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“Knowledge is Power” -- Sir Francis Bacon, 1597.

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Presentation on theme: "“Knowledge is Power” -- Sir Francis Bacon, 1597."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Knowledge is Power” -- Sir Francis Bacon, 1597

2 AQI Reporting: Participant Webinar

3 Learning Objectives Update participants on AQI status
Demonstrate new features of the AQI reports Discuss future directions and solicit opinions

4 The Challenge The government wants to know that Ma and Pa are getting the healthcare they deserve … and that our taxes pay for. 11/8/2018

5 We live in the Information Age…
“Your data is going to be collected. Do you want it to be gathered by your friends or by your enemies?” * -- Keith Ruskin, MD * Goofy picture of Keith obtained in 5.4 seconds of internet search.

6 The AQI A non-profit 501(c)3 corporation
Vision: To become the primary source for quality improvement in the clinical practice of anesthesiology Goal: To establish and maintain the National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry

7 AQI Registries NACOR AIRS PPAI 11/8/2018

8 NACOR: the National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry
Electronic capture All cases (no bias) All available data De-identified, but with context Automated reporting Automated validation Analysis and reporting

9 NACOR to date 4,500,000 cases > 800 interested groups
160 participating practices Case data from: 100 groups 1100 facilities 8,500 providers 4,500,000 cases 11/8/2018

10 11/8/2018

11 Demographics 40,000 ORs in 5,000 hospitals in the US
+ Surgicenters, clinics, doctors offices, etc. 75 million procedures? 30-40m major anesthetics? 60% of surgery on an outpatient basis 60% of hospital $$ are surgery-related 3% annual growth in volume since 1990 11/8/2018

12 Providers 45,000 anesthesiologists 45,000 nurse anesthetists
Median age 50 Working 50 hours/wk 25% female, but rising fast 45,000 nurse anesthetists 2,000 anesthesiologist assistants 11/8/2018

13 The “Average” Practice
36 anesthesiologists 20 nurse anesthetists Working in 9 facilities 92% are ASA members


15 11/8/2018

16 Top 20 Cases in NACOR Cataract Lap. appendectomy Lap. cholecystectomy
Total knee arthroplasty PE Tubes Knee arthroscopy Upper endoscopy Lower endoscopy Tonsillectomy Cesarean section Lap. appendectomy Total hip arthropasty Adult inguinal hernia Hysteroscopy Carpal tunnel repair Oral surgery Shoulder arthroscopy Lumbar laminectomy Lithotripsy Hardware removal 11/8/2018

17 Top 5 “Non-Cases” in NACOR
Labor analgesia Placement of arterial catheter Central line placement Brachial plexus injection Femoral nerve injection

18 Top 5 “Non-Cases” in NACOR
Labor analgesia Placement of arterial catheter Central line placement Brachial plexus injection Femoral nerve injection

19 Patient Age

20 Age and ASA Physical Status

21 Patient Age 11/8/2018

22 Gender Distribution 11/8/2018

23 11/8/2018

24 Surgical Procedures: Age and Gender

25 Anesthesia Type 11/8/2018

26 Outcomes Measure Group Description (n=814,890 cases) Events
Incident Rate Process Process outcomes 11,201 1.37% Major Serious adverse events; actual patient harm or significant risk 3,539 0.43% Minor Minor adverse event; without long-term impact 85,210 10.46% Admin Administrative outcomes; such as case cancel, extended PACU, unexpected admission 11,420 1.40% Mortality Patient death; excluding patients presenting for organ harvesting 293 0.04%

27 AQI REPORTS How To 22 May 2012

28 Login @

29 After Login 11/8/2018

30 AQI Practice Reports 11/8/2018

31 Reporting Categories Practice Patients Cases Outcomes
Providers, Age, Gender, FTE, LOS, ASA Membership Patients Age, Gender, ASA PS, Location Cases Duration, Facilities, Provider, CPT Outcomes National, Practice, Provider, Facility, PONV 11/8/2018

32 Practice Reports 11/8/2018

33 Provider Distribution

34 Patients – Age, Gender, ASA PS, Location

35 Patient Gender by Age Patient - Gender

36 Cases 11/8/2018

37 Cases - Providers 11/8/2018

38 Age and ASA PS 11/8/2018

39 Procedure Duration 11/8/2018

40 Filters Select Criteria for Filter Click View Report CPT Month
ASA Class Facility Type Age Category Anesthesia Type Click View Report 11/8/2018

41 Outcomes 11/8/2018

42 Outcomes - National 11/8/2018

43 Minor Events 11/8/2018

44 Summary AQI has 4.5 M cases 1M+ with quality measures AQI is looking to help with your reporting needs: Hospital Administration MOCA OPPE / FPPE Joint Commission 11/8/2018

45 Have I forgotten anything?

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