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Welcome to the Hondros College Student Portal (AKA CAMS)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Hondros College Student Portal (AKA CAMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Hondros College Student Portal (AKA CAMS)
Welcome to the Hondros College Student Portal (AKA CAMS). What’s a portal? Point of entry to access your grades, download course documents. And now, available to access your account! Brief tutorial how to use the new system.

2 After you’ve logged into CAMS, you can click on the Student Email link.
This is the only Hondros College will use to communicate with you. Check it early, Check it often!

3 This is the in-box to your e-mail account.

4 To send an E-mail, click COMPOSE MAIL

5 All of your NEW email will be displayed once you log in

6 Become Familiar Before the quarter begins, take time to learn the system. Remember to read the Acceptable Use Policy and abide by those terms and conditions. If you have any issues, please see your Campus Director for assistance.

7 Hondros Usernames and Passwords
Each student will receive a CAMS username/password Each students will receive a Hondros College , username and password Never share your usernames or passwords

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