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Female NASCAR Fans Prepared by NASCAR Analytics & Insights

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1 Female NASCAR Fans Prepared by NASCAR Analytics & Insights

2 Female NASCAR Fans Deck
The following content is organized into three (3) parts: Demographics Consumption, engagement, and loyalty Insights into consumer behavior

3 Female NASCAR Fans: Demographics
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4 Female NASCAR Fan Base Demographics
19% 43% 25% 14% Geographic Distribution 2 OUT OF 5 23% 1 OUT OF 2 Employed (full or part-time) 18-44 Years Old Multicultural 2 OUT OF 5 Top 5 NASCAR Markets (by number of people interested in the sport) Households with Children New York Los Angeles Chicago Philadelphia San Francisco $62,000 1 2 3 OUT OF 2 OUT OF Average Household Income Some College or Beyond Home Owners Source: Nielsen Scarborough (USA+ Release 1, 2015). Field dates: February 2014-March Sample size is approximately 20,600 NASCAR fans. Fandom is determined by using the following question: “How interested are you in [NASCAR]?” [“very”, “somewhat”, “a little bit”, or “not at all”]. NASCAR fans are those respondents who indicate they are at least a little bit interested in NASCAR.

5 Female NASCAR Fans: Consumption, Engagement and Loyalty
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6 Research Overview NASCAR-RELATED MEDIA CONSUMPTION: Female NASCAR fans consume the sport an average of nearly 9 hours a week via various forms of media. FAVORITE DRIVER: Nearly 3 out of 4 female NASCAR fans have at least one favorite NASCAR driver. SPONSOR LOYALTY: 1 out of 2 female NASCAR fans agree they talk positively about NASCAR sponsors and feel loyal to NASCAR sponsors.

7 Following NASCAR through Various Media Channels Female NASCAR Fans
Proportion of Female NASCAR Fans who Follow NASCAR in Each Type of Media in a Typical Week Female NASCAR fans spend nearly 9 hours per week following NASCAR across channels Television Computer Newspapers or Magazines Smart Phone/ Cell Phone Radio Tablet Read: 90% of female NASCAR fans claim to follow NASCAR on TV. Question: For each of the following types of media, please indicate about how much time you spent following NASCAR in that media type in a typical week. Source: NASCAR Fan Engagement Tracker (commissioned by NASCAR and conducted by Toluna, 2015)

8 Having a Favorite Driver Impacts Consumption Female NASCAR Fans
Proportion of Female NASCAR Fans who Indicate Each Response Impact on Consumption (Having a single favorite driver vs. no favorite) NASCAR Media +4 more hours / week Race Attendance 2.5x as likely to claim to attend +62% more likely to have a favorite auto manufacturer Read: 38% of female NASCAR fans have a single favorite driver. Question: Do you have a favorite NASCAR driver? Source: NASCAR Fan Engagement Tracker (commissioned by NASCAR and conducted by Toluna, 2015)

9 Attitudes about NASCAR Sponsors Female NASCAR Fans
Proportion of Female NASCAR Fans who Agree with Each Statement about Sponsors (Top 5 Box % Agree, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 on 10-pt scale) “I talk positively about brands that are sponsors in NASCAR” “When I see a company using the tagline of ‘Official Sponsor of NASCAR’ in its advertising, I am more likely to consider purchasing its products or services” “I feel loyal to NASCAR sponsors and purchase their products / services because of their involvement in the sport” “I always buy products or services from companies that sponsor NASCAR” “I always participate in NASCAR sponsors’ promotions, such as sweepstakes, coupons, mail-to-win, etc.” Read: 59% of female NASCAR fans agree they talk positively about brands that are NASCAR sponsors. Source: NASCAR Fan Engagement Tracker (commissioned by NASCAR and conducted by Toluna, 2015)

10 Female NASCAR Fans: Insights into Consumer Behavior
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11 Research Overview Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to: Participate in various leisure activities / hobbies Enjoy a variety of music genres Consume general media (television, internet, print) Own / use a mobile device Eat at quick serve and casual dining restaurants Travel domestically Be automobile enthusiasts Engage in home improvements Shop multiple retail channels Notice promotions

