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Perform Reimbursable Accounting

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1 Perform Reimbursable Accounting

2 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Perform Reimbursable Accounting Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercise, personal experience, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With a minimum of 80% accuracy, learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Examine the Reimbursable Decision matrix and discuss the Reimbursable types. Communicate the Work Breakdown Structure Process. Review SF 1080 and SF 1081 for accuracy and completeness. Analyze the Reimbursement Accounts.

3 GFEBS Reimbursable Decision Matrix
Will requesting activity’s funds be cited on original Automatic: Create WBS using “REIM” Funded Program Type and Automatic Fund (i.e. 2Ø2Ø1ØA**) Create Sales Order: on Additional Data B tab, enter funding data (LOA) under “Non-General Fund Army Line of Accounting” NO NO Is requesting activity funded through GFEBS? Start YES YES Will requesting activity’s funds be cited on original Automatic: Create WBS using “REIM” Funded Program Type and Automatic Fund (i.e. 2Ø2Ø1ØA**) Create Sales Order: on Additional Data B tab, enter funding data (LOA) under “Non-General Fund Army Line of Accounting” Direct Cite: Create WBS using “GENR” Funded Program Type “ZCITEZTFO” Fund Create Sales Order: on Additional Data B tab, enter funding data (LOA) under “Non-General Fund Army Line of Accounting” NO for properly handling GFEBS reimbursable agreements. YES Direct Charge: Create Direct Charge WBS using “DRCH” Funded Program Type and Direct Fund (i.e. 2Ø2Ø1ØD**) Requestor inputs FMBB transaction to fund WBS.

4 Funded Reimbursable Authority (FRA)
LOA Example: F17 (Army Family Housing) Stipulates a specific dollar amount of Reimbursable work that can be performed. Used for non-mission activities. Quarterly amount not immediately available for obligation upon receipt of allotment. They are held in reserve until the revenue producing activities place orders. Controlled ceiling set by ACOM with amounts controlled by quarterly limits. Once the dollar amount has been reached, the performing organization cannot create a sales order without requesting an increase in the amount. Once this limit has been reached, the performing organization cannot create sales orders without requesting an increase in the amount specified on the funding document. Foreign Military Sales TDY- Non-Mission Support Damage to Govt. property

5 Direct Obligation Authority (DOA)
LOA Example: D17 (Operation and Maintenance, Army) Specific Dollar Amount for Mission Activities and Base Operations, Quarterly Amount Immediately Available for Obligation Upon Receipt of the Allotment, Controlled by Installation.

6 Automatic Reimbursement Authority (ARA)
LOA Example: AXX (Funds do not expire) No Specific Dollar Amount, Temporarily finance support to individuals or non-mission activities, Not Immediately Available for Obligation Upon Receipt of the Allotment (Obligation Authority “Generated” Based on Receipt of Order), Controlled by Installation level and gives the performing organization the right to accept sales orders, with no limits on the maximum amount of work that can be provided. ARA orders are used when the Requesting Agency must pay the Performing Agency the actual costs of the goods or services provided. The Performing Agency will invoice/bill the requesting agency for reimbursement after goods or services have been performed. (equivalent of accepting a MIPR as Category I.) FTX Maintenance Support Cash Laundry Sales

7 Stages of Reimbursement Accounting
Authority Received - Provides the funding authority. Orders Received - Agreement between the requester and the performer. Earned Reimbursement - Performer provides the good/service to the requester. Collection - Requester pays the performer for the good/service.

8 SITUATION ARMY (Requestor) requests support from the NAVY SEABEES (Performer) to construct 100 Containerized Housing Units (CHU’s) at Ft. Campbell, KY. Army (Requester) initiates a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requisition via ME51N Purchase Requisition

9 Ordering Procedures An order must be created for the desired goods or services. A Purchase Requisition (Outbound MIPR) will be created in GFEBS utilizing the DD Form 448 and DD Form Regardless of the form used, all orders must be documented. At a minimum the order must include the following: Certification of availability for purpose: Economy Act A description of the goods or services being ordered Delivery requirements A fund citation (either direct or automatic) A payment provision. (Provide billing instruction and information) Duration of the agreement Dollar limits and any authority to exceed applicable limits without specific approval from the ordering activity.

