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D.D. of Scrotal & Inguino-scrotal Swellings

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1 D.D. of Scrotal & Inguino-scrotal Swellings
ALI SABBOUR Prof. of General & Vascular Surgery, Ain Shams University

2 1- Can you get above the swelling?
FIRST, Decide the answer of these four questions: 1- Can you get above the swelling? 2- Can you identify the testes & the epididymis? 3- Is the swelling translucent? 4- Is the swelling tender?

3 Swellings NOT Confined to the Scrotum:
Cough Impulse Reducible Testis palpable Opaque No cough impulse Not reducible Testis not palpable CYSTIC TRANSLUCENT HERNIA INFANTILE HYDROCELE

4 Swellings NOT Confined to the Scrotum:
Cough Impulse Reducible Testis palpable Opaque

5 Swellings NOT Confined to the Scrotum:
No cough impulse Not reducible Testis not palpable CYSTIC TRANSLUCENT

6 Swellings Confined to the Scrotum: Testis & Epididymis NOT Definable
Translucent Opaque Not Tender Tender Ch. Hematocele Torsion Acute Hematocele Severe epid.orchitis Vaginal Hydrocele Gamma / Tumour

7 Swellings Confined to the Scrotum: Testis & Epididymis NOT Definable

8 Swellings Confined to the Scrotum: Testis & Epididymis NOT Definable
Opaque Not Tender

9 Swellings Confined to the Scrotum: Testis & Epididymis NOT Definable
Opaque Tender

10 Swellings Confined to the Scrotum:
Testis & Epididymis DEFINABLE Translucent Opaque TENDER NOT TENDER Epididymal Cyst Acute Epididymo-orchitis TB Epididymis Tumour (early) Hydrocele of Cord Cystic & Opaque (Spermatocele)

11 Swellings Confined to the Scrotum: Testis & Epididymis DEFINABLE
Translucent Cystic

12 Swellings Confined to the Scrotum: Testis & Epididymis DEFINABLE

13 Swellings Confined to the Scrotum: Testis & Epididymis DEFINABLE

14 VARICOCELE Inguino- scrotal Swelling
Bunch of dilated tortuous veins in the pampiniform plexus (Varicose veins in the spermatic cord) More on the left side Veins empty when the patient is lying down VARICOCELE


16 Scrotal Swelling Can’t feel testis & epididymis Cystic, translucent Not tender Vaginal Hydrocele

17 Acute Lt. inguinal lymphadenitis Lt. strangulated inguinal hernia
Strangulated Lt. inguinal hernia Rt. congenital inguinal hernia

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