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Class project by Piyush Ranjan Satapathy & Van Lepham

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1 Class project by Piyush Ranjan Satapathy & Van Lepham
11/8/2018 A Generic Fault Tolerant System for Dynamic Scheduling in Distributed System Class project by Piyush Ranjan Satapathy & Van Lepham 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

2 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Problem Addressed What happens when scheduled jobs in a real distributed system fail due to fault causing behaviors? Can I schedule my jobs in different type of resources? Is there a very generic tool for dynamic distributed scheduling of jobs? Generic in the sense of any kind of resource, any kind of job, suitable algorithm and fault tolerant ? Jobs ranging from running regression test cases to complex scientific calculations; anything which can run in parallel 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

3 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Motivation Can we have a system which can execute our distributed jobs dynamically or statically irrespective of any fault behaviors, minimizing the number of resources used and minimizing the total time of completion? Can we make it up to a standard of both academics and industry? 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

4 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Our Contribution A system from scratch Monitoring and Feedback Mechanism in real life parallel job execution Implemented and Evaluated 5 Algorithms A Java GUI for better user interaction 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

5 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Outline Introduction Tools Visited (Related Work) Our Central Idea (Architecture) Implementation Evaluation Conclusion Next Step 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

6 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Introduction There is no such tool academically or industry-wise which can fit into lot of environments Our objective is easy to use, port and enhance We monitor the running jobs and scheduled machines, collect info and use it for scheduling analysis Our initial result of evaluation goes up to 10-15% of better performance over a resource of 40 machines out of which 11 are faulty 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

7 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Tools Visited OpenSTARS (2005) A flexible Real time and optimized tool to schedule the jobs in distributed system But Don’t take care of any fault tolerant behaviors Source: SPHINX(2005) A fault tolerant system for scheduling on dynamic Grid environment Source: Cheddar(2004) Free Real Time Scheduling Tool based EDF and LLF Source: VEST(2003) Real time Schedulability Analysis for software to Hardware allocations. Source: 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

8 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Tools Visited STAF(2001) Software Test Automation FrameWork (IBM) across a number of machines. Good for software nightly build Source: TimeWiz(2000) A Comprehensive tool for real-time modeling and analysis. Source: RapidRMA(1993) Based on EDF and CORBA based Real time system Source: 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

9 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Core Architecture 3 Layers: 1. Adoptive Analyzer 2. Monitoring and Feedback 3. Information Storage History Storage Native Machine Supervisor & Keeping History List of Machines Resource Monitor Analyzer Grid Clusters Sets Algorithm User scheduling job Job Monitor LSF Middleware Wide Variety of Resources 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

10 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Implementation An individual Job is presented as a script Job list contains all jobs to be executed Machine list contains name of machines or name of grid sites Login Information (submit command, status command, kill command) for Grid/Lsf/Remote machine given Either can be static or Dynamic Monitoring and feedback can be turned on and off 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

11 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Implementation (GUI) 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

12 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Experimental Setup 40 Machines inside the EBII Building Fault Causing behaviors as below; 5 Machines are not connected at all 6 Machines connect and hang 60 Jobs Execution time differs from 2 sec to 5 minutes 4 Algorithms considered Round Robin (Working) # CPU Based (Working) Job Completion Based (Working) EDF (..Yet to Work ) LLF (…Yet to Work) 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

13 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Evaluation 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

14 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Conclusion Designed a top to bottom dynamic distributed system Implemented the fault tolerant techniques by monitoring and feedback Stored the type of job and job history which executes once to make analyzer’s job easy Got some initial interesting results over small experiments 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

15 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 What’s Next ? We didn’t get a login ID either in Planet lab or in grid3 Experiment in some grid Implementing more algorithms Running in real benchmarks 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

16 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki
11/8/2018 Thank You 11/8/2018 CS253 Fall 05 by Dr Vana Kalogeraki CS253: Dr Vana Kalogeraki

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