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Making the Connections to the National Conversation March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Connections to the National Conversation March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Connections to the National Conversation March 2014

2 Future Generations Bill Y Bil Cenedlaethaur Dyfodol

3 the architecture stronger governance for the long term

4 Challenges – long term intergenerational challenges (e.g. health inequalities, climate change, poverty) Opportunities – taking a different approach to realise opportunities (e.g. green growth) Goals – having a shared focus on the Wales we want. Shared contribution– recognising that we all have a contribution to make.

5 Goals The Wales we want Wales is more prosperous and innovative Wales is a more equal nation People in Wales are Healthier People in Wales participate in our shared culture with a thriving living Welsh language Communities across Wales are safe, cohesive and resilient Wales uses a fair share of natural resources Environment Economy Society (Well-being)

6 GOALS FOR WALES Maximise contribution to achievement of goals measures of progress Public Service Organisations: Wellbeing Plan Welsh Government Strategic Needs Assessment Natural Resources Wales Sports Wales Sports Wales National Library of Wales Arts Council Community Councils Local Authorities National Park Authorities Local Health Boards NHS Trusts HEFCW Fire & Rescue Authorities Local Service Board what they do spend money £ Architecture of the Bill Evidence Sustainable Governance Principles Collaboration Long term Integration Citizen centred Prevention

7 Architecture of the Bill Transparency Commissioner for Future Generations Advisory Council Enforcement Auditor General for Wales Annual Reporting

8 Central organising principle Clear focus on what is to be achieved - Shared goals What How Difference Applying the principles – maximise contribution Monitor and explain performance and effectiveness

9 National Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Future Generations Report Welsh Government Wales Futures Trends Report Commissioner for Future Generations Year 0 Year 5 Elections Elections National Conversation Five year periodic cycle National Conversation Cycle

10 Ministerial Statement - November 2013 Over the past two years there has been a global conversation facilitated by the United Nations with people the world over to seek their views on new sustainable development goals In Wales too, we need to build a consensus around the goals which are the most important to all of us, including our children grandchildren Jeff Cuthbert, AM Minister for Communities & Tackling Poverty, November 2013 I intend that the FG Bill will provide for a Commissioner who will produce a Future Generations Report. The report will be laid before the National Assembly for Wales. We need to understand how the long term trends – demographic, technological, and environmental - will affect our long term goals. The conversation and the subsequent report are intended to set the agenda for the positive action by the devolved public service (Jeff Cuthbert, AM Minister for Communities & Tackling Poverty, November 2013)..


12 Future Generations Reporting A key mechanism to improve our governance for the long term, by setting out our measures of progress against our long term goals. Thereby: 1.increasing awareness of long term trends 2.establishing strong national ownership of long term goals 3.connecting policies and programmes of Government to their long term impact. An opportunity to test out the potential role of a Future Generations Report, and also to test ways in which we can best engage business, communities and the public sector in contributing to achieving our common long term goals.

13 Future Generations Reporting Pilot-Style A similar exercise has been carried out in Australia… 2013.html

14 Other international examples A similar exercise is being carried out in Finland The Finland we want by 2050 Societys commitment to sustainable development Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development Vision: A prosperous Finland within the limits of the carrying capacity of nature Sustainable development is an absolute necessity, and achieving it will require cooperation between administration, non-profit organisations, companies, researchers and citizens. To this end, we need mutually agreed-upon goals and objectives and the commitment to see them through, based on our own individual expertise and potential. Only then can we embrace the opportunities this change will introduce

15 Future Generations Reporting The Wales We Want ?: Report back and produce a report on Behalf of Future Generations Gathers the views stimulus material for debate 1. What do we want our future to look like for the next and future generations? 2. What are the priority intergenerational (ie. long term) challenges and opportunities? 3. What do these challenges mean to me/ my community? 4. What changes need to be made to our current policies and practices in order to address these challenges and take the opportunities?

16 This is a conversation not a consultation This is a trial to test out ways for engaging the people across Wales on the Wales we want in preparation for the Future Generation Bill It will be an opportunity for everybody to inform the long term goals and our key measures of progress of public services in Wales – recognising the crucial role these services have with regard to the economy, our environment, the communities in which we live and our language It will consist of a number of a range engagement exercises. There are likely to be a variety of approaches that we will need to use with a range of stakeholders – from youth groups to business groups – our future champions The pilot will culminate in an report on behalf of our Future Generations which will set out performance against key measures of progress About the National Conversation The national conversation will aim to: 1.increase awareness of long term trends 2.establish strong national ownership of long term goals 3.connect policies and programmes of Government and public sector to their long term impact

17 Role of a Futures Champion Future Champions – a network to lead the conversation To be the voice of your sector and/or community To be the advocate for future generations by raising the issues for the long- term that concern your sector or community To be the connector by engaging your network in this National Conversations To be the facilitator by capturing the views, thoughts and concerns of your sector, with regards to What do we want our future to look like for the next and future generations? Given the intergenerational challenges how can we turn them into realistic goals for which we are all responsible? What would be the responsibility for me/my community/my business? What are the measures of success that will allow us to track progress To be the reporter in feeding back these views to inform the Future Generations report

18 The Welsh Government have identified the following goals for the future. Which do you believe are the most important for the well-being of future generations ? 83% I want a Wales where people participate in our shared culture with a thriving Welsh language I want a Wales which is more prosperous and innovative in the future I want a more equal Wales for the future I want a Wales that uses a fair share of natural resources I want a Wales where people are more healthy than currently I want a Wales where communities are safer, more cohesive, and more resilient 74% 69% 67% 66% 44%

19 I want a Wales where communities are involved in the delivery of public services, people are working together to solve public issues I want a Wales where my children can study for relevant qualifications, and where enterprise is valued I want a Wales where innovation and change are championed in all areas of life, I want a Wales where Wales is an internationally recognised place to come for research, development and advanced manufacture I want a Wales with active, healthy and well informed citizens who 'take part I want a Wales that promotes, enhances and conserves the natural environment

20 Next Steps go to Complete survey on the long term goals Register to be a future champion to carry the conversation Tweet #thewaleswewant Engage through the Bill Reference Group – Interim report produced in June 2014 FG Bill to National Assembly July 2014 Future Generations Report March 2015 Bill becomes law post April 2015 Commissioner appointed before December 2015 Duty to be applied from 2016 Email –


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