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利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 兼谈期刊影响因子
张淑玲 图书馆信息部 2016年10月
内容 1.如何利用Scopus助力科研, 捕捉学科热点? 2.期刊影响因子
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 Scopus是什么? Scopus能做什么? Scopus怎么用?
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 Scopus是什么? Scopus提供全文链接 Scopus是爱思唯尔Elsevier公司开发的全球
最大的文摘引文数据库。 针对期刊论文、会议论文、专利文献、学位论文等进行内容和属性的认识与加工,它准确地提供文献的来源信息,供读者查阅和检索,但一般不提供原始文献的馆藏信息。 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus. Scopus提供全文链接
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 Scopus收录范围 收录21500种同行评审期刊 (包括4200种开放存取OA期刊) 720万篇会议论文
360种商业出版物 530种丛书(系列图书) 全库6000万条记录,最早可回溯至1823年 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 综合性数据库: Elsevier Springer Wiley …… 高品质的协会期刊:
IEEE ACM AIP ACS RSC SPIE SAGE IWA…… 完整收录国际汽车工程师学会的全部文献SAEInternational 油气资源(包括生物燃料、燃料电池和替代能源)、塑料、电子、交通、HVAC、润滑油等。 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 Scopus学科分类体系涵盖了27个学科 领域,大致可归为四大类: 生命科学、社会科学与人文艺术、
自然科学、健康科学(全面覆盖医学) First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
Scopus能做什么? 利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 专业引文 分析 查找网络 科技信息和专利 期刊评价 个性化服务
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 Scopus能做什么? 一、专业的引文分析功能 (1)准确获取科研全面信息 (2)全面了解作者学术成就
(3)准确评估科研机构产出 二、查找网络科技信息和专利 三、期刊评价,为投稿提供参考信息 四、个性化定制服务,跟踪学科前沿 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
Scopus怎么用? 利用Scopus捕捉学科热点
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
Scopus入口: First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
Scopus入口: First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
专业的引文分析功能 (1)准确获取科研全面信息 (2)全面了解作者学术成就 (3)准确评估科研机构产出
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
文献检索,获取科研全面信息 输入检索词 选择检索字段
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
文献检索,获取科研全面信息 例子:通过Scopus了解太阳能电池 (solar cells)相关主题的研究进展及学科热点。 全文链接
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus. 二次检索
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
文献检索,获取科研全面信息 例子:通过Scopus了解太阳能电池 (solar cells)相关主题的研究进展及学科热点。 全文链接
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus. 二次检索
寻找高影响力文献 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
寻找高相关性文献 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
了解课题发展趋势 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
了解该领域相关杂志和会议 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
按照期刊声望进行加权。 四年统计一个SJR值。
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
寻求潜在的合作者 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
寻求潜在的合作机构 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
了解课题在世界范围内的发展布局 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
了解课题的成果发表形式及涉及的相关学科 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
作者检索,全面了解作者学术成就 例子:通过Scopus快速查找Altmetrics替代计量学学者Mike Thelwall个人信息及其学术成果? First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
注册 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
h指数是指科学家至多有h篇论文分别被引用了至少h次。 h指数能够比较准确地反映一个人的学术成就。
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
归属机构检索,准确评估科研机构产出 例子: 通过Scopus了解深圳职业技术学院科研产出情况。
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 Scopus能做什么? 一、专业的引文分析功能 (1)准确获取科研全面信息 (2)全面了解作者学术成就
(3)准确评估科研机构产出 二、查找科技信息和专利 三、期刊评价 四、个性化定制服务 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 二、查找网络科技信息和专利 专为搜索高度相关的科学信息而设计的 整合Scirus网络检索功能
学术搜索引擎,类似Google Scholar。 目前互联网上最全面、综合性最强的科 技文献门户网站之一。 检索结果来源于网页资源,例如科学家 主页、大学主页、机构和政府的网页等。 二、查找网络科技信息和专利 整合Scirus网络检索功能 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 二、查找网络科技信息和专利 Scirus专利检索采用的Elesiver旗下商用LexisNexis
专利数据库,对五大专利局进行检索。 US Patent & Trademark Office(美国专利商标局) European Patent Office(欧洲专利局) Japan Patent Office(日本专利局) World Intellectual Property Organization(世界知识产权组织) UK Intellectual Property Office(英国知识产权局) First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
文献检索,获取科研全面信息 专利信息 网络科技信息 全文链接
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
保存 打印 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 三、期刊评价
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 三、期刊评价
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 三、期刊评价
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
利用Scopus捕捉学科热点 四、个性化定制服务 归属机构RSS推送 关注作者 文献引文通知
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
内容 1.如何利用Scopus助力科研, 捕捉学科热点? 2.期刊影响因子
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
期刊影响因子 (1)什么是期刊影响因子? (2)期刊影响因子越大越好? (3)影响因子大的期刊比影响因子小的质量更高?
(4)怎么查找某本杂志的期刊影响因子? (5)文章发表=文章收录? First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
篇均被引率 期刊影响因子 (1)什么是期刊影响因子? 期刊影响因子(Impact factor,IF)
一种期刊在一定的来源期刊范围内、在统计年份中,该期刊前两年论文在这一范围内被引用的数量与该期刊前两年刊载论文数量之比。 期刊前两年论文被引用数 期刊影响因子 = 期刊前两年发表论文数 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus. 篇均被引率
期刊影响因子 测度期刊有用性和显示度的指标 期刊影响因子 测度期刊学术水平的重要指标
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
期刊影响因子 (2)期刊影响因子越大越好? 期刊影响因子值越大说明该期刊受关注度高,影响大。通常期刊影响因子越大,它的学术影响力越大。生物和化学类期刊,比较容易有较高的影响因子。影响因子与期刊学术质量之间不存在线性正比关系。高影响因子的期刊,学术水平不一定高。 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
期刊影响因子 (3)影响因子大的期刊比影响因子小的质量更高? 比较两种期刊的影响因子时必须具体到某一学科领域和某一年,否则不具有可比性。
研究领域比较广的,或综合类期刊,影响因子相对较高。 影响因子是动态与变化的参数。 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
期刊影响因子 (4)怎么查找某本杂志的期刊影响因子?
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
期刊影响因子 (4)怎么查找某本杂志的期刊影响因子?
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
期刊影响因子 (4)怎么查找某本杂志的期刊影响因子?
First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
收录信息 影响因子 馆藏信息 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
≠ 显示度、关注度 学术水平 期刊影响因子 文章发表 文章收录 (5)文章发表 = 文章收录?
在全文数据库、搜索引擎、期刊杂志网站等搜索到文章全文或题录信息。如CNKI、万方、维普、谷歌学术Google Scholar、百度学术等。 文章发表 ≠ 学术水平 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus. 被国际公认的或评审机构公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的检索工具收录,一般是指被三大检索SCI、EI、ISTP(CPCI)收录。 文章收录
文章收录情况查询 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
文章收录情况查询 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
文章收录情况查询 First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
谢 谢! First I’ll start by giving you a brief introduction in terms of how we’ve gone about building Scopus using what we call evidence-based development. Next, I’ll give you an overview of the key features and functionality of Scopus before going into the demo where you’ll see how Scopus looks and works. Following the demo, I’ll tell you about some additional resources where you can find out more about Scopus. Finally, we can save some time at the end for me to answer any questions you might have about Scopus.
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