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The Fortune Teller Lesson 4 Go to this site to read : que sera sera

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Presentation on theme: "The Fortune Teller Lesson 4 Go to this site to read : que sera sera"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fortune Teller Lesson 4 Go to this site to read : que sera sera
Go to this site to read : que sera sera    Read and explain the first paragraph of the song to your pupils. You can give them short activity – () If not, say: Do you want to know your future? Discuss with your pupils why they may, or may not, want to know their future.

2 In this lesson you will:
*learn about fortune telling *ask and answer questions *use ‘can’ and ‘will’ Introduce the objectives with ‘Today you are going to: Your pupils may need help in understanding the last item. Translate it into their mother tongue, if necessary.

3 What do people use to help them know the future?
Who can tell the future? What do people use to help them know the future? Read the slide together with your pupils. You may need to help them pronounce the word future. Mention that the letters –ture at the end of the word are pronounced che. Write the words adventure, picture, ( and any others you can think of). Divide the word. For example, pic/ture, and ask your pupils to read it. Do the same for all the words you have chosen. Now, ask your pupils for possible answers to the questions and accept any logical answers

4 Rachel and Ben want to know about the future.
They are excited, but a little afraid. Tell your pupils to look at the words in yellow. Read the words in English and ask the class to repeat them after you. Explain the meaning of these two words in English. Then ask your pupils how they would say them in their mother tongue.

5 And Rachel wants to know if she will be a successful business-woman.
Ben wants to know if he will be a famous football player. And Rachel wants to know if she will be a successful business-woman. Read the slide to your pupils and make sure they understand. They are going to visit a fortune teller.

6 The teens have some questions ready:
Rachel asks: ‘ Will I run a big company ? ’ Ben asks: ‘ Can I get to be a star? ’ Explain to your pupils that run can have another meaning. Read the sentence with the word run and ask your pupils to guess what it might mean. Ask them what other meaning of run they know.

7 The fortune teller looks at her crystal ball and answers:
Ask your pupils to guess what a crystal ball is from the picture..

8 ‘You will work in a restaurant’ ‘You will be a big manger.’
‘You can pass the test (if you try hard enough).’ ‘You can get to be a star.’ ‘You will have many friends.’ Tell your pupils that some of the answers here are to the questions Rachel and Ben asked. Some were given to other children. Ask them which answer Rachel got? (pink) How did she ask her question? What about Ben? What was his question and what answer did he get? (red)

9 We use ‘will’ to say that something will happen in the future for certain.
We use ‘can’ to show that it is possible or that a person is able to do something. Explain in Hebrew and give examples in both languages. e.g. I am sure our team will win the cup. I know the team can do it.

10 Let’s practice the use of can and will:
*You ask the crystal ball: ____ I win the lottery? ____ I be rich? * You ask your friend: ____ you ride a bike? ____ you come riding with me? Read the questions and ask pupils to complete them with either ‘Will’ or ‘Can’. (capital letters because the words appear at the beginning of a sentence). You can remind them of the difference between ‘will’ and ‘can’. Emphasize the difference between the certainty in the use of “will” (For example, when you ask the crystal ball, you are looking for a certain answer), and the elements of possibility and capacity in “can”. Use their mother tongue for language explanations

11 ____ I have a new computer for my birthday?
* You ask your mother: ____ I have a new computer for my birthday? Can _____________ ? Will _____________ ? In the last two examples your pupils have to fill in their own questions. Go to activity 1

12 Now let’s ask the crystal ball some more questions.
Go to The students should think of a yes/no question, then move their mouse over the question mark for the answer!

13 I will live in ___________ (country)
Try to predict your own future: In twenty years- Where will you live? I will live in ___________ (country) What will you do? I will work in ________________ This exercise is to be completed on the slide. You can let your pupils write on the slide or they can tell you and you write on the slide. Discuss the various sentences they formed with the class. Emphasize the form of questions and answers. Continued on the next slide Go to activity 2

14 Will you be married? In twenty years- Yes, _______ be married
No, _______ be single ________ have children? Yes, _______ have _____ children. No, _______ have children. Complete this on the slide with your pupils. Go to activity 3

15 A fortune teller can help you know the future.
Another way of knowing the future is with astrology. Let’s see what that means. Go to site: Tell your pupils that in this animation we get the astrological signs . You can give them the Hebrew names of the signs of the horoscope.

