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BDM Welcome Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting No Big Chill here 1 year ago, 2/4/04, was our 1 st BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting!

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Presentation on theme: "BDM Welcome Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting No Big Chill here 1 year ago, 2/4/04, was our 1 st BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting!"— Presentation transcript:

1 BDM Welcome Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting No Big Chill here 1 year ago, 2/4/04, was our 1 st BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting!

2 Summary Review of Last Meeting – 11/5/04 Presentation Year To Date Expense Project Report Items for Discussion Fall semester/Winter break workshop feedback Needs/tools for end of fiscal year Open forum BDM Budget DataMart V6 BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting 3/10/05 Whetten Graduate Center Rm 200 Meeting Agenda

3 BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting 11/5/04 Whetten Graduate Center Meeting Summary There were two BDM/Brio Users group Meetings held one for Quickview and one for Insight users. A total of 33 people attended. The FY05 Fringe Benefit and Workers Comp report was reviewed and explained. A good deal of discussion took place and great information was shared. I was able to sit back and watch the exchange of ideas and information. This was very satisfying for me. The purpose of a users group meeting was met.

4 Workshop Review Who attended? Now that you have had some time to reflect… What did you think? Share your thoughts. What are your future needs?

5 Do you have any needs/tools for end of fiscal year? Still on the list PO report development Quickview users overview of Brio Insight Move BDM access to sub-department or account level More training What do you want added to this list?

6 Presentation YTD Expense Project Report Report Features Three reports were developed 1.YTD Project Expense Summary 2.YTD Project Detail by Subcode 3.Account Information The data elements are the same as in the current YTD Expense Report with some new additions. Project Year vs. Fiscal Year date elements Project Year – is a computed item and was built using the year of the Batch Dt element. Fiscal Year – is also a computed item and reflects UConn Fiscal year of July 1 – June 30.

7 Account Information - This new report section was developed to provide you with the following type of data: Project start date, project end date, UC Acct Create Dt, Account Num, Account Desc, Account Purpose, ACTPR Description Responsible Per, Principal Investig, UC Assignd to Code, Assigned to Major Fund source, Minor Fund Source, Status, Sponsor, SPONS Description, Type of Funding, Fund Group, Description FNDGR, FUNDSID Is Account Information appropriate as a title for that report section?

8 Account Information Survey The need to create two different Year to Date Expense BDM/Brio documents 1.Fiscal – YTD Expense Fiscal Account (This is the current document in the report catalog.) 2.Project – YTD Expense Project Account

9 Stay Warm….. Thank you for attending the BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting


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