10 MIPR Process Flow RM Shop RM Shop Legend Executing Agency
Direct-Create manual PO (ME21N) A-PO Automatically created PO Processor RM Shop L5 Certification Budget Analyst In the RM shop Initiates the L5 certification/ release funds ME54N PO Processor Executing Agency Accepts, Signs, and Returns DD 448-2 Acceptance DD 448-2 Approve/Certify PR L1/L4 PR Generates DD448 Via t-code ZSSC_DD448 Requestor s doc’s to Executing Agency ME54N / DD 448 Create Outbound MIPR Enter PR information Change SRN on PR (ME52N) Print for records ZSSC_Print_PR ME51N / ME52N PR Processor Legend GFEBS Operation Non-GFEBS

11 Create Purchase Requisition It all begins with a need
Due to the increased OPTEMPO in Training Rotations at Ft Campbell, KY., the decision is made to replace the tents at FOB East and West with permanent Chews. The Navy Construction Engineers are contacted and agree to the project. 1 2 Requestor Creates a Purchase Requisition (ME51N) with Document type ‘Outbound MIPR’. Alerts Approver when complete. Approver (Supervisor) receives PR via workflow or a simple / phone to view and approve its content via ME53N. Sends to Certifier 3 4

12 ME54N- L1 Approve L4 Certify Outbound MIPR
Purchase Requisition receives L1 /L4 approve / certify from supervisor / BO via ME54N (Cert. can happen now or later) 2 Approved DD 448 is generated and then printed via ZSSC_448 L1 Approved Once approved, the Requestor mails / s documentation to Performer for approval request 3 NOTE: A copy of DD 448 will be filed at the requestors location for auditable purposes. Another copy will then be sent to the performers location for approval

13 Performer Approves MIPR and Returns 448-2
1 Performer receives the DD 448/448-2 2 Performer sends accepted DD MIPR to requestor Requestor Performer

14 ME54N- Initiate L5 Approve / L4 Certify PR
1 Requestor then receives the DD MIPR acceptance, Issues the L5 Acceptance L1 Approved In the event that the PR was built unfunded (u), The RM shop will now add the LOA when the funds are available and confirmed (L4) L4 Certified L5 Accepted 2 Under the ‘Item Overview’- ‘Account Assignment’ tab, Input the following fields: G/L ledger- (should auto-fill) Cost center Fund Functional Area Funds Center – Click ‘Save’

15 LSA #1 Check on Learning (Pt1)
Q1: This Reimbursable Type has an LOA that looks similar to this: D17? Q2: This Agreement is used when the Requesting Agency must pay the Performing Agency the actual costs of the goods or services provided.

16 LSA #1 Check on Learning (Pt2)
Q1: T/F: A description of the service procured and duration of the MIPR agreement are just a few of the required items needed on the Purchase Requisition Q2: At a minimum, the three levels needed in GFEBS to successfully execute a MIPR / acceptance are; a. L1, L2, L3 b. L1, L4, L5 c. L1, L4, L8

17 LSA #1 Summary

18 Work Breakdown Structure Process

19 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Elements
The Program/Project WBS is the structure that encompasses the entire program or project. It usually consists of three levels of products/elements with associated work definitions. The three upper levels of the PWBS are defined below. Level 1 is the entire program/project Level 2 elements are the major product segments or subsections. Level 3 contains definable components or subsets of the level 2 elements.

20 Develop and Process a WBS Element
Plan Project and Create WBS CJ20N Determine Order Acceptance Non-GFEBS Operation Fund/Release Project CJ20N Create and Approve Sales Order VA01 VA02 Monitor Sales Order Processing

21 LSA #2 Check on Learning Q1: T/F: The Program/Project WBS is the structure that encompasses a small portion of a program or project. Q2: The only Non-GFEBS piece in the entire WBS process is _____ _____ _____

22 LSA #2 Summary

23 Documentary Evidence Disbursement Description
“In most instances, a disbursement is a payment to an individual or organization for goods furnished or services rendered. In some cases, a disbursement is made solely to transfer funds from one appropriation or fund to another. This is a disbursement made by voucher deduction or by “no check drawn” transactions involving SF 1080 (Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds) or SF 1081 (Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits) and no payment by check, cash, or electronic funds transfer (EFT).” DODFMR VOL. 5, CHAPTER 11 (05 FEB 2006)

24 Documentary Evidence Voucher for Transfers
NOTE: Effective 2001, all US Government to US Government SF 1080 Reimbursable Billings are processed through the “Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System” (IPAC)

25 Appropriation Transfer
SF 1080 Example Ensure: Department, establishment…receiving funds is the address of the organization providing the service. 1 Ensure: Department, establishment…of the office charged is the local area RM, G8, or DFAS Ensure: Order number is the MIPR, Reimbursable order, or delivery order number. 2 Ensure: (If applicable) that the D.O.D. is present and accurate Ensure: Good description Of goods / services procured Ft. Campbell Range upgrades: Containerized Housing Units x 100 TA-Lomah, TA-23 3 4 5

26 Appropriation Transfer
SF 1080 Example (Cont.) Ensure: The ‘Unit Price’ Cost is the total amount of the provided Service or Goods Ensure: Amount represents the total amount of the bill, in both dollars and cents Ensure: The ‘Unit Price’ Per is the ‘cost per unit’ Ensure: (If applicable), quantity is present and accurate 6 7 8 9

