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The collapse of the ottoman empire

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1 The collapse of the ottoman empire

2 The Ottoman Empire and china
Like China, the Islamic world was a successful civilization Like China, they looked down on Europeans The “infidels” or “barbarians” Like China, they clashed violently with the West in the 19th century.

3 Unlike china . . . Ottoman Empire bordered Europe
It governed parts of Europe The Balkans A military and religious threat to Europe

4 Precarious sovereignty
Neither the Ottomans nor the Chinese fell under direct colonial rule. Both were diminished by European aggression Both tried to modernize to preserve their independence Both experienced internal divisions Traditionalists vs. modernizers

5 Ottoman Empire in 1750 The dominant power in the Islamic world.
“The strong sword of Islam.” A very large empire Incorporated millions of Christians The Sultan – leader of the Islamic World Defender of the Holy Cities Protector of Pilgrims – Mecca Successor to the Prophet Muhammad

6 Ottoman Empire in 1900 The Sick Man of Europe”
No longer an equal to Europe No longer able to prevent the spread of Christianity India, Indonesia, West Africa, Central Asia

7 The shrinking ottoman empire
Russia, Britain, Austria, France take chunks of the empire Napoleon takes Egypt Later Egypt became virtually independent Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania win independence Nationalism

8 Ottoman Central state grows weaker
It had trouble raising revenue from its provinces It had a growing debt (to Europeans) – bankruptcy It’s military was no longer a great fighting force It’s weaponry inferior to that of the West Sultan Abdul Hamid II (r )

9 How did the ottomans lose economic power?
❶ Europeans achieved direct oceanic access to Asia ❷ Cheap European manufactured goods flooded Ottoman markets ❸ Unequal and bad trade agreements

10 Modernization Leaders try “defensive modernization”
Reorganize and update the army Using European advisers and techniques. Late 18th century Traditionalists strongly object to these reforms Religious and institutional grounds Traditionalists prevent their implementation

11 Modernization and westernization
Mid 19th century Opened factories to produce cloth, paper, and armaments Modernized mining operations Reclaimed and resettled agricultural land Modernized communication and transportation networks Telegraphs, steamships, and railroads Established a modern postal service Adopted western-style law codes and courts Opened new elementary and secondary schools

12 Reforms challenge Islamic character
Non-Muslims were given equal rights Christians appointed to high office. Secular laws were enacted Secular schools were opened Women gained some access to education Women played active role in cultural events

13 The young ottomans “Young Ottomans” leading supporters of reform Many had modern Western-style education A new class that emerged from the tanzimat itself ❦ lower-level officials ❦ military officers ❦ writers, poets, and journalists Namık Kemal (1840–1888)

14 The young ottomans I Islamic Modernism
Islamic Modernism Limiting the power of the Sultan Parliamentary and constitutional regimes Muslims must embrace science and technology Rejecting materialism 1876 – Sultan accepts constitution & parliament 1877 – 78 – Russo-Turkish War Sultan suspends reforms Sultan reverts to old style despotic rule Ibrahim Şinasi (1826–1871)

15 The Young Turks Military and civilian elites Opposition of Sultan’s despotism Ottoman Empire as a Turkish national state. Advocate modernization Abandon references to Islam Advocate a militantly secular public life seize power in a military coup Secularization schools, courts, and law codes Democratic, multi-party elections Turkish as the official language of the empire

16 World War I Turkish nationalism antagonized non-Turkic peoples
Great Britain exploits Arab nationalism T.E. Lawrence World War I went badly for the Ottoman empire Invaded by European powers A revolt by the Arabs 1918, Ottoman empire essentially dead

17 Post World War I Mustafa Kemal Atatürk takes power (1923) “The father of modern Turkey” An ultra-nationalist Turkish leader Establishes a purely Turkish state. Modernizing, secularizing, and westernizing

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