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Discuss the origins of the Internet and the Web.

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2 Discuss the origins of the Internet and the Web.
Describe how to access the Web using providers and browsers. Discuss Internet communications, including , instant messaging, social networking, blogs, microblogs, Webcasts, podcasts, and wikis.

3 Describe search tools, including search engines, Web Directories, metasearch engines, and specialized search engines. Evaluate the accuracy of information on the Web. Discuss electronic commerce, including B2C, C2C, B2B, and security issues. Describe cloud computing, including the three-way interaction of clients, Internet, and service providers. Describe Web utilities including plug-ins, filters, file transfer utilities, and Internet security suites.

4 The Internet is often referred to as the Information Superhighway because it connects millions of people across the globe. Unlike a typical highway, the Internet moves ideas, data, and information through networks. The Web provides an easy-to-use, intuitive multimedia interface to connect to the Internet. Competent end users need to be aware of the resources available on the Internet and the Web.

5 The Internet was launched in 1969
The Internet is the largest global network, connecting smaller networks worldwide The Internet was launched in 1969 National computer network US funded project called ARPANET The World Wide Web or WWW was introduced in 1991 at CERN Most developed network system currently in use; connects people all over the world Originally started in 1969 when US funded a research project (ARPANET—Advanced Research Project Agency Network) CERN – Center for European Nuclear Research World Wide Web (Web) is a part of the Internet – not the Internet; introduced in by consortium in Switzerland Originally started as research and text-based network to exchange research ideas from university to university Developed into a network of networks One of the most powerful tools of the 21st century How would your life be different if the Internet did not exist? Internet & Web further clarified Internet is the actual physical network comprised of wires, cables (Key Term), & satellites Being connected to the network is often referred to as being online (Key Term) The Web is a multimedia interface to resources available on the internet

6 Education or e-learning Entertainment
Communicating Discussions Online Shopping Searching Virtual libraries Education or e-learning Entertainment Most common Internet applications Communicating - sending and discussion group participation Shopping – fastest-growing applications Searching - using virtual libraries Education or e-learning (Key Term) Entertainment – music downloads; integration of TV and PC

7 Use the Internet to locate and play movies and television shows
Transfer video to a digital media player

8 Common way to access the Internet is through a Commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Provide a connection for individuals to access the Internet Use telephone lines, cable, and/or wireless connections The common way to access the Internet is through a provider or host computer Internet Service Providers (ISPs) - already connected to the Internet -- furnish a pathway for other users Typical providers include: Colleges and universities – usually “free” Ask students to identify various ISPs used in their environment Popular Commercial Internet Service Providers Verizon and Comcast

9 Programs that provide access to Web resources
Allow you to surf the Internet Popular Web browsers include: Mozilla Firefox Apple Safari Microsoft Internet Explorer Google Chrome Address or location of the resource must be specified URL Browsers allow you to search or surf (Key Term) the Web Navigate, search for information and communicate using the Web Use URL (uniform resource locator) (Key Term) to connect to other resources

10 Uniform Resource Locator
Has at least two parts Protocol Domain name Top-level domain (TLD) Identifies the type of organization Two parts to URL: protocol (Key Term), rules for exchanging data between computers (usually domain name (Key Term) – specific address where the resource is located Many URLs have additional parts specifying directory paths and file names.

11 Browsers interpret HTML commands
Hypertext Markup Language Contained in a document Display document as a Web page Hyperlinks Connect to other web pages Browser is software that allows users to navigate the Web and read the multimedia formatted pages Connect to Web sites using URL addresses (uniform resource locator) Document is sent to computer usually coded in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) (Key Term) or some variation Interprets the HTML codes displaying page May contain Hyperlinks (Key Term) -- allow users to quickly connect to other pages or Web sites Graphics Text Multimedia elements Web server– the computer that stores and shares graphics, text, audio & video clip files Web pages contain links (Key Term) to programs called applets (Key Term) These are special programs written in a programming language called Java (Key Term) These programs can be quickly downloaded and run by most browsers

12 Interactive Features on Web Pages may be triggered by special programming instructions written in these languages Javascript AJAX Java Java – Object Oriented programming language, applets written in Java Javascript – also an Object Oriented programming language / scripting language, smaller and simpler set of commands, embedded in HTML AJAX – (Asynchronous Java Script and XML) javascipt that can communicate with a server

13 Most popular Internet activity Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
Instant Messaging Social Networking Communication is the most popular internet activity The types of communications are: , instant messaging and social networking.

