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Professional work Year 8 SWAN SONG.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional work Year 8 SWAN SONG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional work Year 8 SWAN SONG

2 Learning Objective To explore contact within your performance piece demonstrating your theme

3 Success Criteria Step 3 You are able to identify simple ideas in the professional work-Stimuli/theme Your work is appropriate to the theme of the dance- you are able to use the basic idea to create some ideas You make some contribution to your group- YOU GIVE SOME SUGGESTIONS Step 4 You can describe the ideas in the professional work You can select and apply appropriate movement material that links to the professional work- use similar FORMATIONS, LEVELS You pay attention to detail including the style of the dance and transitional movements- You make clear contributions to your group- YOU ARE A POSITIVE MEMBER WITH FOCUS Step 5 You can explain the ideas seen in the professional work You put your ideas into practice- YOU USE DEVICES AND STYLE APPROPRIATELY You are imaginative and change movement if you think it is no longer working-YOU SELECT AND APPLY WITH CONFIDENCE You are focused and work with intention- YOU MAY BE A TEAM LEADER

4 Step 6 our aim to achieve!!! You can clearly discuss and articulate ideas seen and use them to inspire your own work. You can use complex devices You can perform effectively showing your them to the audience Will be a role model to the group, work hard at all times and be proactive in asking and answering questions. Will take a leadership role when rehearsing and help others to perform the routine.

5 What are the basic skills for lifting?
Joint responsibility Core control focus

6 TASK 1 Warm up in groups demonstrating understaning of how to warm up effectively Pulse raiser Coordination Stretch

Create a lift demonstrating conflict. How can you use this idea within your piece? Can you create a lift that shows your stimulus/theme?

8 TASK 2 Continue to develop your choreography and performance piece by focusing on facial expressions, performance skills and body language

9 Plenary How have you incorporated lifts in to your work?
Was it hard to represent the theme? Next week is mini assessment so be ready!

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