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KUDos: Understand: Do: Know: Reconstruction Era

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1 KUDos: Understand: Do: 1.9.18 Know: Reconstruction Era
SS8H6 Analyze the impact of Reconstruction on Georgia. a. Explain the roles of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments in Reconstruction. b. Explain the key features of the Lincoln, the Johnson, and the Congressional Reconstruction plans. c. Compare and contrast the goals and outcomes of the Freedmen’s Bureau and the Ku Klux Klan. d. Examine reasons for and effects of the removal of African American or Black legislators from the Georgia General Assembly during Reconstruction. e. Give examples of goods and services produced during the Reconstruction Era, including the use of sharecropping and tenant farming. Do: Civil War Review Begin Jigsaw Lesson KUDos:

2 Imagine… “Imagine that you have two sons. Your older son has been bullying and fighting your younger son. The older son says he is upset because the younger son gets more attention. You punish your son, and he responds by running away from home. Before he leaves, he steals $500 from you. What would you do when your son returns? Would you punish him harshly so he won’t do it again, or be lenient with him if he promises not to do it again? Explain your choice.”

3 America, post Civil War? Nearly 600,000 Americans have died, about 1,000,000 casualties Fighting is over, but tensions are rising between North and South Union destroyed every major city in the south including infrastructure Millions of slaves have been freed, changing politics/economics Different perspectives on how harshly to punish the South Confederate banks closed because their money was worthless 20 million dollars in war debt owed

4 Let’s Plan… Think about this Answer this Think on your own
Share with a neighbor Share out with class Let’s Plan… Think about this Answer this Nearly 600,000 Americans have died, about 1,000,000 casualties Fighting is over, but tensions are rising between North and South Union destroyed every major city in the south including infrastructure Millions of slaves have been freed, changing politics/economics Different perspectives on how harshly to punish the South Enabling the Confederate states to rejoin the Union Punishing the appropriate war criminals (deciding what IS a “war criminal”) Repairing a shattered economy in the South and rebuilding its infrastructure Successfully integrating freed slaves into society

5 Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan
Bring the US back together 2 conditions for re-admission: 10% plan: 10% of voters had to pledge allegiance to the United States Agree to the 13th amendment: banned slavery forever Lenient Georgia saw this as an easy plan and vowed to uphold the 13th amendment Readmitted into the Union in 1865

6 KUDos: 1.10.18 Understand: Do: Know: Notes Reconstruction Era
SS8H6 Analyze the impact of Reconstruction on Georgia. a. Explain the roles of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments in Reconstruction. b. Explain the key features of the Lincoln, the Johnson, and the Congressional Reconstruction plans. c. Compare and contrast the goals and outcomes of the Freedmen’s Bureau and the Ku Klux Klan. d. Examine reasons for and effects of the removal of African American or Black legislators from the Georgia General Assembly during Reconstruction. e. Give examples of goods and services produced during the Reconstruction Era, including the use of sharecropping and tenant farming. Do: Jigsaw Lesson Notes

7 Geography Bee Completion
If you were still in the GEO bee, please stand We will complete this really quick I will need to see the class winner during the final activity

8 Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan
His plan would have gone through…but 5 days after Lee’s surrender… Bring the US back together 2 conditions for re-admission: 10% plan: 10% of voters had to pledge allegiance to the United States Agree to the 13th amendment: banned slavery forever Lenient: except with J. Davis Georgia saw this as an easy plan and vowed to uphold the 13th amendment Readmitted into the Union in 1865

9 Killing Lincoln John Wilkes Booth shoots Lincoln in the head on April 14th, 1865 5 days after the official surrender of Lee, ending the Civil War Andrew Johnson became President

10 Jigsaw Lesson Color=home group Number=Expert group
Move to your expert group and become an expert on your ONE topic You may work with the other experts to get the correct information When time is up…move back to your home group to TEACH each other the information Do NOT just copy notes off each others sheet You must TALK to each other I will be walking around, monitoring your TEACHING Ask questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan
Very similar to Lincoln’s plan Wanted to re-unify the country Difference: Rich elite confederates and landowners were not allowed to vote Republicans wanted harsher punishments for the south They impeached Johnson Johnson barely escaped removal of office with a vote of 19-18

12 Congress Reconstruction plan
Black Codes were passed in the South forcing the Republicans to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1866 50% plan: 50% of voters/state had to sign an oath of loyalty. Southern states must pass 14th and 15th amendment Offered the most help to the freedmen Wanted to impeach Johnson for not supporting the Freedmen’s Bureau

13 In partners, put together the puzzle correctly
Recon Plan Puzzle In partners, put together the puzzle correctly This is a race It must be correct 100%

14 New Organizations Outcomes Freedmen’s Bureau
Goals: assist Newly freed slaves and poor whites post Civil-War Helped build schools abd hospitals Supervised labor contracts/legal disputes Successful in the beginning Outcomes Johnson made it difficult for it to suceed It eventually failed It DID create the first public school system for African Americans and poor whites

15 New Organizations Ku Klux Klan 1st terrorists organization in America
1867- Tennessee Loosely governed social club Consisted mostly of Conf veterans 1st terrorists organization in America Many southern whites, angry at being shut out of power resorted to violence, intimidation, and harassment to suppress Republican power Its primary motivation was political (to intimidate and eliminate Republicans and supporter) but also racial (white supremacy) Often, prominent white leaders of the community would be involved (hence the hoods/disguises) U. Grant President Cracked down on KKK Disbanded in 1871

16 Black Legislatures 32 African Americans elected to political positions
Republicans were taking over and providing support to freedmen and poor whites in the South The KKK started intimidating these legislatures They were eventually expelled from office 1868 Constitution called for free general public education in the State of Georgia

17 Sharecropping &Tenant Farmers

18 KUDos: 1.12.18 Understand: Do: Know: Reconstruction Era I am…Who is?
SS8H6 Analyze the impact of Reconstruction on Georgia. a. Explain the roles of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments in Reconstruction. b. Explain the key features of the Lincoln, the Johnson, and the Congressional Reconstruction plans. c. Compare and contrast the goals and outcomes of the Freedmen’s Bureau and the Ku Klux Klan. d. Examine reasons for and effects of the removal of African American or Black legislators from the Georgia General Assembly during Reconstruction. e. Give examples of goods and services produced during the Reconstruction Era, including the use of sharecropping and tenant farming. Do: I am…Who is? Quizlet Live

19 I am, Who is? You will get a card
It is your job to find the person that matches that card You will be the match to someone else’s card Write your person’s name on a sticky note We will review as soon as everyone has found their match. No notes

20 I am, Who is? Reconstruction Acts Carpetbaggers 14th amendment
Southern Democrats Jim Crow Laws Andrew Johnson 10% Plan Freedmen’s Bureau 13th Amendment Poll Taxes Textile Factories Abraham Lincoln Sharecropping KKK Black Codes Literacy Tests Scalawags 15th Amendment Lynching Radical Republicans Tenant Farming Zombie Civil War Appomattox Court House John Wilkes Booth 32 Black Legislatures Freedmen Impeach Debt Jefferson Davis


22 Quizlet Live You will be in partners
You will be responsible for the Quizlet Live We will review the data in class It will cover the words you just “learned”

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