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Deployment Cycle Support Program
11/8/2018 Deployment Cycle Support Program What does the S-1 do? Train Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Using the format provided, identify S-1 tasks, functions, and responsibilities for your assigned phase of the DCS program. Categorize your responses by HR Core Competency. EACH GROUP HAS 20 MINUTES.
Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations
Train Up / Preparation Train Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Units complete the reset actions and begin to enter the traditional training cycle. Individual and collective training and readiness activities drive this stage. DCS tasks include administrative actions, briefings, training, counseling, and medical evaluations. DCS Directive, 21 May 2012 S-1 Tasks, Functions, or Responsibilities Man the Force Provide HR Services Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations SRP Level 1 Evaluations Family Readiness Staff Coordination Unit Status Reporting Rating Schemes Alert / Recall Rosters Rear Det Operations HRAR Maintenance Records Updates Running Estimates MEDPROS DD93/SGLV Casualty Estimates Retention Operations CAC Issue MDMP Family Care Plans Leave Schedule Initiate / Complete Investigations
Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations
Mobilization Train Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution The process by which the Armed Forces or part of them are brought to a state of readiness for war or other national emergency. Includes activating all or part of the Reserve Component as well as assembling and organizing personnel, supplies, and equipment. ATP 3-35, Army Deployment and Redeployment S-1 Tasks, Functions, or Responsibilities Man the Force Provide HR Services Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations SRP Level 2 Deployment Orders Family Readiness MDMP Unit Status Reporting Mail Handler Training ACS Information Planning Considerations AEA Code Updates CAC Issue / PIN resets Casualty Estimates ID Tag Issue Deployment Train Up / Certification Family Care Plans Initiate / Complete Investigations Running Estimates
Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations
Deployment Train Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Movement of forces to an operational area in response to an order. Includes activities required to prepare and move forces, supplies, and equipment to a theater. Involves the force as it task organizes, tailors itself for movement based on mission, concept of operations, available lift and other resources. Divided into three phases – predeployment activities, movement; and Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSOI). ATP 3-35, Army Deployment and Redeployment S-1 Tasks, Functions, or Responsibilities Man the Force Provide HR Services Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations Personnel Accountability Emergency Leaves Family Readiness Staff Coordination: S-3/ S-4 / Medical Strength Reporting Red Cross Messages Casualty Operations RSOI Operations TPS / DTAS / DCIPS MDMP JPERSTAT
Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations
Employment Train Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Prescribes how to apply force and/or forces to attain specified national strategic objectives. ATP 3-35, Army Deployment and Redeployment S-1 Tasks, Functions, or Responsibilities Man the Force Provide HR Services Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations Personnel Accountability Emergency Leaves R&R Leave / Pass Staff Coordination Strength Reporting Red Cross Messages MWR Support Recurring actions and briefings DTAS / DCIPS Essential Personnel Services Family Readiness VSAT / CAISI Retention Operations Postal Operations Casualty Operations
Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations
Redeployment Train Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Units / individuals reposture in-theater. Transfer forces and material to support other operational requirements. Return personnel, equipment, and materiel to home or demobilization station upon completion of the mission. Begins with warning order from Combatant Commander, proceeds through arrival at the redeployment assembly area, individual/unit’s arrival at the port of embarkation and ends with the arrival at new employment site, home station (AC) or demobilization station (RC). DCS Directive, 21 May 2012 S-1 Tasks, Functions, or Responsibilities Man the Force Provide HR Services Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations Personnel Accountability Awards DCS Briefings RIP / TOA Strength Reporting Evaluations Family Readiness Redeployment Planning TPS / DTAS / DCIPS Records Updates HR Equipment Transfer Retention Operations DCS Checklist Homecoming Activities Line of Duty Investigations Staff Coordination Recurring Actions and Briefings
Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations
Post-Deployment Train Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Begins with arrival at home station, post-deployment (AD) or demobilization station (RC). Includes actions to recover equipment, personnel and demobilization activities. Ends with release from recovery mission (AD) or arrival at home station (RC). Individual redeployment and demobilization processing (reverse SRP, medical screening, DCS process) will be completed during this phase. Demobilization begins with personnel recovery at the POD and ends with recovery at home station. Units conduct equipment recovery at POD ending with rearm / refuel / refit at home station. DCS Directive, 21 May 2012 S-1 Tasks, Functions, or Responsibilities Man the Force Provide HR Services Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations Personnel Accountability Reverse SRP DCS Briefings Homecoming Ceremony Strength Reporting Leave Schedule Safety Briefings Retention Operations Evaluations Line of Duty Investigations
Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations
Reconstitution Train Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution Begins at Home Station with the recovery of equipment, completion of administrative requirements, continuation of Soldier reconstitution, reintegration with family, and civilian jobs (RC). Preparations begin for future deployment missions. DCS activities include family readiness, reintegration of Soldiers into families and communities, equipment maintenance, and Soldier readiness. Continue as the unit / individuals prepare to begin collective / unit training. Phase ends when units have achieved sufficient reconstituted state to allow for the beginning of collective / unit training. DCS Directive, 21 May 2012 S-1 Tasks, Functions, or Responsibilities Man the Force Provide HR Services Coordinate Personnel Support HR Planning and Operations Personnel Accountability DCS Checklist Command Interest Programs AAR / Lessons Learned Strength Reporting PCS Assistance ARFORGEN Prep Retention Operations Transition Processing
Learning Objective Action: Coordinate the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Program Condition: Senior HR Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, case studies, personal experience, handouts, and discussion with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: With a 70% accuracy: Prepare a plan to coordinate the seven steps in the DCS program that ensures maximum unit readiness during train-up and preparation, mobilization, deployment, employment, redeployment, post-deployment, and reconstitution.