27 Appropriation Transfer
SF 1080 Example (Cont.) Ensure: ‘Remittance in Payment hereof…’ address is complete and includes telephone # of the remit tee. Include the Payment Due date in this block. 10 11 Ensure: ‘Accounting Classification (Office receiving funds) is correct and it belongs to the office performing the activity. Ensure: ‘’Certificate of Office Charged’ includes an original signature 12 Ensure: ‘Accounting Classification …Office-Charged Is correct and belongs to the ordering activity 13 14 Ensure: ‘Paid by Check No.’ Is the check number provided By the remitter (if paid by check)

28 Appropriation Transfer
SF 1080 Example (Cont.) Ensure: ‘Voucher Number’ is completed when a check Payment is made. Completed by the DO of the ordering activity 15 16 Ensure: the ‘Bill Number’ Is complete. Completed by The accounting office of the Performing activity 17 Ensure: the ‘Paid By’ address and the DSSN belongs to the Disbursing office of the Ordering activity Stamp the SF 1080 ‘For Collection’ when a check is received. (A cash collection voucher, DD Form 1131, is not required nor recommended for use when the check is received for collection For Collection 211437JULXX Ft. Campbell Range upgrades: Containerized Housing Units x 100 TA-Lomah, TA-23 18

29 Prepare Error Correction Document (SF 1081)
“In the event that a disbursement is charged to an erroneous Accounting Classification, this document will be used to adjust / correct those errors.” Used to make a Disbursement Some cases – a disbursement merely transfers funds from one appropriation or fund to another either by voucher deduction or by a “no check drawn” transaction using the SF 1080 or SF 1081.

30 ADJUSTMENT “Changes in the accounting records made in response to the receipt of more current information.”

31 CORRECTION “Change in an accounting classification or dollar amount on a document when preparing, posting, or processing the document.”

Pen and ink change(s) to original document SF 1017G, Journal Voucher (FV50 in GFEBS) SF 1081, Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits, to effect correction of errors

33 SF1081 EXAMPLE This LOA to be ‘Debited’ $425.00
STANDARD FORM 1081, VOUCHERS AND SCHEDULES OF WITHDRAWALS AND CREDITS SF1081 EXAMPLE This LOA to be ‘Debited’ $425.00 This LOA to be ‘Credited’ $425.00 Detailed explanation outlining the issue, and the proposed Correction. This comes complete with both ‘Preparer and Approver’ signature blocks and contact info. Certifying Officer signature and contact Information.

34 LSA #3 Check on Learning Q1: Match to the correct Voucher
Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds _______ Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits _______ Q2: T/F: All US Government to US Government SF 1080 Reimbursable Billings are processed through the “Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System” (IPAC) SF 1081 DD 1081 SF 1080 DD 1080

35 LSA #3 Summary

36 Reimbursement Accounts
4 Stages of reimbursable accounting: Authority received (A/R) Orders received (O/R) Earned reimbursement (E/R) Collection

37 Authority Received (AR)
Funded Reimbursement Authority - Specific dollar amount. - Placed in “Reserve for Receipt of Orders” account. Automatic Reimbursement Authority - No specific dollar amount. - Dollar ceiling established by DRM.

38 Orders Received (OR) Firm (contractual) agreement between Buyer (Ordering Activity) and Seller (Performing Activity) Performing activity increases unobligated balance of available funds upon acceptance Performer decreases the reserve for receipt of orders account for FRA ONLY -specific dollar amount -placed in a “Reserve for Receipt of Orders” account

39 Earned Reimbursement (ER)
Performer earns reimbursement for costs incurred to complete customer’s order Performer establishes an Accounts Receivable (by customer number) as a basis for billing the ordering activity May require an adjustment to the accounts receivable: O/R = E/R - cost fluctuation from estimate - quantity fluctuation from estimate

40 Collection Ordering activity reimburses the performing activity for goods and services. Performer liquidates the accounts receivable.

41 Key Reimbursable Activity Balances

42 Recording Reimbursements
SF 1080 and SF 1081 Both are used to process payments and collections between agencies The form used, depends on the payment type and if the funds are within the same agency

43 Analysis of the Reimbursement Program
LOOK FOR: O/R in excess of Authority E/R in excess of O/R E/R less than Disbursements O/R with little activity Late deliveries Missed start days Customers’ failure to pay

44 LSA #4 Check on Learning True of False
Q1: One of the two types of authority received for the reimbursement process is the RAR. Q2: Acceptance of the DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) constitutes an order received.

45 LSA #4 Summary

46 TLO Check on Learning

47 TLO Summary Action: Perform Reimbursable Accounting
Conditions: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercise, personal experience, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With a minimum of 80% accuracy, learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Examine the Reimbursable Decision matrix and discuss the Reimbursable types. Communicate the Work Breakdown Structure Process. Review SF 1080 and SF 1081 for accuracy and completeness. Analyze the Reimbursement Accounts.

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