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Florida State University New Faculty Orientation

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1 Florida State University New Faculty Orientation
Kyle Clark • Vice President for finance & administration August 20, 2018

2 Education & General Funds
Appropriated by the State Legislature General Revenue (primarily Florida’s sales tax) Tuition and Fees Lottery Spending must result in a direct, specific benefit to the University Tuition Differential must be spent to enhance undergraduate education

3 Contracts & Grants Financial activity related to sponsored research
Includes the University’s developmental research schools Spending must: comply with all University and agency requirements follow the terms of the contract/grant

4 Local Funds Student Activities
Primarily Activity and Service (A&S) fee revenues A&S fee spending should benefit the student body Also some self-generated revenues (e.g., the Union) Technology Fee – Spending should enhance instructional technology resources Vending – Spending must result in a general benefit to the University

5 Total Operating Budget
FSU Operating Budget Overall $1.8 billion Increase of $130 million (8%) over No tuition & mandatory fee increase Significant Changes to Revenue E&G – $25 million increase in new State funding appropriated Restricted increases $17 million Federal Grants $34 million State Grants $30 million Other Grants & Donations

6 Total Operating Budget
FSU Operating Budget Significant Changes to Expense Increased Faculty Hires which will enable us to offer new programs of strategic interest, reduce our class sizes, and continue to build on our research capabilities Continue to build and improve recruiting tools for prospective students and families along with financial aid enhancements Additional graduation and retention enhancements Enhance student support, student services, and student career preparation Continue to build upon the operational excellence and efficiencies. This investment will enable us to provide the very best service to students, families, faculty and staff Enhance graduate, professional programs and student support

7 2018-2019 Total Operating Budget Summary
FSU Operating Budget Education & General - State Support $ 571,509,087 $ 586,142,857 Education & General - Tuition & Fees 210,534,516 212,490,698 Designated 112,087,535 75,193,792 Auxiliary 219,844,425 239,599,418 Debt Service 23,175,000 24,014,205 Restricted 318,754,754 405,881,103 Capital Projects 125,319,943 169,519,158 Component Units 88,826,630 87,584,516 Total $ 1,670,051,890 $ 1,800,425,747

8 2018-2019 Total Operating Budget Summary
FSU Operating Budget Total E&G 44.36%

9 2018-2019 New E&G Appropriations
FSU Operating Budget RECURRING E&G Preeminence $6,100,000 World Class Faculty and Scholar Program 3,310,722 Professional and Graduate Degree Excellence Program 1,764,359 Operational Support 1,757,800 National Ranking Operational Enhancement 1,697,172 Performance Based Funding 900,000 Retirement Adjustments 862,137 College of Law Tuition Adjustments (Potential Enrollment Growth) 463,480 Subtotal Recurring E&G $16,855,670 RECURRING COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Tuition Adjustments $1,423,531 80,486 Subtotal Recurring College of Medicine $1,504,017 RECURRING FAMU-FSU COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING $23,897 Subtotal Recurring FAMU-FSU College of Engineering NON-RECURRING E&G $3,242,200 1,924,000 802,828 Tallahassee Veterans Legal Collaborative 400,000 Subtotal Non-Recurring E&G $6,369,028 TOTAL NEW FUNDING APPROPRIATED $24,752,612

10 Construction Budget Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science Building $47,777,371 Student Union Expansion Phase I 21,931,740 Technology Services Building 8,043,713 Campus Dining & Kitchen Renovations 6,754,401 Bio-Med Research Facility 4,964,498 Hoffman Teaching Lab Renovations 4,523,302 All Others 75,524,133 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION BY PROJECT $169,519,158

11 FSU Operating Budget 2018-2019 Component Units Seminole Boosters, Inc.
$ ,847,818 1 FSU Foundation, Inc. 18,665,889 FSU International Programs Association, Inc. 18,200,000 FSU Financial Assistance, Inc. 14,041,087 Florida Medical Practice Plan, Inc. 4,947,392 FSU Research Foundation, Inc. 3,928,100 FSU Alumni Association, Inc. 3,493,532 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Inc. 2,772,229 FSU Real Estate Foundation, Inc. 712,577 FSU Magnet Research and Development, Inc. 76,610 FSU College of Business Student Investment Fund, Inc. 5,665 SUBTOTAL COMPONENT UNIT EXPENSES $ ,690,899 Addition to Fund Balance $ ,985,789 TOTAL COMPONENT UNIT EXPENSES $ ,676,688 1 The budget is an estimate, and has not yet been approved by the component unit’s Board.