14 Internet uses the domain name system (DNS), which gives names and numbers to people and computers
Address (Key Term) has two parts User name - identifies unique user or computer in the domain Domain name (Key Term) - references a specific organization Top-level domain code identification includes geographical location or organizational identification .com = commercial .edu = education and research .org = organizations (usually non-profit) .net = major network centers (usually easier to access than commercial) .gov = government

15 Junk and/or unwanted e-mail
Computer viruses or destructive programs are often attached to unsolicited CAN-SPAM Act Spam blockers / spam filters use a variety of approaches to identify and control spam Spam (Key Term) – unsolicited Distraction, Nuisance Computer viruses (Key Term) can also be attached to spam Spam blockers (Key Term) use a variety of different approaches to identify and eliminate spam CAN-SPAM Act requires that every marketing related provide an opt-out option Tips to blocking spam: Choose a complex address Keep a low profile Don’t ever respond to spam Use filter options Use spam blockers

16 Microblogs – short status updates that answer the question:
What are you doing now? Web logs or blogs – personal news pages that are date/time-stamped and arranged with the most recent items shown first Popular blogs include Blogger and WordPress Twitter is the most popular microblog

17 Webcast – streaming technology for live broadcast of audio and video
Podcast-audio and video files that can be downloaded to your computer or media player Wiki – a specially designed Web site that allows visitors to edit the contents, supports collaborative writing YouTube webcasts live movie premiers and sporting events. Podcasts available on iTunes Wikipedia is an example of using a wiki as an online encyclopedia

18 Microblog to help you stay in touch with friends and family

19 Specialized Search Engines Content Evaluation
Web Directories Metasearch Engines Specialized Search Engines Content Evaluation Specialized programs that assist you in locating information on the Web and the Internet Search services (Key Term) help you locate information; they maintain the database that helps you get where you want Special programs called spiders (Key Term) continually look for information and updated services Search engines (Key Term) – assist you to locate information Use keyword search (Key Term); know “rules” i.e. use + or quotes to look for phrases rather than individual words Use directory search (Key Term) – list of categories or topics; also known as index search (Key Term) Metasearch engines (Key Term) – programs that automatically submit your search request to several search engines simultaneously Specialized search engines (Key Term) - Programs that focus on subject specific Web sites

20 Also known as e-commerce Buying and selling of goods over the Internet
Business-to-consumer (B2C) Consumer-to consumer (C2C) Web auctions Business-to-business (B2B) Electronic commerce is buying and selling over the Internet Three basic types of electronic commerce: business to consumer; consumer to consumer; and business to business B2C (Key Term) Involves the sale of a product or service to the general public or end users C2C (Key Term) Involves individuals selling to individuals B2B (Key Term) Involves the sale of a product or service from one business to another

21 Payment methods must be fast, reliable, and secure Three options
Checks Credit card Digital cash A challenge is the payment for goods Should be reliable, secure, and fast Electronic payment -- easy, secure payment method Checks -- slowest and least convenient Credit cards -- easier to work with, somewhat vulnerable to theft Criminals known as carders (Key Term) specialize in stealing, trading, and using stolen credit cards over the internet Digital cash (Key Term) Purchased from third party (usually a special bank); more secure than credit cards Providers include Ecash, Google, Internet Cash, and PayPal

22 Three basic components:
Shifts computing activities from users’ desktops to computers on the Internet Frees end-users from owning, maintaining, and storing software programs and data Three basic components: Clients (end-users) Service providers The Internet Basic components include: Clients: corporations and end-users who want access to data, programs, and storage anywhere and anytime a connection to the Internet is available Service providers: organizations that are willing to provide (sometimes for a fee) access to software and storage Internet connectivity Two critical factors that determine the efficiency of cloud computing The speed and reliability of the user’s access to the Internet Internet’s capability to provide safe and reliable transmission of data and programs

23 Specialized utility programs that make using the Internet & Web safer and easier
Plug-Ins Filters File Transfer Utilities Internet Security Suites

24 Develop and maintain websites and resources
Backup of company website Update and develop new resources Work with the marketing department to increase site traffic and monitor the flow of customer interactions

25 “Smart” appliances in homes will have their own Web page
Refrigerators know what food they contain Appliance could send an list to the grocery store for restocking Downsides? Downsides example: Infiltration of Internet viruses and spyware may enable your every move at home to be broadcast over the Internet

26 Discuss the Internet, including its origins and most common uses
Discuss the Internet, including its origins and most common uses. What activities have you participated in? Which one do you think is the most popular? Describe how to access the Internet. What are the providers? Define browsers and discuss URLs, HTML, JavaScript, Applets, and mobile browsers. Discuss Internet communications, including , instant messaging, social networking, blogs, microblogs, Webcasts, podcasts, and wikis. Have students turn to the end of Chapter 2 in their textbooks to view the same “Open-Ended” questions/statements

27 Define search tools including search services
Define search tools including search services. Discuss search engines, Web directories, metasearch engines, specialized search engines. Describe how to evaluate the content of a web site. Describe electronic commerce, including business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, and business-to-business e-commerce., and security. Have students turn to the end of Chapter 2 in their textbooks to view the same “Open-Ended” questions/statements

28 What is cloud computing
What is cloud computing? Describe the three basic components of cloud computing. What are Web utilities? Discuss plug-ins, filters, file transfer utilities, and Internet security suites

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