12 Leisure Activities / Hobbies
Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to participate in a variety of leisure activities / hobbies. Leading Leisure Activities / Hobbies (participated past year) Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Listening to music 75% 70% 107* Dining out (not fast food) 66% 61% 108* Reading books 63% 103 Baking for fun 50% 48% 104 Cooking for fun 47% 45% Going to beach / lake 43% 109* Barbecuing 35% 129* Card games 37% 122* Gardening 34% 126* Board games Read: 75% of female NASCAR fans listen to music compared to 70% of female non-fans, a 107 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +7% more likely than female non-fans to listen to music. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

13 Favorite Types of Music
Female NASCAR fans are equally or more likely than female non-fans to enjoy various music genres. Leading Music Genres Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Country (mainstream / traditional) 45% 32% 141* Classic rock 43% 40% 108* Top 40 / pop 36% 100 Hip hop / rap 23% 22% 105 Gospel / religious 20% 110 Rock / alternative / modern rock 19% 95 Read: 45% of female NASCAR fans enjoy listening to country music compared to 32% of female non-fans, a 141 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +41% more likely than female non-fans to enjoy listening to country music. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

14 General Media Consumption Overview
Female NASCAR fans are more likely to watch cable networks. Watch Cable (past week) Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Watch cable networks 86% 81% 106* Read: 86% of female NASCAR fans claim to have watched cable in the past week compared to 81% of female non-fans, a 106 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +6% more likely than female non-fans to watch cable. Female NASCAR fans are more likely to use the internet. Internet Usage Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Use internet 91% 89% 102* Read: 91% of female NASCAR fans claim to use the internet compared to 89% of female non-fans, a 102 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +2% more likely than female non-fans to use the internet. Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to consume print media. Read Print Media Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Read magazines (past 6 months) 85% 78% 109* Read a newspaper 82% 76% 108* Read: 85% of female NASCAR fans read / looked at a magazine in the past 6 months compared to 78% of female non-fans, a 109 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +9% more likely than female non-fans to read magazines. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

15 General Media Consumption: Television Networks
Based on claimed television viewing, female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to watch a variety of cable networks. Leading Cable Networks Watched Past Week (claimed) Female NASCAR Fans who Watch Cable TV Female Non-Fans who Watch Cable TV Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans History 30% 19% 158* TLC 29% 25% 116* Hallmark Channel 28% 23% 122* TBS 21% 133* The Weather Channel 147* HGTV 26% 100 Food Network 24% 22% 109 ABC Family (now Freeform) 114* Discovery Channel 16% 150* Fox News Channel 121* Read: Among females who watch cable TV, 30% of NASCAR fans claim to have watched History in the past week compared to 19% of non-fans, a 158 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans who watch cable TV are +58% more likely than female non-fans who watch cable TV to watch History. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

16 General Media Consumption: Print
Female NASCAR fans are equally or more likely than female non-fans to read daily & weekend newspapers. Newspaper Readership Female NASCAR Fans who Read Newspapers Female Non-Fans who Read Newspapers Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Read a weekend newspaper 75% 72% 104* Read a daily newspaper 67% 100 Read: Among females who read newspapers, 75% of NASCAR fans claim to read a weekend newspaper compared to 72% of non-fans, a 104 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans who read newspapers are +4% more likely than female non-fans who read newspapers to read a weekend newspaper. Based on claimed magazine readership, female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to read various magazines. Leading Magazines Read in Past 6 Months (claimed) Female NASCAR Fans who Read Magazines Female Non-Fans who Read Magazines Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans People 45% 43% 105 Better Homes and Gardens 38% 34% 112* AARP, The Magazine 28% 22% 127* Woman’s Day 26% 23% 113* Good Housekeeping 20% 130* Read: Among females who read magazines, 45% of NASCAR fans read / looked at People in the past 6 months compared to 43% of non-fans, a 105 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans who read magazines are just as likely as female non-fans who read magazines to read People. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

