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Presented by Branko Wehnert

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1 Presented by Branko Wehnert
Mitigating the Risk of Mobile Insurance in Ghana CIMA – workshop on mobile insurance regulation Abidjan, May 16th / 17th 2016 Presented by Branko Wehnert GIZ Ghana – PSED – FSD

2 Contents About the relations of microinsurance and mobile insurance in Ghana M-insurance landscape Product information Risk Framework Recommendations insurance-and-risk-framework-assessment-ghana . 08/11/2018

3 Microinsurance Framework in Ghana
Insurance companies designate microinsurance products. It is this designation that will determine whether an insurance contract is microinsurance. Principles-based criteria apply: Designed for low-income earners Affordable for low-income earners Accessible to low-income earners Incentives for offering microinsurance File-and- use procedure, community rating, MI logo etc. Solvency incentives currently under development Client protection Simple contracts, few if any exclusions Fast claims settlement (7 days process / 10 days payment) Client value Established in February 2013 08/11/2018

4 All insurance business of the 13 providers without MI
Microinsurance Market Size (2014) Microinsurance Mobile Insurance 3 Underwriters 6 products currently on the Market 2.7 million policyholders for m-insurance products (June 2015) 5m GHS premium (2014) 60% of all MI policyholders (2014) 13 underwriters 27 products on the market 7.5 million lives and risks insured Gross written MI premium : 13.3m GHS 27 Products 7.5m lives and risks insured 97.4% All insurance business of the 13 providers without MI (GHS 489m) 2.6% Microinsurance Business (GHS 13m) 08/11/2018

5 2.8 Mio M-Insurance Policyholders as of 06.2015
* As of April 2016 Partnerships  Type of product Risks insured Year Started Estimated Policyholders Partnership A Paid Funeral (subscriber and next of kin) 2011 5,574* Partnership B 2010 550,000 Hospital-cash 2013 700,000 Loyalty Funeral 70,000 Partnership C Life, Accident, Disability, Hospital-cash 2014 1,400,000 2015 94,000 Products are being currently transitioned from a loyalty product to a paid product, since the business case is not strong enough for the MNO and/or TSP. 08/11/2018

6 Profitability of M-Insurance Products

7 Approximation of Gross Premium Structures for Micro and Mobile Insurance from the Insurer‘s View

8 About active and passive m-insurance
Loyalty Product (passive) Client-Paid Product (active) MNO pays insurance premuim on behalf of the subscriber Subscriber pays the premium directly through automated deductions of airtime or mobile money MNO serves as master-policy holder MNO serves as corporate agent „low-touch“ product, since all subscribers are automatically insured „high(er)-touch“ product, since subscriber has to decide for the product; product needs to be marketed From a certain threshold of airtime usage the subscriber is automaticallly insured; more top-up increases cover with hybrid product Trigger for cover is the payment of premium, to be done via airtime or mobile money; to be rendered by automated deduction through the MNO Subscribers are very often not aware about their insurance cover Subscribers are more aware about their insurance cover; Economics of MNOs: increase subscription levels and client retention; expensive, since covering all subscribers of the tariff Economics of MNOs: increase subscription levels (ARPU) and client retention, commissions from insurer; scale is difficult to be reached Economics for insurers: good risk pooling possible; high volumes of premium; high margins through low claims ratio; risk of discontinuation by MNO Economics for insurers: Risk of adverse selection and fraud can affect the insurer; commissions to be paid to the MNO reduces gross premium income of product Freemium (hybrid) 08/11/2018

9 Risk Framework (1/5) Client Value Risk;
Using the key risk identified , all six m-insurance products were analyzed by risk-scoring each product. Rating was done on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being very low risk and 5 very high risk. Client Value Risk; Subscribers may not be aware of product (particularly loyalty products)- hence very low claims frequency, very low claims ratios; Even when aware, subscribers may not fully understand product coverage, Terms &Conditions; Customer complaints and queries are not adequately handled; Claims process is complicated, burdensome and lengthy; Customers perceive poor value if low utilization or very few claims being paid out. Client Value risk has been defined as the risk that the products do not deliver adequate value to the clients or are not appreciated by the clients or not suitable for client needs 08/11/2018

10 Risk Framework (2/5) Distribution Channel Risk
MNO does not fully understand the implications of changing/cancelling insurance products; it perceives insurance as a pure marketing tool rather than a relatively long term financial service; Premium cost must be scaled commensurate with MNO service cost: low insurance coverage and risk assumptions based on under-reported claims; Business case for loyalty-based products is weak for MNO's (no significant increase in ARPU nor reduction in churn) MNO’s reputation affected when there are client disputes over product/service; Exit plans or transition plans not in place/not working properly when products are being changed or discontinued; The insurer’s prudential risk is the risk that the insurance company incurs a loss or a lower profit than expected and consequently the commercial sustainability of the product may be at risk. Distribution channel risk is the risk that (MNOs) discontinue the product or make sudden changes to an existing product due to either a change in strategy or because they do not perceive a strong business case for supporting the product or because of their unfamiliarity with insurance. 08/11/2018

