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The Mole–Mass Relationship

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1 The Mole–Mass Relationship
10.2 The Mole–Mass Relationship The Mole–Mass Relationship How do you convert the mass of a substance to the number of moles of the substance?

2 The Mole–Mass Relationship
10.2 The Mole–Mass Relationship Use the molar mass of an element or compound to convert between the mass of a substance and the moles of a substance.

3 10.5 These aluminum satellite dishes at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory near Soccoro, New Mexico are naturally protected from corrosion by the formation of a thin film of aluminum oxide (Al2O3).


5 for Sample Problem 10.5

6 10.6 Rust weakens an iron chain.


8 Worksheet grams to moles
for Sample Problem 10.6 Worksheet grams to moles


10 The Mole–Volume Relationship
10.2 The Mole–Volume Relationship The Mole–Volume Relationship What is the volume of a gas at STP?

11 The Mole–Volume Relationship
10.2 The Mole–Volume Relationship Avogadro’s hypothesis states that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of particles. In each container, the volume occupied by the gas molecules is small compared with the container’s volume, so the molecules are not tightly packed. a) The molecules in this container are small. b) This container can accommodate the same number of larger molecules.

12 The Mole–Volume Relationship
10.2 The Mole–Volume Relationship The volume of a gas varies with temperature and pressure. Because of these variations, the volume of a gas is usually measured at a standard temperature and pressure. Standard temperature and pressure (STP) means a temperature of 0°C and a pressure of kPa, or 1 atmosphere (atm).

13 The Mole–Volume Relationship
10.2 The Mole–Volume Relationship At STP, 1 mol or, 6.02  1023 representative particles, of any gas occupies a volume of L. The quantity 22.4 L is called the molar volume of a gas. This box, with a volume of 22.4 L, holds one mole of gas at STP.

14 The Mole–Volume Relationship
10.2 The Mole–Volume Relationship Calculating Volume at STP

15 10.7

16 for Sample Problem 10.7


18 The Mole–Volume Relationship
10.2 The Mole–Volume Relationship Calculating Molar Mass from Density

19 10.8

20 for Sample Problem 10.8

21 page 303 # 24-31 Worksheet 1-5

22 10.2 The Mole Road Map The map shows the conversion factors needed to convert among volume, mass, and number of particles. Interpreting Diagrams How many conversion factors are needed to convert from the mass of a gas to the volume of a gas at STP?

23 10.2 The Mole Road Map The map shows the conversion factors needed to convert among volume, mass, and number of particles. Interpreting Diagrams How many conversion factors are needed to convert from the mass of a gas to the volume of a gas at STP?

24 10.2 The Mole Road Map The map shows the conversion factors needed to convert among volume, mass, and number of particles. Interpreting Diagrams How many conversion factors are needed to convert from the mass of a gas to the volume of a gas at STP?

25 The Mole Road Map 10.2 The Mole Road Map
The map shows the conversion factors needed to convert among volume, mass, and number of particles. Interpreting Diagrams How many conversion factors are needed to convert from the mass of a gas to the volume of a gas at STP?

26 The Mole Road Map 10.2 The Mole Road Map
The map shows the conversion factors needed to convert among volume, mass, and number of particles. Interpreting Diagrams How many conversion factors are needed to convert from the mass of a gas to the volume of a gas at STP?



29 Complete Q# 20 & 21 p 301 Q# p 302 Then get the assigned worksheet

30 Assignment/ homework Worksheet Molar volume / molar mass 1-5 Section review 10.2 # p 303


32 Assignment / homework Finish the Molar Volume/Molar mass sheet Complete the Mole conversion worksheet

33 10.2 Section Quiz. 1. Calculate the mass in grams of a sample containing 1.85 x 1034 molecules of water. 3.07 x 1010 g 5.53 x 1011 g 188 g 8.46 x 103 g

34 10.2 Section Quiz. 2. Calculate the number of moles in a spoonful of table sugar (C12H22O11) having a mass of g. 32.6 mol 3.59  103 mol 3.07  10–3 mol 1.85  1022 mol

35 10.2 Section Quiz. 3. What is the volume of 0.35 mol of oxygen gas at STP? 32 L 64 L 7.8 L 16 L


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