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Presentation on theme: "Totalitarianism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Totalitarianism

2 What is it? A government that takes total control over every aspect of public AND private life. People give up liberty for a sense of security. Need a dynamic leader to pull it off Stalin Mao Hitler

3 What you need to make a Totalitarian State Work
Police Terror Violence and terror keep people in line. The secret police ENFORCE policy NOT protect citizens and catch criminals. Spy on citizens

4 Instruction in government beliefs Glorify the leader
Indoctrination Instruction in government beliefs Glorify the leader And his ideas Begins with the young Schools are key Ex Hitler Youth

5 Propaganda and Censorship
Used to sway people Must have control of ALL media to make it work. The goal  present false information as the truth. Anyone who tries to call the government out must be dealt with harshly prison or a bullet


7 Persecution Usually ethnic or religious
You need someone to blame when things go wrong. Need to be identifiable Live in certain places Follow “special” laws

8 Police Terror Indoctrination Propaganda Persecution

9 Case Study- Stalinist Russia
The KGB (secret police) Kept tabs on EVERYONE Tap phones, read mail, random arrests and interrogations/ forced confessions. Arrest LOTS of people send them to the gulag (labor camp) Or shoot them

10 Vasili Blokhin (KGB Executioner)
Once shot 7,000 Polish prisoners in 28 Days Nikolai Yezhov (head of the KGB in the 1930’s)

11 Propaganda and Censorship
Stalin’s government controlled: Newspapers, movies, radio, and other sources of info. All Stalin, all the time Everything was a success, all policies were great, Stalin was awesome, etc, etc, etc…


13 The communist party controlled ALL schools
Education & Indoctrination The communist party controlled ALL schools ANY teacher or professor who challenged the Party view was arrested. Ex. – Stalin wasn’t in St. Petersburg for the start of the October Revolution(true by the way)? OFF TO THE GULAG 10 – 15 years.

14 Communists don’t like religion
“Opiate of the masses” Russian Orthodox church pegged as the “bad guy”. Stalin especially hated churches – many torn down during is regime


16 Stalin and the Economy Stalin saw that Russia was behind the rest of the world Wanted to catch up quick His solution was a COMMAND ECONOMY Government makes all of the economic decisions. Stalin’s idea  Five Year Plans Set impossible goals for industrialization Two ways to reach the goals Don’t make as many consumer goods Lie about the figures. In the end it worked (sort of) Production increased but numbers not met

17 Stalin and Agriculture
1928 Stalin decides to collectivize farms big government farms People forced off their land Produce more but it is mismanaged from the start Widespread famine (food shortage) Results in the death of 5 – 10 million people.


19 In-Class Project (3-5 per group)
Write our leaders “myth” (extended writing) Humble Beginnings, Triumph over Adversity, Victory Who is the “Enemy of the State” (extended writing)? Flag of the State (large posters) Propaganda poster of our leader (large poster) Poster of what the ideal society will look like (extended writing or large poster)

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