11 Risk Framework (3/5) Prudential Insurer’s Risk Marketing Risk
Risk premium is underpriced (claims incidence-based and not actuarily verified); Adverse selection and fraud risk with client-paid m-insurance; Marketing Risk Product not explained properly; Sales staff not trained sufficiently; Customer awareness during transition from loyalty to paid products; Marketing literature not clear/misleading; Marketing expenses higher than expected. Marketing and Sales Risk are related to the m-insurance products not being sold responsibly, leading to poor customer awareness and/or “mis-selling”, which in turn leads to false policyholder expectations being created. 08/11/2018

12 Risk Framework (4/5) Legal Risk System Risk
Insufficient regulatory oversight through 3 regulators involved; Role of the MNO can be arbitrary: Master-policyholder vs Corporate Agent Policy documentation; Recourse to settling disputes not clear; Data protection; Loss of data if product is cancelled as data stays with MNO; System Risk Occasional systems problems were reported by some MNOs, such as ‘down-time’ of the network coverage. This led to customers not being notified that their premium is due. Data not available anymore if partnership collapses; Technological breakdown; Data not maintained properly; Data errors. Legal risk is the risk of lack of legal accountability and legal recourse to settling disputes between policyholders and insurers/ distribution channels and third parties. Systems risk is the risk of systems (such as MNO’s systems, databases, ICT platform) failing to service products leading to both poor client value and also liabilities for the insurers. 08/11/2018

13 Risk Framework (5/5) 3rd Party Default Risk
Most insurers are not involved in the technical and operations areas of m- insurance business, the risk is that the TSP and MNO's can easily change the underwriter Capability of partners to manage the business on behalf of the insurance company: handling claims, administration etc. No contingency plans at hands to protect policy holders in case of break-up. For most products, Distribution ,3rd Party Default and Marketing and Sales risk, scored very high risk ( Risk score 4 or above) Out of the 6 products on the market 3 products scored a HIGH overall risk level. 3rd Party default risk is the risk of being heavily dependent on a third party, such as a technical service provider (TSP) and consequently being exposed to problems due to inefficiency or incapacity of the TSP or due to the exit of the TSP from the market 08/11/2018

14 Regulatory Questions on Mobile Insurance Products
National Insurance Commission Insurance Act 724 of 2006 Microinsurance Martket Conduct Rules Mobile insurance products are microinsurance in Ghana Product approval process for microinsurance products Microinsurance contains certain consumer protection principles MI Market Conduct Rules do not cover specific risk management needs for a product consortium TSPs are licensed as corporate agents Loyalty products: MNO is not the agent but master- policyholder (no supervisory enforcement from NIC) Insurable interest: Risk that, where group policy used, MNO as master policyholder does not have an insurable interest Bank of Ghana Guidelines for E-Money Issuers in Ghana, 2015 Payment of services and goods must be done with currency; airtime is commodity Banking Department of BoG supervises digital payment services by product license MNOs will be licensed as Electronic Money Issuers for Mobile Wallets (licensing, market conduct rules, complaints mechanisms) – group insurance would not be covered National Communication Authority NAC Act 769, 2008 Value Added Service (VAS) no obligations for m-insruance risks 08/11/2018

15 Initial Recommendations
Product Approval Stage : to analyse jointly (NIC, NCA, BoG) before product will be launched Guideline for m-insurance product approval has been drafted by consultant After launch stage: semi-annual product performance review Data collection tool under development (SDR - VIZOR) Practitioners agreed with a semi-annual reporting requirement tied-in with Microinsurance reporting Multi regulatory approach : coordination between regulatory authorities Tripartite MOU develop between the three regulators NIC, NCA and BoG Most practitioners preferred NIC to be the lead in driving the process. Issuing of aligned market conduct rules by NIC (mobile insurance) and BoG (digital financial services) Market conduct rules for M-Insurance are currently under development 08/11/2018

16 Quantitative Product Approval and Monitoring
General information on the product consortium Product information Policyholder information Premium and liability information Claims information Expense and commission information Other information Reported at poduct approval stage and semi- annual to NIC; integration into VIZOR (MIS) 08/11/2018

17 Qualitative Product Approval and Monitoring
Availabiltiy of business contingency plans for the insurance product within the product consortium Actuarial justification Full policy document being used Product marketing methods Sample of marketing literature used Customer enrolment methodology Staff incentive structures in place to promote sales (MNO, TSP and Insurer) Insurer‘s / TSP‘s complaint mechanism 08/11/2018

18 Thank you for your attention!
Branko Wehnert Head of Financial Sector Development (FSD) GIZ Programme for Sustainable Economic Development in Ghana 08/11/2018

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