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Module 4: Between the Wars

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1 Module 4: Between the Wars
EOC Review

2 America became Isolationist because of uncertainty
America became Isolationist because of uncertainty. Neutrality Acts in 1935 and 1937 prevented Americans from choosing a side in foreign conflicts As soldiers came home, competition for jobs increases 4 million workers protested for the right to join a union Module 4: Labor Unrest

3 Red Scare Origins: Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
Palmer Raids- FBI went around infiltrating Communist and Anarchist groups J. Edgar Hoover- Head of the FBI Anarchists Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 restricted immigration based on nationality. Sacco & Vanzetti- Two Italian immigrants falsely accused of murder because they were anarchists Red Scare

4 Roaring 20’s Americans starting earning more money than ever before
People were buying Radios, cars, refrigerators, and AC in mass quantities for the first time “Buy now, pay later” Roaring 20’s

5 New roles for Women Entered the work force as teachers, nurses
Women gain right to vote with the 19th Amendment Flappers New roles for Women

6 Prohibition 18th Amendment banned Alcohol from 1919-1933
Smuggling increased Organized Crime- Al Capone Crime increased during prohibition Volstead Act: Provided enforcement of the 18th Amendment Prohibition

7 Florida History- Rosewood Massacre
A Black man was suspected of assaulting a white woman Group of white men took the law into their own hands and attacked the black citizens of Rosewood, FL. They killed between 7-21 black residents, burned down buildings, and killed animals Florida History- Rosewood Massacre

8 Expression of the African American experience in America
Jazz Age (Louis Armstrong) Artists included writers Langston Hughes and Claude McKay; Harlem Renaissance

9 Pop Culture Dances such as the Charleston Art Deco (Chrysler Building)
Movie Theater Baseball Pop Culture

10 Conservative Reaction
Shift away from traditional values became alarming Rise of preachers (Billy Sunday) that draw massive viewership Against flappers and new roles for women Scopes Trial- Religion vs. Science. Science teacher wanted to teach evolution. John Scopes (teacher) Found guilty. However, many states overturned laws banning the teaching of evolution Conservative Reaction

11 Challenge to Civil Rights
Rise of the KKK- wanted 100% Americanism Great Migration Race Riots- Chicago and Tulsa Booker T. Washington v W.E.B. DuBois African Americans could advance by gaining marketable skills and working hard (gradual, slow) vs DuBois view of challenging discrimination in the Courts Challenge to Civil Rights

12 Causes of the Great Depression
Top 0.1% had a combined wealth equal to the poorest 40% of Americans Stock market prices went up 4x in compared to 1921 Banks were unregulated Credit Black Tuesday- October Causes of the Great Depression

13 Great Depression and Dust Bowl
25% Unemployment, 11 million looking for work. the economic crisis of the Great Depression went from bad to worse in A severe drought hit the Great Plains and lasted for several years. Hoover-villes were shanty towns Great Depression and Dust Bowl

14 New Deal: FDR Goals: Second New Deal
Regulate Banking- FDIC Help Farmers- discourage overproduction Create jobs- TVA, CCC Second New Deal Social Security- unemployment, disability insurance. Created payroll taxes US Supreme Court declared many New Deal programs unconstitutional Court-Packing Plan New Deal: FDR

15 Any Questions?

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