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The Operational Marine Climate Monitoring and Forecasting System of Puertos del Estado (PE) Área de Conocimiento y Análisis del Medio Físico Puertos del.

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Presentation on theme: "The Operational Marine Climate Monitoring and Forecasting System of Puertos del Estado (PE) Área de Conocimiento y Análisis del Medio Físico Puertos del."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Operational Marine Climate Monitoring and Forecasting System of Puertos del Estado (PE) Área de Conocimiento y Análisis del Medio Físico Puertos del Estado

2 Monitoring and Forecasting System Introduction. Introduction. Permanent measuring networks. Permanent measuring networks. 12 deep water buoys, 22 shallow water buoys, 21 tidal gauges, 22 meteorological stations, 3 current meters and 6 coastal WaMos (X- Band) radars. 12 deep water buoys, 22 shallow water buoys, 21 tidal gauges, 22 meteorological stations, 3 current meters and 6 coastal WaMos (X- Band) radars. Numerical Modelling: forecasting systems. Numerical Modelling: forecasting systems. Wave forecast and sea level forecast Wave forecast and sea level forecast Marine data base. Marine data base.

3 Deep water buoy network 12 measuring sites. Moored in depths over 200 m. Directional wave measurements, meteorology, currents, salinity and temperature. Satellite transmission in real time.

4 Coastal buoy network 22 measuring sites. Moored near the coast. Scalar and directional wave measurements. Radio transmission in real time to a coastal station.

5 Network of meteorological stations 22 stations. Atmospheric pressures, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, irradiation, visibility and water temperature. Radio transmission or modem in real time.

6 Tide gauge network REDMAR (RED de MAReógrafos): 22 measuring sites. Sea level at the harbours. Radio transmission or modem in real time.

7 3 measuring sites. Current speed and direction, water temperature and salinity at different depths (150 to 600 m). Network of current meters

8 Measuring networks

9 Measuring stations description

10 Real time data

11 Sea Level Forecasting System Based on the HIRLAM model (INM) and HAMSOM model. Maps for the North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Forecast horizon:48 hours. Time series and plots for all the harbours (AAPP). Assimilation and verification in real time with tidal gauge data.

12 Sea Level Forecast: maps

13 Sea Level Forecast: harbour information

14 Sea Level Forecast: real time verification

15 Astronomic tidal forecast ( –Available at REDMAR Harbors –Graphical or numerical output –Based on harmonic analysis of real data Web oriented tidal forecast

16 Wave Forecasting System Based on the HIRLAM model (INM) and WAM and WAVEWATCH models. Maps for the North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea with local applications for the Cantabric Coast, Balearic Islands and Strait of Gibraltar. Forecast horizon: 48 hours (basin scale applications) and 24 hours (local scale applications) Forecasted time series for all the harbours (AAPP). Real time verification with buoy data.

17 Wave Forecast: maps

18 Wave Forecast: verification

19 Data Base Data from all the measuring networks maintained by Puertos del Estado. Analysed data from the operational numerical models. Data sets from other countries. Hindcasted periods (WASA). Other data sets: visual data.

20 Data Base On-line Wave Data analysis On-line Wave Data analysis Temporal series. Temporal series. Histograms. Histograms. Tables of wave height-period. Tables of wave height-period. Maximum wave heights. Maximum wave heights. Tables of wave height-direction (only for directional buoys). Tables of wave height-direction (only for directional buoys). Wave roses (only for directional buoys). Wave roses (only for directional buoys). Mean and extreme values analysis reports (PDF format). Mean and extreme values analysis reports (PDF format). Data Base: wave information points

21 Data Base On-line Sea Level Data analysis On-line Sea Level Data analysis Daily evolution. Daily evolution. Monthly evolution. Monthly evolution. Tidal hamonics Tidal hamonics Data Base: Sea Level information points Tide gauges - REDMAR

22 Área de conocimiento y análisis del medio físico Head of Área: Ignacio Rodríguez Measuring networks: Deep water network and current meters: Enrique Álvarez M. Isabel Ruiz Marta de Alfonso Tide gauges: Begoña Pérez Meteorological stations: Andrés Guerra Radars: Jose Damián López Red costera de boyas: Mª Isabel Ruiz Forecasting systems: Waves:Juan Carlos Carretero Marta Gómez Sea Level: Enrique Álvarez and Begoña Pérez Data bank: Obdulio Serrano

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