12 2016-2017 Peer Institutions Operating Budgets
Estimated Total Operating Budget (in billions) Indiana University $3.2 Ohio State University 2.9 University of Missouri 2.4 University of Maryland 2.0 University of Georgia 1.5 Florida State University 1.4 University of Kansas 1.2 Note: Does not include teaching hospitals or Component Units

13 2018-2019 FSU Undergraduate Tuition & Fees
Resident Non-Resident Tuition: Tuition $ Student Financial Aid Fee 5.25 Capital Improvement Trust Fund Fee 4.76 Out-of-State Fee - 481.48 Student Financial Aid 24.07 Subtotal $ $ Fees: Athletic Fee $ Activity and Service Fee 12.86 Health Fee 13.97 Transportation Fee 8.90 Tuition Differential Fee 49.59 Student Affairs Facility Use Fee 2.00 Technology Fee $ Total per Credit Hour $ $ Student Affairs Facility Use Fee per semester $ Academic Year (30 Hours) $ ,506.50 $ ,673.00 Academic Year (30 Hours Less Tuition Differential) $ ,018.80 $ ,185.30 No change since

14 Our Annual Operating Budget is Larger than 73 Countries
American Samoa Grenada Northern Mariana Islands Anguilla Guam Palau Antigua and Barbuda Guernsey Pitcairn Islands Aruba Guinea-Bissau Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha Barbados Guyana Saint Kitts and Nevis Belize Holy See (Vatican City) Saint Lucia Bermuda Isle of Man Saint Pierre and Miquelon Bhutan Jersey Saint Vincent and the Grenadines British Virgin Islands Kiribati Samoa Burundi Kosovo San Marino Cabo Verde Lesotho Sao Tome and Principe Cayman Islands Liberia Seychelles Central African Republic Liechtenstein Sierra Leone Chad Madagascar Solomon Islands Comoros Malawi Somalia Cook Islands Maldives Suriname Curacao Marshall Islands Togo Djibouti Mauritania Tokelau Dominica Micronesia, Federated States of Tonga Eswatini Monaco Turks and Caicos Islands Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Montserrat Tuvalu Faroe Islands Nauru Vanuatu Fiji Niue Virgin Islands Gambia, The Norfolk Island West Bank Gibraltar

15 Performance Funding Common to All Universities
Percent of Bachelor’s Graduates Employed and/or Continuing their Education Further 1 Year After Graduation Median Average Full-Time Wages of Undergraduate Employed in Florida 1 Year After Graduation Average Cost per Undergraduate Degree to the Institution Six Year Graduation Rate Academic Progress Rate Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded in Areas of Strategic Emphasis University Access Rate Graduate Degrees Awarded in Areas of Strategic Emphasis Institution Specific Metrics 1 Board of Governors Choice Percent of Bachelor’s Degrees without Excess Jours 1 Board of Trustee Choice Efficiency ranking by US News and World Report Performance Funding Font on this slide was Garamond--I changed it to Calibri for consistency. Reduced font size from 16 to 14 to increase spacing between sentences in text box. Bolded headings

16 Legislative Session Performance Funding
Funding through : $94,698,912 16.57% of our Education and General Fund State Support Estimated funding appropriated in : $2,824,000 Recurring $900,000 Non-recurring $1,924,000 Added colon after academic year

17 Legislative Session Preeminence Funding
Recurring funding through : $52,333,333 Estimated funding appropriated in : $6,100,000 recurring

18 What is Concur? Concur FSU’s new reimbursement tool for travel and other expenses, including FSU Foundation Designed to enhance the traveler’s experience The University and Concur have many partnerships with popular travel vendors including hotels, rental car agencies Uber, Lyft, etc Can use it anywhere there is internet, available on smartphones as well 24/7 access to a travel agency in case of any emergencies Font on this slide was Garamond--I changed it to Calibri for consistency. Reduced font size from 16 to 14 to increase spacing between sentences in text box. Bolded headings

19 Finance & Administration
New Initiatives Refined Active Shooter Training and increased training sessions by 200% since February of last year. Selected a vendor to provide campus transit service. The new contract will transition to all electric buses, has built-in performance measures, and additional technology to track all buses. Completed the implementation of FSU Ride Share. Provides a way for people to post carpool opportunities, find rides, and match-up with people using other modes of transportation. FSU was recognized by the Tallahassee Women Lawyers chapter as the recipient of the Diversity and Inclusion Award in the Government Entity/Organization category. Cenergistic has made Phase 1 (temperature set points) changes in University buildings starting. New Employee Dependent Scholarship program.

20 Finance & Administration
New Initiatives Cenergistic has made Phase 1 (temperature set points) changes in University buildings starting. New Employee Dependent Scholarship program. Newly renovated campus dining facilities and food service program. Suwannee room, Steak and Shake, Subway, Argo Tea, Einstein Bros. Bagels, Pollo Tropical

21 Florida State University New Faculty Orientation
Kyle Clark • Vice President for finance & administration August 20, 2018

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