Deployment Cycle Support
Train Up / Preparation Mobilization Deployment Employment Redeployment Post Deployment Reconstitution DEPLOYMENT CYCLE SUPPORT Objective is to assist deploying Soldiers, DA Civilians and their Families with their reintegration to predeployment environments. Conducted for all Soldiers and DA civilians deployed from home station for 90 days or more. Requirements by DCS phase support the entire ARFORGEN process to ensure resilience and the human dimension of readiness. Is a senior mission commander program who will ensure IMCOM coordinates support requirements at the installation and garrison levels. KEY REFERENCES AND FORMS Army Directive , Policy and Implementing Guidance for DCS (21 May 2012) DCS Contingency Plan (2 May 2003) ATP 3-35, Army Deployment and Redeployment DA Form 5123, In- and Out-Processing Records Checklist (April 2010) DA Form , In-Processing Personnel Record (April 2010) DA Form 7425, Readiness and Deployment Checklist (September 2010) DA Form 7631, Deployment Cycle Support Checklist (March 2007) Army G-1 DCS Website
S-1 Correlation DCS Cycle
Redeployment Mission Cycle: Conflict Support Cycle: Transition to Post Conflict TPS / DTAS / JPERSTAT RSOI Operations Casualty Operations Postal Operations VSAT / CAISI MWR Employment Agencies: Reverse SRP Awards (Unit / Individual) NCOER / OER Officer / NCO moves S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4, Chaplain, IMCOM, ACS, FRG, Legal, Medical, Dental, and Finance Post Deployment / Demobilization Deployment Commanders are critical to the success of the DCS Program Reconstitution Mobilization Train Up / Sustainment Training Cycle: Pre Conflict SRP: Level 2 DA Form 7425 DARTS Running Estimate Casualty Estimate MDMP SRP: Level 1 MEDPROS Training DA Form DA Form 5123 USR / UMR Family Readiness
PERSTEMPO Unassociated Soldier Events
Congressionally mandated program, directed by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). PERSTEMPO functionality in eMILPO is an integrated system used by all three Army components. Creditable PERSTEMPO events are those days away from home that fall into the following categories: Operations Exercises Unit Training Mission Support TDY PERSTEMPO Processes PERSTEMPO Unassociated Soldier Events Individual Events Mass Event Outprocessing Report Threshold Management Mass Add Mass Update Mass Removal eMILPO Main Menu PERSTEMPO Reference: eMILPO Field User’s Guide
Deployment Cycle Support GROUP PRACTICAL EXERCISE #1
GROUP 1: Man the Force GROUP 2: Provide HR Services GROUP 3: Coordinate Personnel Support GROUP 4: HR Planning & Operations Not including PRM, what associations and impacts does DCS have with other HR Core Competencies and Key Functions?
Learning Objective Action: Coordinate the Deployment Cycle Support (DCS) Program Condition: Senior HR Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercises, case studies, personal experience, handouts, and discussion with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: With a 70% accuracy: Prepare a plan to coordinate the seven steps in the DCS program that ensures maximum unit readiness during train-up and preparation, mobilization, deployment, employment, redeployment, post-deployment, and reconstitution.
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