave. Illness of Self, spouse, child, parent and for birth or adoption of a child. Sick or authorized vacation days for the use of FMLA will be counted as part of the employee’s FMLA entitlement.

3 Intermittent Leave Under FMLA
Absences may be in increments of 15 minutes to days for scheduled treatment, doctor’s visits or flare ups. You cannot make the employee take more time than they are requesting. A medical note does not need to be provided for every absence.

Inform employees of their right to apply for FMLA. Notify employees concerning their eligibility status and rights and responsibilities. Track FMLA-related absences from the beginning. Require re-certification when the form is no longer valid or every six months. Do not contact the healthcare provider.

5 SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST Step 1: Review Form Step 2: Verify Eligibility
Check the form for: Diagnosis, date range, frequency and duration, and doctor’s information. Step 2: Verify Eligibility Employees must have worked at least 1,250 hours in the last 12 months. To check the employee’s eligibility, send an to Step 3: Notify Use a sample approval/denial memo found in our Website to notify the employee Step 4: Track Absences Track all employee absences and identify which ones are FMLA-related absences. Attendance log template found at:

6 Send your inquiries to
Contact Information For FMLA Questions Leave Office: Send your inquiries to

7 8200 Position Requests You may request an 8200 position for an employee who is: Using accrued sick days for a documented medical necessity Using 30 days or less of authorized LWOP Retiring and exhausting accrued vacation days The link to the 8200 request form is found on our web site for administrators:

8 Lily Baluja or Thais Prado
Contact Information For 8200 Position Questions Lily Baluja or Thais Prado Leave Office: Send your requests to

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