16 Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini CANCER Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio
Jan20- Feb18 Pisces Feb19- March20 Aries Mar21- April19 Taurus April20- May20 Gemini June22- July22 CANCER June 23- July 22 Leo July23- Aug22 Virgo Aug23- Sept22 Go to: Ask your pupils to choose their zodiac sign. First explain to them how to do this, using the table on the slide (they also have a table on the site). Ask one of your pupils to tell you his/her sign. Click on the sign and read the horoscope for the pupil. You may do this for a number of pupils. Then tell your class to find their signs, click on them and find out about their future. Some pupils will be able to do this on their own. Others will need your help. Libra Sept23- Oct23 Scorpio Oct24- Nov-21 Sagittarius Nov22- Dec21 Capricorn Dec22- Jan19

17 There is a third way of knowing the future:
reading the content of a fortune cookie. Go to- Explain to your class that a fortune cookie has your future inside: you break open the cookie and there it is. Tell your pupils to click the cookie to open it. They can try one more.

18 Eat the cookie while you read!
A fortune cookie is a sweet thin cookie with a paper inside. Your fortune is written on the paper. Eat the cookie while you read! Go to- Explain to your class that a fortune cookie has your future inside: you break open the cookie and there it is. Tell your pupils to click the cookie to open it. They can try one more. (same as previous slide)

19 Let’s see if you have got what it takes to fulfill your dreams.
You can use numerology to find out more about yourself. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i Read the text to your class and explain ( or translate ) the difficult words. Tell them to find out what their name says about them. Tell them to write their name in English (First name). Go through the stages with them slowly.1. According to the chart, change each letter to the matching number. 2. Add them up. For example, Ron would be = 20 3. Add the 2+0 together = 2, because you can have only from 1-9 as an answer. When they have completed this, they should raise their hands and you will be able to look together at what it says about each pupil.. Tell your pupils they will need to go to slide 21 and read what is written for each of the numbers. j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

20 Numerology Find out about yourself. Use your name and numbers. 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i See comments for previous slide Now go to the next slide and read what is written for each the number. Go to activity 4 j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

21 You are: 1: clever and work quickly 2: funny and like to tell jokes
3: brave and help others 4: honest – people can trust you 5: warm and a good friend 6: very talkative and like music 7: confident – you know what you want 8: fair and give good advice 9: careful but like new things too Go to activity 5

22 In this lesson you have…
found out about different ways to know the future asked and answered questions using ‘can’ and ‘will’ Repeat each of these points (what are the different ways to know the future). Mention crystal balls, horoscopes, fortune cookies, etc.

23 INTERWORK: Be a fortune teller. Tell someone’s fortune.
JAN INTERWORK: Be a fortune teller. Tell someone’s fortune. JUL FEB AUG 1. You will ___________________. [meet/ friends / new] 2. Be careful! Traveling can _______________. [this/dangerous/ week / be] SEP MAR APR OCT Give your pupils instructions. They must complete the sentences by writing the words in [ ] in the correct order. The work continues on the next slide and also on the word doc-, so they can do it at home MAY NOV JUN DEC

24 ___________________________. [lucky / will be/ you ]
JAN 3. Buy a lottery ticket, ___________________________. [lucky / will be/ you ] 4. You will get an_______________. [phone call/soon / important] 5. Someone will give_____________. [ you/ present / a] 6. You will have lots of ____________________________. [week /homework/ this] JUL FEB AUG SEP MAR APR OCT MAY NOV JUN DEC

25 The answers: 1. You will meet new friends.
JAN JUL The answers: 1. You will meet new friends. 2. Be careful! Traveling can be dangerous this week. 3. Buy a lottery ticket, you will be lucky. 4. You will get an important phone call soon. 5. Someone will give you a present. 6. You will have lots of homework this week. FEB AUG SEP MAR APR OCT Your pupils can check their answers here. MAY NOV JUN DEC

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