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Presentation on theme: "SUICIDE BOMBING A NEW KIND OF TERRORISM ?"— Presentation transcript:

by Dmitri Govorov

2 SUICIDE BOMBING What is suicide bombing? Historic review
Legal approval? Reasoning of suicide bomber Female suicide bombers Typical suicide bomber Support for suicide bombers How it works Fighting suicide bombers

3 What is suicide bombing?
Form of terrorism Asymmetric warfare Willingly Own death Death of enemies


5 The ends of a suicide bomber
political tactic opposition to enemy forces desperation to third parties against civilian targets fear

6 Historic review Islamic Order of Assassins
Robespierre and French Revolution Russia (Lenin) World War II (Japanese kamikaze) Cambodia (Pol Pot) Iran (Khomeini) Turkey (Kurdistan Workers Party) Sri-Lanka (Tamil Tigers) Palestine (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade) September 11 Chechnya

7 Statistics

8 Chechenyan suicide bombers
over 10 attacks scores wounded and over 100 Russian soldiers and police officers killed July First attacks against civilians in Moscow

9 Legal approval? Against soldiers: Approved by international law
Hague International Convention of 1907 Nuremberg Tribunal Against civilians: Palestinians: no such thing as an Israeli civilian More examples: When Britain and America could not kill enemy soldiers on the battlefield they killed their families from the air.

10 Reasoning of suicide bomber
Crazed cowards? Research: no psychopathology; reasonable; well-off economically and educationally.

11 Reasoning of suicide bomber
deep grievance (killed friend or a member of family) suffering from historical injustice the only method to fight enemy loyal to intimate group of peers

12 Female suicide bombers
New phenomenon Obstacles to training women as bombers Rigid social norms not permitted to show their bodies to men

13 Typical suicide bomber
Example: Palestine

14 Support for suicide bombers
Family Society Religion Economic support

15 Support for suicide bombers Family
Parents of a child that killed himself and others, seem happy, proud, and - should the opportunity present itself - ready to send another child off to the afterlife.


17 Support for suicide bombers Society
70% to 80% of Palestinians support suicide bombing “matryrdom operations” Military summer camps for children Streets, hospitals, babies and children's events named after martyrs marches and celebrations after attacks


19 Support for suicide bombers
Religion by blowing themselves up in a crowd, they are forging their own gateway to heaven Economic support $25,000 for relatives of suicide bombers

20 Preparing suicide attack
highly communitarian enterprise parents of recruits often do not know undergo months of indoctrination to prepare for attacks loyalty to group believe in mission from God expect rewards in the afterlife waiting lists of militants good knowledge of Israeli roads, cities and landmarks – many had jobs in Israel (no visible border between Israel and the West Bank) explosives strapped around the waist

21 Choosing target look for a spot to cause more deaths
favorite targets: crowded buses, cafes, outdoor markets final prayer when zero hour approaches bombers instructed to write or videotape final testimony

22 Fighting suicide bombers
difficult to combat Palestinian suicide bombers are a mirror image of the Israeli policy harsh reaction Israeli raids on refugee camps give suicide bombers propaganda victory difficult to assess results

23 Methods to combat suicide bombing
target the community or organization suicide bomber came from put a fence Palestinian and Israeli populations to be separated shutting down Israeli settlements in West Bank and Gaza creating buffer zone between two populations address grievances and humiliations the Palestinians suffer



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