17 Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans
Embracing Technology Female NASCAR fans are avid users of technology, and they are equally or more likely than female non-fans to own / use various technological devices. Technology Owners / Users Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Household owns a DVD / Blu-ray player 83% 79% 105* Own / use a mobile device 77% 103 Use a smartphone 73% 100 Own a tablet 40% 39% Own a personal computer 76% 70% 109* Household owns an HDTV 65% 108* Household owns a Smart TV 30% Own / play a video game console 24% 19% 126* Read: 83% of female NASCAR fans claim their household owns a DVD / Blu-ray player compared to 79% of female non-fans, a 105 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +5% more likely than female non-fans to own a DVD / Blu-ray player. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

18 Eating at Quick Serve Restaurants (QSRs)
Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to eat at quick serve restaurants. Category Usage Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Eat at quick serve restaurants (QSRs) 89% 84% 106* Read: 89% of female NASCAR fans claim to eat at quick serve restaurants compared to 84% of female non-fans, a 106 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +6% more likely than female non-fans to eat at quick serve restaurants. Among females who eat at quick serve restaurants, NASCAR fans are just as likely as non-fans to eat at QSRs frequently. Frequency of Use Female NASCAR Fans who Eat at QSRs Female Non-Fans who Eat at QSRs Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans More than 5 times in the past month 77% 100 Read: Among females who eat at quick serve restaurants, 77% of NASCAR fans claim to have eaten at a QSR more than 5 times in the past month compared to 77% of non-fans, a 100 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans who eat at QSRs are just as likely as female non-fans who eat at QSRs to eat at QSRs frequently. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

19 Eating at Casual Dining Restaurants
Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to eat at casual dining restaurants. Category Usage Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Eat at casual dining restaurants 91% 85% 107* Read: 91% of female NASCAR fans claim to eat at casual dining restaurants compared to 85% of female non-fans, a 107 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +7% more likely than female non-fans to eat at casual dining restaurants. Among females who eat at casual dining restaurants, NASCAR fans are more likely than non-fans to eat at casual dining restaurants frequently. Frequency of Use Female NASCAR Fans who Eat at Casual Dining Female Non-Fans who Eat at Casual Dining Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans More than 3 times in the past month 40% 36% 111* Read: Among females who eat at casual dining restaurants, 40% of NASCAR claim to have eaten at casual dining restaurants more than 3 times in the past month compared to 36% of non-fans, a 111 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans who eat at casual dining restaurants are +11% more likely than female non-fans who eat at casual dining restaurants to eat at casual dining restaurants frequently. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

20 Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans
Travel Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to travel domestically. Travel Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Travel domestically (past year) 70% 64% 109* Travel internationally (past 3 years) 35% 43% 81* Took a cruise (past 3 years) 13% 12% 108 Read: 70% of female NASCAR fans claim to have travelled domestically in the past year compared to 64% of female non-fans, a 109 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +9% more likely than female non-fans to travel domestically. Female NASCAR fans are just as likely as female non-fans to stay at hotels and travel by plane domestically. Hotels, Rental Cars, & Air Travel (past year) Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Stay at hotels (domestically) 69% 67% 103 Travel by plane (domestically) 27% 100 Rent a vehicle 25% 28% 89* Read: 69% of female NASCAR fans claim to have stayed at a hotel domestically in the past year compared to 67% of female non-fans, a 103 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are just as likely as female non-fans to stay at hotels domestically. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

