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Software Usability Course notes for CSI University of Ottawa

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1 Software Usability Course notes for CSI 5122 - University of Ottawa
Section 1: Course Outline and Required Work Timothy C. Lethbridge

2 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Themes of the course Main theme: Software Usability Engineering: How to develop software systems that are highly usable Sub-theme: Adapting the software engineering process to produce more usable software Sub-theme: Enhancing your skills at design and evaluation of usability Secondary theme: How do do good research in software engineering, HCI, and Usability Critical evaluation and writing papers in the usability domain Subtheme: How to design a good experiment, analyse usability data and present the results Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

3 This is not a ‘pure HCI’ course
It is an ‘applied HCI’ course ‘E’course in OCICS There are also related A/S courses available at Carleton, taught by profs such as Robert Biddle and Sonia Chiasson We will focus on engineering practicalities Less consideration of HCI theory Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

4 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Background required Just being a grad student in CS, SE, E-Business or a related subject should be enough All grad students should have had some undergrad background or work experience in software development No HCI course is assumed as background So far this is not required in undergrad CS programs Those who have an HCI course or other HCI background will have only a small advantage Come to class, but 20% of the material may be review Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

5 Learning about each other:
Who am I I have taught CS since 1985 SE since 1990 Usability at the undergrad/grad level since 1993 Main current research topics Software Modeling (Umple) and complexity reduction Software engineering tools, including their usability Software Engineering Education Research projects with several companies over the years Worked at Nortel for 2 years in the 1980’s Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

6 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Who are you – Hands up University? Program? (MSc, PhD) (OCICS, OCIECE, Systems Science, E-Business) Registered or not yet? Some of you tell me: Why are you interested in this topic Some of you tell me: Experience doing User interface development or testing Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

7 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Topics In The Course Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

8 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Topics for the course 1 Not necessarily covered exactly in this sequence What is usability How it compares with other qualities Doing research in general Usability in the Software Engineering SE methods to improve usability The Users and Usability Maturity Model Economics of usability Justifying an investment in usability Measuring usability Setting realistic usability objectives Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

9 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Topics for the course 2 Design for usability Task analysis User centred design Evaluation techniques Heuristic Evaluation Evaluating usability by analysis of videos of users Experimentation and analysis of results in general Conducting formal experiments to validate usability Internationalization and localization Access for the disabled Other topics covered in reviews of papers and student presentations Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

10 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Pedagogical method I will lecture about half the time (plus or minus, depending on number of student presentations) We will look at a lot of case studies You will read research papers and reports and we will discuss them together Everybody will study all the papers One student will start the discussion by summarizing the paper You will do projects, and present some of results Topics include, UI design, UI evaluation, experiments, research Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

11 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Motivational example 1 Microsoft Excel Poor error message when it can’t find an item Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

12 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Work Plan Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

13 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Your work plan: Your grade will be tailored, based on a plan you will prepare 20% Everybody writes a final exam unless you already have A+ (> 90%) from the other components 80%: your choice of some combination of the following If you do components worth> 80% then I scale the grade so it is out of 80% a) 10%: 7 mins: Summarizing a paper in class b) 30%: Research (literature review) paper (8-12 pages) c) 40%: Conducting a formal experiment with 5+ users, and writing up (8-12 pages including charts and statistical analysis) d) 25%: Heuristic evaluation or cognitive walkthrough of a user interface and formally writing it up – (12-15 pages including screenshots). e) 30%: Evaluation of a user interface with 2+ users formally writing it up – (12-15 pages including screenshots). f) 20%: 20 min Presentation of results from b, c, d and/or ein class, g) 10%: 7 Min lightning presentation of results from b, c, d or e in class h) 10% Creating a guest post for my course blog, regarding b, c, d or e Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

14 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Your work plan - 2 We will learn how to do the tasks listed in your work plan What constitutes a good research paper How to run an experiment and analyse the results How to do different types of evaluation and present the results How to do a presentation Use the Excel template on the course website for your plan Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

15 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Your work plan - 3 For research topics, evaluation topics, experiment topics: Give a brief topic outline in your work plan As you refine the topics, ask me to approve changes Avoid flooding me with s if you can Asking me before or after class is a good idea Upload your request as an Excel file to me at a Private URL I will send you by (I can’t write it here for security reasons) I must approve each work plan before you start I reserve the right to adjust your plan (and first-come, first-served) Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

16 Ideas for finding topics for research papers
Browse the literature I will give you some techniques for this later in this slide deck I will not allow certain topics if I am going to teach them in class The following are a few examples of allowed topics: Metrics Specialized design techniques Specialized usability guidelines for particular system types Specialized evaluation techniques Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

17 Research paper basic criteria
Must be written in the same style as if you are submitting a paper to a journal or top conference E.g. SIGCHI, ICSE We will be reading many papers in the course, so you can learn from the style of those papers But I will also point out some bad things to avoid You must have at least 6 peer-reviewed references (from good conferences or journals) You must analyse what you have read Just giving me lots of facts is no good At all costs, avoid plagiarism. To avoid getting zero on the work or F in the course Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

18 Evaluation project basic criteria
The system can be open source commercial your thesis topic something from a work environment (past or present) Students in the class must be able to see it, so avoid highly confidential software Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

19 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Deadlines Give me your work plan By January 18 I will assign you deadlines spread through the course Any people who are late (including late registrants) cause me much more work, so: I reserve the right to define your work plan for you: To tell you the topics you must research/write/present I might assign (possibly much) higher weight to the final exam or to a large research report If you drop the course PLEASE let me know so I can give your time slots to others Once deadlines are set, you are held to them! 5% marks lost per day for each item that is late Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

20 Interim feedback on draft materials
Optional: Send me a draft of any work item 6 or more working days before it is due I will skim it and give you some ideas for improvement I will not have time to read it in detail at the draft stage, so I can’t guarantee that I find any or all faults But I will give you some basic feedback Also optional: Send me your presentation slides 3 working days before your presentation date. I will give you a URL for sending me drafts. Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

21 Experiment plans involving people
Mandatory: Send me a 3 page summary the design of any experiment 4 working days before you start executing it with people So you don’t waste people’ time Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

22 Motivational example 2:
Skype for the Mac Creating a group of users Accidentally deleting a conversation Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

23 Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do
Homework For next week please read: Regina Nuzzo, “Scientific method: Statistical errors: P values, the 'gold standard' of statistical validity, are not as reliable as many scientists assume.” Nature, 12 Feb 2014, Section 1: Course Outline and Work To Do Lethbridge - CSI

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