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Political Satire.

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1 Political Satire

2 What is it? Create a definition for your glossary based on this description.
“Satire has long been a tool of political criticism. Although the term satire may describe an entire work, a passage, or a tone, its characteristics are shared: among these, it employs comedy or humor; has a target and an ideal to compare it to; and describes folly or vice in detail” (“Who’s Laughing Now? American Political Satire”). "Who's Laughing Now? American Political Satire." PBS. PBS, 11 July Web. 06 Nov

3 What are examples of political satire?
Make a list: Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update” The Onion The Simpsons Mark Twain’s Writings The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Political cartoons

4 We will be reading Lysistrata
Written by Aristophanes ( BCE) Great comedic writer of his day One of the first political satirists In Crash Course in History #5 he received the open letter (talked about dog poop, making fun of people, homework, etc.) Often makes fun of famous Athenians in his plays Includes many allusions for his time. We are not going to understand all of these. #5

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