21 Automotive Category Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to own / lease multiple vehicles. Car, Truck, SUV, or Van Ownership Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Household owns or leases a vehicle 93% 89% 104* Household owns or leases 2+ vehicles 69% 62% 111* Read: 69% of female NASCAR fans claim their household owns / leases 2+ vehicles compared to 62% of female non-fans, a 111 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +11% more likely than female non-fans to own / lease 2+ vehicles. Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to be heavy users of their vehicles. Indicators of Heavy Vehicle Usage Female NASCAR Fans who Own / Lease Vehicles Female Non-Fans who Own / Lease Vehicles Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans “I often go on long car trips for vacation” (agree) 42% 35% 120* Travel 300+ miles in the past week 19% 14% 136* Purchase 25+ gallons of gas in a typical week 15% 100 Read: Among those who own / lease a vehicle, 42% of female NASCAR fans agree with the statement “I often go on long car trips for vacation” compared to 35% of female non-fans, a 120 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans who own / lease a vehicle are +20% more likely than female non-fans who own / lease a vehicle to agree with the statement “I often go on long car trips for vacation”. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

22 Automotive Enthusiasts
Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to be interested in automobiles and automotive technology. Attitudes / Behaviors Related to Automobiles (agree) Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans “I like driving” 67% 56% 120* “I am interested in what goes on under the hood” 51% 35% 146* “I perform the routine maintenance on some or all of the cars in my household” 31% 113* “I’d pay extra for an engine with more horsepower” 21% 16% 131* “I keep up on the latest advances in automobile technology” 20% 12% 167* “Friends and family always ask my advice on what car they should buy” 14% 8% 175* Read: 67% of female NASCAR fans agree with the statement “I like driving” compared to 56% of female non-fans, a 120 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +20% more likely than female non-fans to agree with the statement “I like driving.” Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

23 Home Improvement Do-It-Yourselfers
Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to engage in home improvements. Home Improvement Projects (past year) Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Engage in home improvements 44% 41% 107* Read: 44% of female NASCAR fans claim to have engaged in home improvements in the past year compared to 41% of female non-fans, a 107 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +7% more likely than female non-fans to engage in home improvements. Among those who engage in home improvements, female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to have done the work themselves or have a household member do the work. Who did the Home Improvements Female NASCAR Fans who Do Home Improvements Female Non-Fans who Do Home Improvements Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Self or other household member 57% 51% 112* Read: Among those who engage in home improvements, 57% of female NASCAR fans claim to have done home improvements themselves or had a member of the household do the work compared to 51% of female non-fans, a 112 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +12% more likely than female non-fans to be home improvement do-it-yourselfers. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

24 Retail Channels Shopped
Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to shop multiple retail channels. Leading Retail Channels Shopped (past month) Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Supermarkets 98% 95% 103* Drugstores 76% 74% Mass retailers 73% 62% 118* Convenience stores 64% 49% 131* Automotive retail stores^ 54% 47% 115* Department stores 50% 102 Dollar stores 36% 139* Wholesale clubs 34% 29% 117* Home furnishing stores 26% 25% 104 Note: The carrot (^) indicates past year results Read: 98% of female NASCAR fans shop at supermarkets compared to 95% of female non-fans, a 103 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +3% more likely than female non-fans to shop at supermarkets. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015). The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

25 Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans
Notice Promotions Female NASCAR fans are more likely than female non-fans to notice various promotions while they shop. Promotions Notice While Shopping Female NASCAR Fans Female Non-Fans Index NASCAR Fans vs. Non-Fans Store brochures / flyers 74% 67% 110* Free standing displays with products 72% 63% 114* Departmental signs / overhead aisle markers 62% 116* Signs on merchandise racks or shelves 70% 111* Promotion or display at end of aisle 59% In-store samples 66% 58% Advertising on floor 57% 52% Message / offers at the shelf In-store demonstrations 55% 48% 115* The internet 106* Computerized information / coupon center 43% 36% 119* Promotion displays without products 41% 37% Lighted merchandise graphics 38% 103 Video monitor displays 35% 30% 117* Advertising on shopping carts 20% 18% 111 Read: 74% of female NASCAR fans claim to refer to store brochures / flyers while shopping compared to 67% of female non-fans, a 110 index. In other words, female NASCAR fans are +10% more likely than female non-fans to notice store brochures / flyers. Source: Simmons National Consumer Survey (Fall Full Year 2015) The asterisk (*) indicates statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.

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