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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution

2 Industrial Revolution (1750-1850)
For thousands of years of civilization, most people lived and worked in small farming villages Hand made tools, simples lives By 1850, many country villages would grow into industrial towns & cities A period when rural societies in Europe & America became urban/industrial Farming, migration, population, energy (coal/steam engine), cotton gin (separated seeds from raw cotton)

3 Industrialization Where did it start?

4 Effects of Industrialization
Urbanization Factory workers More goods, cheaper prices Competition Western power?

5 Energy Revolution In the past, most energy for work came from? the muscles of humans and animals

6 Energy Revolution In the past, most energy for work came from the muscles of humans and animals 1700s, steam engine James Watt, 1764 improved it Became vital source of IR Began using core to smelt iron

7 First Factories Textile factories in Britain

8 Inventions

9 Rise of Cities Population growth Fewer children

10 Tenements

11 Labor Unions Standard of Living Began to rise
The level of material goods & services available to people in a society Began to rise

12 Assembly Line Early 1900s, new method of production
Used in factories, one person worked on each task along the line Interchangeable parts Identical parts that could be used in place of one another

13 Factory Workers




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